Member OG 4 Page 1

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Pages in the Member OG 4 Archive
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Episode 1: "The Quest Begins!!!! Dark GORE?!!!!" by GORE-ILLA

GORE-ILLA swiftly gides through a beautiful forest. He scans his surroundings swiftly, shakes his head, and exits the forest to meet with his long-forgotten plot device, PL-0TT.

GORE: Nothing in the Idej Forest. Where to next?

PL: Well, there's only one place left you haven't searched related to the word Idej. Idej Volcano Mountain.

GORE gasped, having heard many bad things about that place. For those of you who don't remember, Idej is a word connected with GORE's past somehow, which he remembered when he first touche that sword he discovere on The Flying Monkey last time.

PL: Its a very dangerous journey there. Idej Volcano Mountain is in the middle of a triangular group of islands near were Bermuda used to be - the only islands to survive Lupus's weapon. First you must cross the monster-infested shore at the border between the Eastern and Western Hemispheres - Lava Shore. Then you must cross the lava ocean while avoiding more monsters and pirates, which will probably take about nine pages. finally, you must gather several artifacts on the islands to access the volcano. In short, there's no way you can do it alone.

GORE: Alright. I'll have to get the others - and I know just how. (takes out a labtop, types the word and clicks "Go".)

  • Elsewhere on The Flying Monkey.*

EVIL Scientist Dude stands over a table. A hulking form stands upright. It's giant, with a glowing red right eye, in the shape of a gorilla, and a blood-red sword is where its arm should be.

Mecha Dark GORE: Yes! Alive at last!

EVIL Scientist Dude: Perfect! Your shell is made of the galaxy's strongest material that can absorb special attacks.And since the material is mostly organic, Introbulus's metal powers will have no effect. And if by chance one of your appendages is destroyed, it will instantly reassemble.

Mecha Dark GORE: Excellant. Team Monkey assemble!

Ol Bessie: Moo!

Mousse: Ya, man!

Bullwinkle: (smoking a cigeratte) Bullwinkle likes cheese.

Diskun: I don't have any catchphrases.

EVIL Scientist Dude: Our sources tell us GORE is heading for Japan, and his friends are also approaching it from other directions.

Dark GORE: Alright. Set course for Japan!

  • elsewhere in Tokyo...*

GORE: Here we are, PL. If the others got my message, they should meet with me shortly. I just hope those villains stay out of our hair until we can get out of here.

  • In the Koopahari Desert, a figure rides a golden shell over the sand dunes.*

Koopa: Next stop: Japan!

  • Inside a spaceship leaving Mystery....*

Lupus: Next stop: Japan!

To Be Continued...

[ April 18, 2003, 07:26 PM: Message edited by: GORE-ILLA Will Start VGFMOG 4 ] Addicted Since: Apr 2001 | IP: Logged Rhyk the Golem Cyborg Cheapskate Member # 638

posted April 20, 2003 08:48 AM Profile for Rhyk the Golem Cyborg Email Rhyk the Golem Cyborg Send New Private Message Edit/Delete Post Reply With Quote Episode 2: Mind Cr4xx0rz

GORE closed his laptop, having given everyone the message to meet at a certain restaurant in Japan. He and PL-0TT started out for Japan.

Suddenly, a weird feeling came over GORE, and he almost fell. Then it went away as soon as it came. Gripping the back of his head with his real arm, GORE turned around to see...

Masamune, Vorpal, Golem, Luigi of the Pipes, Ditto, LZN, Sapphire, and MagiKoopa: Hey. [Big Grin]

GORE: WAH! You--you--wait a second--

PL: ~turns around, sees nothing~ What is it?

GORE: ~looks to PL-0TT~ Don't you see them?! The OG Vets!

PL: ~turns to reader~ Lupus' loyal band of those who were heroes 15 years ago.

Reader: ~shrugs~

Saph: Only you can see us, GORE.

Ditto: It's not really us. We're the lost souls of the OG Vets.

GORE: Yeah, yeah, why come to me? You want your inheritence and don't want Dark GORE or Gamechamp getting it?

PL: ~turns to reader~ This is gonna be a while.

Reader: ~catches up on tan~

LotP: Lupus has had control over us for 15 years. But, ever since he died at the end of VGF Member OG 1, we've been adrift in this,... Plane of being, I guess.

Golem: We need your help to restore us to our selves from over a decade ago!

GORE: Gee, I'd LOVE to, but I'm not exactly free right now!

Masa: Looks like you're stuck with us anyway.

Magi: Hey, we picked you for a reason, too!


Vorpal: Oh, yeah, that's right! I guess we can help you, too.

LZN: Focus us into your bionic appendages and we'll strengthen the blow!

GORE: Just how do I do that?!

Ditto: Just try it! Oh, but only when you need it! You can do some serious unwanted damage if you're not careful...!

GORE: Thanks, that's all good and well, but you do realize I have no clue how to help you all, right?

Saph: Oh, I think you do. You just don't remember it... yet.

GORE: [Eek!] What do you know?!

Golem: To Japan it is, then.

GORE: No, that's not--GRR! Fine, but you make one slip-up and I'll know you're REALLY still loyal to Lupus! Addicted Since: Dec 1999 | IP: Logged Yami Yoshi Ongoing Story Mod Member # 7395

posted April 21, 2003 06:47 PM Profile for Yami Yoshi Email Yami Yoshi Send New Private Message Edit/Delete Post Reply With Quote Episode 3: You've Got Mail!

On Yoshi Island inside Yami Yoshi's house...

Yami Yoshi: Hey! We have an e-mail from!

Pharaoh: That's GORE. What does he want?

Yami Yoshi: It says: Meet me at the Starving Sumo in downtown Tokyo A.S.A.P. Let's go! He might need our help...

Pharaoh: Fine...Get the Blue Shells. I don't feel like swimming today.

  • Yami Yoshi pulls two Blue Koopa Troopa Shells from the cupboard. The two Yoshis swallow the shells and sprout wings*

Yami Yoshi: Let's go!

  • Yami Yoshi and the Pharaoh fly towards Tokyo*

Meanwhile on the Evil Scientist Dude's spaceship...

Operator: We shall land in approximately 5 minutes...

Dark GORE: At last...I shall finally get revenge on GORE. This time, he won't stand a chance against me!

Meanwhile at the Starving Sumo...

PL: Who were you talking to?

GORE: one...

Yami Yoshi: Hey GORE!

  • Yami Yoshi and the Pharaoh walk into the restaurant*

Pharaoh: What do you want?

GORE: I am trying to restore my memory to my past. The word "Ideji" is somehow connected to it so I'm going to travel to the Ideji Volcano Mountain to search for answers. The journey will not be an easy one so I'll need the assistance of all of the OGers...Will you help me?

Yami Yoshi: Sure! We can always use an adventure!

  • Suddenly a loud crashing noise is heard outside*

Pharaoh: What the hell was that?

Yami Yoshi: Let's go look! Addicted Since: Jul 2001 | IP: Logged Fred_In_Bed spoiled it. He did. Cheapskate Member # 9922

posted April 21, 2003 06:57 PM Profile for Fred_In_Bed spoiled it. He did. Email Fred_In_Bed spoiled it. He did. Send New Private Message Edit/Delete Post Reply With Quote (Just then, DARK GORE appears and banshes a waiter to his side)

DARK GORE: Hello, GORE. Fancy meeting you again.

GORE: I thought you had died.

DARK GORE: That was true, but alas, I have been rebuilt. Watch my super-happy-happy-japanese Robot morphing shift phase thingee.

(Pull! Yoink! rkk! Sploit! Gombo!)

MECHA DARK GORE: Haha, I am just a bit bigger.

GORE: Ah... yikes... (MDG is twice his size)

MDG: Yikes is right. There is no way that you, even with your friends here, can win.

(MDG attacks GORE with a missle, sending GORE into a shelf. A Jar full of Jars lands on GORE, just to punish him some more. Pharoh kicks MDG, but MDG uses his huge metalic fist to bat him away, into GORE. YY throws an egg, which fazes MDG, and jump kicks him. MDG flies into a table, but gets back up and clobbers YY into the ground, quite literally. GORE jumps back up and grabs MDG's huge fist, throwing it to the ground. The shift of weight forces MDG on his side, but MDG throws a kick that gets GORE and Pharoh, who was throwing a punch)

GORE: Ouch... This guy is tough. Even 3-1 and he's barely budging.

YY: Where is my blood?

(Suddenly, Fred appears from nowhere)

Fred: What going on?

YY: What are you doing here?

Fred: Eating, like everyone else. What be huge Ape thing?

GORE: DARK GORE, back with a vengance.

DARK GORE: Alright, this is going to end... huahahahah! Addicted Since: May 2002 | IP: Logged Yami Yoshi Ongoing Story Mod Member # 7395

posted April 21, 2003 07:54 PM Profile for Yami Yoshi Email Yami Yoshi Send New Private Message Edit/Delete Post Reply With Quote OoC: Is it just me or does this OG seem slower than the other 3?

Episode 5: Return of the Absorption Egg

Yami Yoshi: Dark Egg!

  • Yami Yoshi throws another Dark Egg at Dark GORE*

Dark GORE: Dark Monkey Missile!

  • Dark GORE fires a missile from his chest that destroys the Dark Egg and slams into Yami Yoshi causing him to fly face-first into a bowl of wasabi*

Yami Yoshi: Yeouch! It burns! It burns!

Fred: Take this! Bowl of Soup Throw!

  • Fred throws a bowl of misosoup at Dark GORE. The bowl crashes into Dark GORE's head causing his circuits to malfunction*

Dark GORE: Argh! Cannot...move!

Fred: Yami! Use the Absorption Egg!

Yami Yoshi: Right! ABSORPTION EGG!

  • Yami Yoshi creates an Absorption Egg*

Yami Yoshi: Dark Egg!

Pharaoh: Dark Egg!


Fred: Waffle Throw!

  • All of the attacks are absorbed by the Absorption Egg*


  • Yami Yoshi hurls the Absorption Egg at Dark GORE*


  • Dark GORE's body explodes scattering his mechanical body parts everywhere*

Pharaoh: Ha! That was sure easy!

Dark GORE's Voice: I wouldn't celebrate yet if I were you...

Yami Yoshi: What the hell?

Narrator: What has happened to Dark GORE? Is he still alive? Find out in the next episode!

[ April 21, 2003, 11:10 PM: Message edited by: Yami Yoshi ] Addicted Since: Jul 2001 | IP: Logged Introbulus Cheapskate Member # 10693

posted April 21, 2003 08:13 PM Profile for Introbulus Email Introbulus Send New Private Message Edit/Delete Post Reply With Quote OOC: Ah yes, Gore's mysterious past! Sounds like a good start to a great OGS! Episode 6: Right on Time!

(Dark Gore's remains gather together into his former state, and in a matter of milliseconds, he is in perfect condition again!)

Dark Gore: Ha! You thought you could kill me with such a weak onslaught? I am indestructable! Now, prepair to fell my wrath!

(Dark Gore begins a slow and menacing walk towards the helpless OGers, when suddenly, out of nowhere, a Station Wagon pops out of an Inter-Dementional-Space-Time-Portal. Convieniently enough, the portal just happens to be right where Dark Gore is standing, and he is sucked in along with Team Monkey. Now, you might expect a red robe and a tall psychotic warrior to pop out of the car, right? Well, you just happen to be WRONG! It was a deranged goblin-like creature known as Phil the Gnome!)

Phil: Odd-looking creatures must die!

Yami Yoshi: WTF?!?

(Phil is about to attack YY, when he is stopped by an unseen force.)

Introbulus: What do you mean "unseen"? I'm right here!

Gore: Introbulus! You got my e-mail!

Jim: No, actually, we never got that. We just checked the script and it told us where we had to go!

Fred: Well, it's good to see you guys again, but I have two questions for you. One: Whats with the Gnome? Two: What happened to Dark Gore?

Jim: Oh, I'll field the Gnome question. This is our personal slave, Phil the Gnome. Introbulus saved his life, so now he serves us whenever we want. He is, however, insane even by OUR standards, and obsurdly evil!

Phil: I shall suck the blood from pineapples and create fuzzy puppies of death!!! Muahahahaha!

Gore: ...Uhh, is he gonna be okay?

Introbulus: Oh that's just a natural reaction to meeting strangers. It's his way of saying "hello"!

Yami Yoshi: Well, it's a very hostile greeting!

Gore: But what happened to Dark Gore?

Introbulus: He got sucked into the portal we came through. He'll probably be dumped off in some random location. Now then, you're trying to get to Idej Volcano Mountian, right?

Gore: Yes! That's the whole quest!

Jim: Well hop in! We can take you there! This ship is built to survive Inter-Dememtional-Space-Time Travel! I'm sure it can take us to a measly Volcano!

Gore: Right, but we should find the other OGers first! We're gonna need all the help we can get!

Introbulus: Right! I'll turn on the "OGer search machine"!

(Introbulus pulls a clothespin out of his pocket, and ajusts a few of the knobs)

Introbulus: Okay then, we're on our way! Into the Station Wagon!

Phil: To the Oregon Railroad!

Narrirator: Now that Gore has transportation, will Gore and the OGers be able to find the others, before the unknown dark forces find them? Tune in next time, for the next episode Of VGF Members OG 4! Addicted Since: Sep 2002 | IP: Logged Fred_In_Bed spoiled it. He did. Cheapskate Member # 9922

posted April 21, 2003 08:42 PM Profile for Fred_In_Bed spoiled it. He did. Email Fred_In_Bed spoiled it. He did. Send New Private Message Edit/Delete Post Reply With Quote Episode 7 - how the story was lost:

Introbulus: System gurloperator?

Fred: Check, check, and check to a zooplifier!


Pharoh: Ergh, keep him off the Dr. Suess.

Jim: Who farted?

(before GORE can say that he honestly and truely didn't do it, the Stationwagon flies off to Fusion's mansion. Little did the OGers know, someone would be meeting them on the way there).

Mailman: Hi, everybody!

(Well, other than that)

YY: Stop the... um... vehicle!

Jim: Say it!


Jim: Say it!

YY: Fine, stationwagon! I said it...

Jim: Was that really so hard? Now, let's stop this thing. (he does)

Pharoh: What gives?

GORE: How are we all fitting in this thing?

Fred: I hafta go to the bathroom.

(but before GORE and Pharoh can throw Fred out the back, YY explains the problem).

YY: It's... It's... koopa!

Koopa: That's right. This deck of card includes "ultra cheap card", which allows me to draw and place down 36 cards in one go.

Jim: Yipe.

Fred: Yu-Gi-Oh sucks. it's just a fanboy, I'll deal with him.

(Fred jumps outside, only to be half-fried by the Blue eyes ultra-mega-super dragon times 12 with new Crest white stripes)

BEUMSD(12)WNCWS: (Insert Dinosaur Noises here. Losts of 'em.)

YY: Oh no, it's a creature with one of the longest names I've ever seen! It's got so many prefixes and suffixes that I don't think anything can beat it!

Koopa: That's what I thought. You'll never even get this quest lifted off the ground, fools! Addicted Since: May 2002 | IP: Logged Gamechamp Cheapskate Member # 10064

posted April 22, 2003 10:27 AM Profile for Gamechamp Email Gamechamp Send New Private Message Edit/Delete Post Reply With Quote Meanwhile, back at the restraunt...

???:Did I hear them say... Idej volcano... so it does exist?Roll call!

GREEN:I am green!The mechanic expert,and I do good with using the weapons I make,too!!!

YELLOW:I am Yellow!I like to use my fists to do the talking!

BLACK:I am black!I can sneek on anyone from the dark,and attack with my double swords!

BLUE:I am Blue!If you want me to operate a truck,tank,spaceship,anything!I can garuntee that I'll use that and make use of the firepower,as long as it has firepower!

GC:And I am Red!The leader of the Robot team!I have every power in the universe!Just call me Gamechamp!

ALL:And we are the robot team!!!

GUY: Hey! No doing roll calls while on duty!

ALL: Sorry boss!

GC: I can't believe this! We, one of the most evil groups ever, working in a restraunt and treated as dirt.

BLACK: Actually, we fell on the way here, so we kind of do look like dirt.

GC: Just shut up. Anyway, I've heard rumors that Idej volcano has many treasures in it... I think that maybe, with those treasures, we can just bribe our way into ruling the Earth!

BLUE: Half the Earth.

GC: Whatever.

GREEN: Actually, sir, we shouldn't be worried about the OGers, we've never really fought them, so for all we know, we could beat them with one finger.

GC: ... Let's just go with the OGers.

The Robot Team heads off to Fusion's mansion... Addicted Since: Jun 2002 | IP: Logged Rhyk the Golem Cyborg Cheapskate Member # 638

posted April 22, 2003 06:57 PM Profile for Rhyk the Golem Cyborg Email Rhyk the Golem Cyborg Send New Private Message Edit/Delete Post Reply With Quote Episode 9: Distraction Plan

Blue: This would be a lot easier with the Robot Team Car.

Green: Where did that thing go?

Black: Anyhow, what's the plan once we get there?

GC: Green and Blue, you'll disable any security alarms. Yellow will toss a few punches Fusion's way as he waits for Black to trap Fusion. I'll search the mansion for anything that might be of any use that we might've missed our first time around.* Once we have Fusion captured, we'll make sure he can't get out. Then I put Fusion in a gigantic puzzle and send word to the OGers. We'll be able to surmount Idej Volcano Mountain before them!

Yellow: Why don't we just beat them up?

Green: I see. We want them as far away from Idej Volcano Mountain as possible.

GC: Exactly.

  • Before VGFMO 2, if you've forgotten.

Episode 10 by Yami Yoshi

Gamechamp: All right Robot Team! Let’s go!

  • The Robot Team strap on jetpacks and fly toward Fusion’s mansion*

Meanwhile near Fusion’s mansion…

Koopa: Mwa ha ha ha ha! My Blue Eyes Ultra Mega Super Dragon Times 12 With New Crest White Stripes in invincible!

Pharaoh: Let me deal with this guy! *Pulls out his deck of cards* Let’s duel!

  • The Pharaoh draws a card*

Pharaoh: I play Raigeki!

  • A lightening bolt appears and kills the BEUMSDT12WNCWS*

Pharaoh: And now I summon Blue Eyes White Dragon and attack you with White Lightening!

  • The Blue Eyes White Dragon shoots a beam of white light out of its mouth towards Koopa*

Koopa: Noooooooooo!!!

  • Koopa’s body is instantly obliterated by the blast*

Pharaoh: Now can finally start this stupid quest?

GORE: Hey! What’s that?

  • GORE points to the sky where five figures are flying toward them*

Introbulus: It’s the Robot Team!

Gamechamp: That’s right! Roll Call!

Green: I am Green! The mechanic expert, and I do good with using the weapons I make, too!!!

Yellow: I am Yellow! I like to use my fists to do the talking!

Black: I am Black! I can sneak on anyone from the dark, and attack with my double swords!

Blue: I am Blue! If you want me to operate a truck, tank, spaceship, anything! I can guarantee that I'll use that and make use of the firepower, as long as it has firepower!

Gamechamp: And I am Red! The leader of the Robot Team! I have every power in the universe! Just call me Gamechamp!

All: We are the Robot Team!

Pharaoh: Don’t you idiots ever give up? We beat the crap out of you in VGF Member OG 2!

Yami Yoshi: You scum…how dare you betray us when we were fighting Shade!

Gamechamp: I’m sorry but I didn’t feel like dying that day…

Yami Yoshi: You self-centered fiend! Dark Egg!

  • Yami Yoshi throws a Dark Egg at Gamechamp, which hits his forehead and stuns him temporarily. Then, Yami Yoshi punches Gamechamp in the chest causing to go airborne. Yami Yoshi jumps into the air and kicks him into the ocean*

Yami Yoshi: Take that!

Gamechamp: Bzzt…no! Water…damaging…central…circuits!

Yellow: How dare you treat the Robot Team like that! Yellow Punch!

  • Yellow throws a punch at Yami Yoshi. Yami Yoshi grabs Yellow’s fists and throws him into the ocean too*

Yami Yoshi: Time to finish you off!

  • Yami Yoshi pulls out another Dark Egg ready to throw at Gamechamp when…*

Voice: Dark Monkey Missile!

  • A Dark Monkey Missile destroys the Dark Egg in Yami Yoshi’s hand*

Yami Yoshi: The hell?

Gamechamp: Whuh…what’s going on?

Dark GORE: Ha ha ha! At last I have found you OGers!

  • Dark GORE appears*

GORE: It’s you!

Narrator: Dark GORE has finally located the OGers. Will they be beaten again? And what about Gamechamp and the Robot Team? Find out in the next episode!

OoC: Crap...posted too late...I guess the damage's not that bad...

Episode 11: "Mecha Dark GORE?" by Golem

(OoC: Fixed. ^_^ BTW, I take it Fusion's mansion is ocean-side from what you said about Red an' Yellow?)

Black: This is our cue! To the mansion!

Green: Shouldn't we help the boss?

Black: If we don't carry it out his plan now, we never will. I can handle the trap by myself.

Seconds later, everyone arrives. Black waits for Green and Blue to finish scanning the outside of the house. As they storm inside, Black studies the surroundings and notes what might be used for a trap. Meanwhile, the OGers have been too busy to notice the Robot Team...

Phil: ~is~

Yami Yoshi: ~to the other OGers~ Let's try to get him into the water!

Introbulus: I know just how!

Introbulus waves arms in a certain fashion so that Mecha Dark Gore would fall into the ocean. However, nothing happens.

Jim: No joy, Trobby!

Introbulus: I don't get it! He--~CLOCK!~

MDG: ~is at the giving end of the punch, looking to his other arm~ Oh! I almost forgot! It's my sword. Just right for slicing and dicing you OGers once and for all. Of course, not including GORE.

GORE: ???

Yami Yoshi: Yeah right! Double-team, Pharoah!

Pharoah: Why am I still putting up with these guys?

Yami Yoshi and the Pharoah dash up behind MDG. GORE and Introbulus cover them (make sure MDG doesn't notice the two yoshis) while Fred and Phil...

Phil: Hah! ~lays down card from his hand~

Fred: No! Not the Blue Eyes White Dragon! Wait... We're playing Poker!

Jim: Shouldn't you guys be focusing on something else?

Jim looks towards MDG, who is being flutter-kicked in the direction of the ocean by Yami Yoshi and Pharoah. As they finish up, MDG flies as far as Gamechamp did.

Pharoah: ~turns to Jim, Fred, and Phil~ Get Fusion!

The three run into Fusion's mansion.

Introbulus: Did that do it?

Yami Yoshi: I dunno... where'd he go?

Introbulus' hair flies off of his head.

Yami Yoshi, Pharoah, GORE, Introbulus: O_O

MDG: I won't miss next time!

Pharoah: ~while dodging a punch~ Why the warning shot?!

Introbulus: ~tripping up MDG as he lunges at Pharoah~ Maybe he missed by accident! Maybe he's not up to snuff, not tested through-and-through!

GORE: Would EVIL Scientist Dude rush into something like this?

MDG: In the Idej race, risks must be taken! ~lands a punch on GORE~

MDG throws all of his might at Yami Yoshi, who gets out of the way. MDG then continues with a barage of punches, but Yami Yoshi backs up enough to jump over him.

Yami Yoshi: You may have beaten us inside, but out here we're too nimble for the likes of you!

Introbulus: Hah! Once you're worn out, tossing you into that water will be no problem!

MDG: I don't have to be nimble. Dark Monkey Missile!

MDG's hand opens up X-Buster style and lets out a barage of four Dark Monkey Missiles. They all fly, like they have a mind of their own, to an OGer.

Inside the mansion...

Jim: ~GASP~ What are you doing?!

Fred: ~whips out mallet~ Lemme at 'em!

Green: Just leaving! Ta-ta!

Green busts open the wall, and Green, Black, and Blue bolt off with an unconcious Fusion in tow.

Phil: Inconsistency!

Jim: That's right! If Yami Yoshi could handle the team, why couldn't Fusion handle three of them?

Fred: To the hidden base!

Phil: What planet, strange lunchmeat?! ~reaches in pocket~

Jim: Fred, if it's hidden...

Fred: To the hidden base!

Jim: ~sigh~

Meanwhile, the others aren't faring too well.

MDG: ~towering over wiped out OGers~ That wasn't too hard. I still have twenty missiles... that's five for each! Mmm, but I can't waste time. ~walks up to GORE~ Don't anyone try to get up or they can get another beating. ~opens a panel in GORE's back~

Yami Yoshi: Geez... he did us in so quickly...

Introbulus: I think... maybe we can still win!

Pharoah: Just... disable those missiles... somehow...

MDG: ~turns around to the others~ I'm not deaf!

GORE: No, Introbulus... you see, he's... he's right! ~flips over so that his back panel closes, then closes his eyes and shuts out the world~ Focus, focus!

MDG: Will you shut up?!

MDG turns back to GORE to find him on his back. He readies to punch GORE, too weak to move, or it might seem. GORE's bionic fist flies through time and space for what feels like an eternity for everyone. Finally, GORE's fist meets MDG's chest, and a flash of light consumes the surrounding area for a few miliseconds. When the light fades, MDG drops into the ocean.


Green: What was that?!

Fusion: ~comes to~ Mmrrrm...?

At the mansion...

Jim: You saw that too, right?

Phil: Never forget!

Fred: ~looks up from the floor~ What?! What did I miss?!

And back...

Yami Yoshi: ...

Pharoah: You can...

Introbulus: THAT...?

GORE: I didn't do it... alone!

Saph: Hush! They can't see us, remember?!

GORE: Oh, right... eep...!

Pharoah: What... was that?

GORE: Oh, nothing.

Yami Yoshi: ~gets up slowly~ I'm tired... of these elipses. (Man, that's gonna hurt in the morning!) Let's go find Mecha Dark GORE before EVIL Scientist Dude can.

GORE: PL-0TT may be able to help us out there.

Episode 12: "Finding Fusion" by Introbulus

^OOC: Sorry, I'm a bit confused. Was Fusion just kidnapped and taken to the secret lair of Gamechamp? Where are Jim, Fred, and Phil the Gnome? Well, assuming that everything I think I know is right, this should work out well enough.

Jim: Damn! We lost him! Phil, take us back to the others.

Phil: With skill and mayo! Chlorox magic!

(Phil the Gnome takes out, a pair of underware? WTF? He throws them into the air, and a PORTAL opens up?)

Fred: "Chlorox magic"?

Jim: Sure, haven't you ever heard of the magic of Chlorox?

(Meanwhile, back with the others...)

Yami Yoshi: Well, now that Dark Gore is at the bottom of the sea, we don't have much to worry about, do we?

(Suddenly, an underware-shaped portal opens up, spitting out Jim, Fred, and Phil the Gnome)

Jim: Guys! The robot team kidnapped Fusion!

Yami Yoshi: ...Ohhhhh *profanity deleted*!

Gore: Well, now that Dark Gore has been defeated, I guess we have time enough for this little side-quest. Any idea where they would go?

Fred: Knowing Gamechamp, he'd probably go back to the Shadow Fortress from the last OG, since it's free and he doesn't know that we've been there before.

Pharoah Yoshi: Right, let's go save Fusion!

(meanwhile, at the Shadow Fortress...)

Fusion: Ugh, my head. Huh? Where am I?

???: Good morning, Mr. Fusion. So nice of you to wake.

Fusion: Gamechamp?

Narrirator: What sinister plot does Gamechamp have for Fusion? Can our heroes get to the Shadow Fortress in time to make a rescue? What about Dark Gore, the one who was supposed to be the evil villian?

(Meanwhile, at the bottom of the sea...)

Dark Gore: Those fools! Did they really think that Evil Scientist dude would forget to make me water-proof? Nothing can stop my reign of terror! Nothing!

(Dark Gore looks up the chasm which he was thrown into under the ocean)

Dark Gore: ...Jetpack! That's what he forgot! A jetpack!

Episode 13 by Gamechamp

OOC:Nooooooooooooo!!! You've got it all wrong!!! The Robot Team is going to help the OGers so that they can get to the volcano, then when they're there they'll just go try to find the treasure... and I have a good idea what will happen at one point that will join the groups again... ofcourse, I see why you're thinking that, because of that remark of not even knowing how powerful the OGers are compared to the Robot Team. But I meant because bribing is actually paying and buying, so the OGers couldn't do anything, or they'd be officially breaking the law.And also, about the thing with the fire shooting out of my feet making me fly, that's not from SA2, I thought that up when I was only about 7 years old, and that was during about the start of the N64. Strange how I can still remember that idea so I could use it in the OGs...Oh, and the scene with shadow fortress and Dark Gore's never happened.

Then, Gamechamp flys out of the water with fire coming from his feet, causing him to fly, and he's carrying MDG in one hand.

GC:I think you're looking for this.

He throws him on the ground.

GC:Now... I'm not trying to beat you to Idej volcano, I'm trying to help you get there!

YY:Then why'd you attack us?

GC: I didn't! Did you even notice that I didn't even try to attack, when I know every move in the universe?!?!?!

YY:Oh.. I forgot... but how did you survive the water?

GC: Me and the rest of the Robot Team have been water proof since VGFMOG 3, remember?

YY:Then where's Yellow?

GC:He's behind... he's not behind me?Then where is he?

Everyone looks in the water, and see yellow floating on an yellow inflatable bed and sleeping on the water.



He falls in the water, then comes climbing up the edge.



Green takes off Fusion's duct tape from his mouth.

FUSION:What are you doing?

BLUE:Sorry about this, but we needed to make sure you wouldn't attack us before we said anything. We're just trying to tell you that we're joining you OGers... again.

FUSION: You're going to trait us again, aren't you?

BLUE:That's what we're planning, but we'll help you to get to Idej volcano.

FUSION:What for?

BLACK: Don't worry, your friends will explain.

They untie Fusion, and go outside...

Episode 14: "Mistakes will happen..." by Introbulus

Introbulus: Oh, I get it! It was all just a misunderstanding, right?

Gamechamp: Exactly! Apparantly, some robots don't know how to follow orders when they are given!

Blue, Green, and black: (nervous look)


Episode 15 by Ed

  • A warp hole shaped like a door appears and it opens with me flying out*

Ed: AHHHH!!! *crash*

GC: Darn random cast members...

Intro: The more the marrier, or something like that

  • I get up, dust myself off then take out a map*

Ed: Yets see... if I took the dynamonic cyber flex tunnel here... then took the loopy worm hole next to the not so black hole...

GC: Umm... hi Ed

  • I move the map away*

Ed: ...I thought I left your demension a while ago...

Fusion: Your on planet Earth...

YY: What are you clamming about?

Ed: Which Earth? the one on demension II? or the one by the cebularis...

  • Intro shoves a rock in my mouth*

Intro: Its just Earth ok? we don't need to go into a multi demension theory...

GC: Guys... weren't we going on to a volcano somewhere?

Black: Lets head on to Idej then!

Ed: I..I.I..I...IDEJ!?!?!?

  • inside my head*: Idej volcano is said to be the location of the lost city of the Shiko empire.. they said the city had streets paved with rubies, underpants made of silver and they used gold for shoes!
  • im standing there drooling*

GORE: You ok?

  • ding*

Ed: Can I come along?

Fusion: Guess so.. you did just include yourself in the story didnt you?

Ed: .... you dont need to make things difficult you know

GORE: oh just come along!

  • The group heads off to a local airport to get to Idej Island, only to be secretly followed by some figure*

???: You won't get there alive...

To be Continued...

  • chicken runs by*