Party Goers 15 Page 17

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Pages in Party Goers 15
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Author: Yoshiman[edit]

Meanwhile, during the party, Fuzzball is handing out party favors--grenades.

FB: Here you go.

Business Man: This doesn't have the pin in it.

FB: It don't? I'll take it back.

*Throws into the orchestra pit*

Author: Sapphire[edit]

Sapphire: ...Golem. So you succeeded in bringing back your 'messiah of parties', Professor.

Ditto: You may have attempted to out-do me with a slight change in plans, but I couldn't let my half go unfinished.

Sapphire: Well, anyway, the MewTwo was only a mere diversion.

Ditto: Diversion? You mentioned having something else up your sleeve...

Sapphire: Yes. Something far more, well, intriguing. We may have revived the series, and the star, and the party, but that's exactly what I wanted. The perfect set up.

*eyes MagiKoopa angrily*

Sapphire: And for all my work, for it all to have failed... There's only one thing left for me to do.

Ditto: What are you talking about? We're here, and we made this party come alive. Let's enjoy it.

*he doesn't notice the faraway look in her eyes*


MagiKoopa: Can we finish them off now?

Birdo: No! We still have tons of things to do.

Magikoopa: Grrr.

Yoshiman: This is a cool party!

Mr. Predict: My migraine is cured!

Vorpal: I suppose that's good. So, what do we do now?

Yoshiman: Eat!

Mr. P: But that's what we've been doing, fool!

Golem: Let's LIMBO!


Sapphire: Look at them.

Ditto: Being for the greater good does have it's good points. It's nice to see them enjoying themselves again.

Sapphire: That's not what I meant.

Author: Vorpal[edit]

Vorpal: Man, now I just a run-of-the-mill character like Yoshiman. Why can't I have any interesting parts anymore?

YM: Shut up! you're ruining the party experience!

Vorpal: But, I . . .

Everyone: SHUT UP!

Vorpal: Has anyone noticed that meteor other than myself? Cause it's getting really close and . . .

Everyone: Stop ruining the party atmosphere!

Vorpal: Rrrr! *orcheastra blows up* Listen to me!

Everyone: Woah!

Ditto: There seems to be a disturbance being caused by that Vorpal. He's always causing trouble.

Saph: This is the perfect chance . . .

Author: Masamune[edit]

*Masamune suddenly jumps up, grabs Ditto from the back and holds a super soaker to his head*

Masamune: Don't move... or he'll get a nasty waxy buildup...

Vorpal: What the---

*Dodo looks at Vorpal*

Dodo: Wait... your not Masa! My cue! I forgot my cue!

Masamune: How could you forget your cue! *throws super soaker down* Now it's all ruined!

*Rapheal Raven suddenly runs out with a super soaker pointed at Sapphire, looks around, sees Masamune without his squirt gun and drops his own*

Rapheal: What? What happened!?

Masamune: Somebody forgot his cue! *glances at Dodo angrily*


Dargo: *uses Guiseppe energy to adopt Sapphire form with all her powers, abilities and the like* Ok... *looks down, sees Masamune, Dodo and Rapheal arguing* Great! There goes the plan...


Murasame: Hoo ha ha ha ha ha.... whew... how long is this Meteor going to take?


Ditto: *shakes head* This is ridiculous!

Yoshiman: Yeah, but a water gun fight sounds very fun right about now!

Author: Golem[edit]

Vorpal: IT'S GETTING CLOSER!!! ~waves arms furiously~

Golem: Shut up and chill out!

~Vorpal walks over to Golem with a calm look of anger on his face, grabs Golem, and blaséily(???) points Golem's head towards the meteor.~

Golem: Aaaah! ~falls over and drags down Vorpal with himself~ What do we do?

Vorpal: What you guys did in Party Goers 12! Errrr, what did you do?

Golem: We defeated Evil Ditto's Evil Goers!

Vorpal: >:O

Author: Yoshiman[edit]

Vorpal: Acutally, they were the "Party Crashers" and I sorta died.

YM: Again!

Vorpal: But. . .

YM: If we want to recreate the scene, we need Wrange Tirk here with his Decanter of Endless Water, pointed at Masamune.

Masa: What?

WT: *Crashing through the window at just the right time* EAAAAAHHH!

Masa: AAH!

WT: *Uncorks top* HERE WE GO AGAIN!

*Masa is blown away*

*Wrange Tirk is blown away*

Vorpal: That wasn't nessecery.

Author: Golem[edit]

Golem: As I recall Sgt. Flutter turned into a Yoshi using a fairy. Uhhhhh... We have a clown!

YM: ~sigh~ I suppose I'll use one of my crazy inventions if need be... ~runs back-stage, and a grappling hook shooting out from behind the curtains just barely reaches far enough to puncture and stay in the meteor~

Vorpal: Is that even physically possible?

Author: Sapphire[edit]

Masamune: Hey! No way!

Vorpal: Man, somethins' gone wrong.

Sapphire: *ahem* No "quick-fixin' machines" will be necessary at this party. And no "clowns" either. *frowns* This has gone too far.

YM: But I just saved the party!

Masamune: Grr...

Ditto: Are you feeling all right, Saph?

Sapphire: It's such a shame, that it all has to end so soon, when you are all encircled in such bliss. I have to say this has been one of my favorite stories.

Vorpal: [to Ditto] She's making it seem as if it's something in the past tense... but that would just be too weird...

Golem: Normally, at this part of the speech, the narrator would blow her hat away or something.

Narrator: A gust of wind--

Vorpal: Where did he come from?

Birdo: *to MagiKoopa* Get ready...

Using her remote control, Sapphire pilots the sub overhead and grabs on to a decending hookshot which promptly changes direction.

Sapphire: Y'see, it's like this. Yoshiman's "crazy invention" will stop working in a matter of minutes. In fact, I have brought along a special 'party favor' to ensure that it goes out with a bang~!

All: O_O

Ditto: I thought that you were for the greater good!

Vorpal: Is she nuts? She'll get us all killed!

Sapphire: The greater good? I was for it once. *pauses* And I really did enjoy myself. But enough of that. Here Golem, catch.

She throws a package towards Golem, who catches it.

Golem: What's this?!

Sapphire: A present to celebrate your recent reincarnation. Don't open it 'till I'm out of here. But, any last words?

Mr. Predict: She IS going to kill us all!

Masamune: Hey, that's not right, I'm the only one who's going to do any 'killing' around here!

All: *sweat*

Dodo: You missed the boat, master...

MagiKoopa: Now hold it just a minute! If anyone wants right's to blowing up this story, it'll be me!

Vorpal: Oh stay out of this 'Koop. You aready have.

MagiKoopa: *rolls his eyes*

Yoshiman: Last words....hmm...can I have some more of that chinese food?

Author: Masamune[edit]

Murasame: Those little punks! *uses some plot hole to make Parteor keep falling again*


Vorpal: Its... back!

Masamune: *sigh*

*The Meteor suddenly begins to shine, knocks off rock exterior and becomes the largest Disco Ball known to man*

Ditto: Whoa...

*Murasame leaps in building*

Murasame: Hoo ha! It's a shame Saph had to miss it, ah well... her loss. But to behold my masterpeice... A MASTERPEICE OF WONDER A BEAUTY!

Vorpal: Wow...

Yoshiman: Well, come on people! Let's party!

Dodo: My expert advice on such a unusual change in direcion would be 'Party On'.

Masamune: Brilliant deduction my dear Dr. Dodo!

Ditto: Well, Partying would be nice, but isn't Saph obsessed with killing us all?

Masamune: Ahh, dinnae worry ye little head about it laddie. The wee lass will get over ti and come to 'er senses.

Golem: What did he say?

Masamune: Vat is zere to qvorry about? She iz not zee type to kill, bezides! I haven't even uzed any super power in zis episode. I'll use zat and stop her, no?

Magikoopa: I'm lost....

Masamune: Quite simply, she'll get over it. Let's have fun... and if SHE DOES do something... well I have my superpowers I haven't even used this episode!

All: Ohh... yay...

Author: Yoshiman[edit]

YM: I dont think so. Hey! I forgot to initiate the electrical shock switch on my machine! And the incenerator and grenade launcher. . .

Mr. P: Too late.

Saph: *Starts to walk out the door* I'll be seeing you. . . *whispers* all over the place.

*Suddenly someone stops her at the door*

Fuzzball: *Hold uzi up to Saph* Now this party won't be any fun unless *I* kill someone, do I make myself clear?

Saph: MOVE IT! *Kicks Fuzz in the shins*

Fuzz: Oh, come on! I've been rejected by so many women I know exactly what to do. *Lifts pant legs, revealing a titanium shingaurd* Now slowly back away. . .

Author: Golem[edit]

Golem: Now for me to open up the box...

YM: What's inside?

Golem: I'm not telling. Someone else can write in a better gift.

Mr. P.: Dang, Saph ruined another quick-fix. And how was that evil meteor a disco ball?

YM: What do we do now? Every plot twist has been exhausted.

Fuzzball: CHEEZE!!!

YM and Mr. P.: Uh-oh.

Author: Sapphire[edit]

Saph was not on the ground, she was going up to her flying Sub holding on to a rope.

Ditto: I wouldn't open that box if I were you.

Golem: Why not?

Ditto: For the sake of partyness, DO NOT OPEN THE BOX!

Golem: Um, okay. *Opens the box to reveal...*

Magikoopa: ...A BOMBINATOR?!

All: O_O

Ditto: Oh, now I understand. Her entire mission was to get us all here to...

Sapphire: ...end the story once and for all *pushes fuzzball away and jumps up to grab the rope* You fools!

Masamune: Wait a minute here! Are you saying that you've only brought us here to kill us?

Sapphire: *pulls bruim of hat over her eyes* Well no...not exactly. But certain events have led me to change my mind.

Golem: When does this thing go off?

Sapphire: Oh, that would be telling. That's a surprise.

Vorpal: Wouldn't it be a good idea to exit the scene now?

Yoshiman: Good point!

Mr. Predict: There is no way out. All the windows have bars, all the doors are locked.

All: O_O

Sapphire: Coming Ditto? Are am I leaving on my own?

Author: Masamune[edit]

Masamune: Hmm... wait, I have a perfectly good explanation for getting rid of Bombinator without a pointless plot Device!

Everyone: Yay!

Masamune: Ok... now where did I put that Chupon... there he is! Chupon! Sneeze!

Chupon: Achooo!!!!

Ultros: Don't tease the octupus kids!

*Bombinator flies off through a window into the sub as Ditto and Saph are boarding*

Golem: How do you explain that as not a pointless plot device?

Masamune: *leans over* Just edit one of my old post to include them near the beggining, clever eh?

Yoshiman: Well... it seems we exhausted THAT threat...

*in sub*

Ditto: You did make another Bombinator?

Sapphire: Yes, it's planted in the punch bowl... of course we have to find where that other bombinator is.

Ditto: How lng we got?

*A counter appears overhead and they switch to RPG format*

Sapphire: Only Five minutes! Let's go!

Ditto: Theres no monsters or Randon encounters on the sub right?

Sapphire: Yeah, why?


Author: Golem[edit]

YM: If someone tried to spike the punch, they failed. A foot long oval cyndicular black thing with a wick isn't going to... hey! I think that's a BOMBINATOR!

Masa: What gave it away, Holmes?!

Vorpal: How is it staying lit?

Golem: Greek fire.

Mr. P.: Even Greek fire can't withstand being totally submerged in water.

Golem: Special Greek fire.

Author: Vorpal[edit]

Okay, now I'm confused, it all started when Masamune thought Yoshiman got rid of Parteor (but didn't if you read it) and then everything gets crazy and no one realizes where any one is and don't understand the story.