Holy Plot Device (Reverb)

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The Holy Plot Device (Reverb) is a powerful plot device capable of granting any wish, but it can only be used by someone with an OG Soul. It has authority over all other plot devices. It is also one of the Seven Wonders of the OGing World. There is also the Holy Plot Device (Echo), a weakened copy that only temporarily grants wishes.

In Member OG, it is found and BanLand and is sought because it is the only way the OGers think they can defeat Lupus. The OG Six find it by a shrine there and battle Lupus to access it. Yami Yoshi is able to escape the battle and use a wish on the plot device to banish Lupus to Hell. However, this wish is undone in Member OG 2: The Jewel Heist when Gamechamp revives Lupus with the Ruby of Sephnito, another of the seven wonders.

After the initial defat of Lupus, Introbulus takes the Holy Plot Device (Reverb) and hides it away safely. However, Akujin later acquires it and then seeks someone with an OG Soul to use it. For this purpose, he seduces Black Skull Dragoshi to the dark side. At one point, Dark Jim attempts to use the Holy Plot Device (Reverb) with Jim's soul, but he is wiped out by Akujin. Dragoshi eventually enters the Holy Plot Device (Reverb), but the device turns him good again. He uses a wish to restore the recently-destroyed Earth and then winds up on the lam from Fusion.

In Member OG 7: Neogenesis, Black Skull Dragoshi was able to transfer his soul into the Holy Plot Device (Reverb) after he was killed and then used a wish to teleport all the OGers to America, saving them from being destroyed by a rush of lava. However, a combination of BSD's soul and the wish causes the Holy Plot Device (Reverb) to become broken. Fusion later finds it and takes it away for safe-keeping. Even though it is broken, Fusion is able to use the Holy Plot Device (Reverb) as a power ampliphier to battle Eerie II in Member OG 8: This Title is irrelevant. Black Skull Dragoshi's soul is later seperated from the Holy Plot Device (Reverb) after he is revived by the stone of regression in Member OG 10: Full Circle.


The canonical spelling is with parenthesis TILDES ARE THE DEVIL'S PLAYTHINGS