Party Goers 15 Page 11

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Pages in Party Goers 15
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Author: Golem[edit]

~Mr. Predict steadies Stryke's body.~

YM: What are you doing?! Whatever it is, it's fun!

Vorpamune: Hey! What's going on here?! Whatever it is, it won't get in my way!
~swords come out o' nowhere and fly at the sub~

Author: Vorpal[edit]

Okay, wait! I'm confused! Please don't explain what's happening, just someone else post so that I know where to come from.

Author: Ditto[edit]

Okay, Vorp. Here's the update.

When we last left our heroes, Masamune grabbed your Vorpal sword, the powers of which reacted with a special magical artifact already owned by Masamune, to morph him into a mutant hybrid of himself and the power of Vorpal. Deprived of your powers, you have reverted back into Stryke. Meanwhile, Sapphire successfully carried off the theft of the Boardwalk (the answer to our last puzzle), and rescued Ditto (whew!) Now, everyone's tumbling off the Boardwalk, toward the vicious Vorpamune...

Unner 'stan?

Hey, Sapphire, I fixed it! Y'know, I was flippin' channels this morning as I did my chores, and I saw Digimon. Mimi was there (she looks different, so now you hold the monopoly on the big red hat and cowgirl outfit) Guess what? It said she's living in... New York! And she was talking about a 'sister!' Sapphire, som'in you ain't tellin us?!

~The hatch door opens, and Prof. Dittoarty, wide-eyed, scrambles in, past Sapphire~

Saph: Ditto!

~He runs and crouches in a corner, shaking~

Ditto: The Dittomobile...! He... destroyed my Dittomobile...! It's... gone! *cries* All GONE!

Saph: It's alright... Heck, vehicles are rebuilt in seconds in this series! You'll have a new Dittomobile in no time.

~Meanwhile, on the ground, Vorpamune stomps through downtown Atlantic City~

Random Japanese Tourist: It is Vorpamune! We must flee the city! *mouth continues to move after his words are finished*

Stryke: WAAAAHHHHHHH! *notices that Mr. Predict is floating everyone* Hey! Cool! *does a mid-air backstroke*

Yoshiman: Hey! We gotta do something!

~In the Sub~

Ditto: They call us villains! They're causing more destruction than we are!

Sapphire: That nutjob is bad for business! We gotta bring that bad boy down! Mewtwo! Go!

Mewtwo: *emerging in a flash of light* Mew! Two, mew!

*Meanwhile, the Professor takes out the device he absorbed Vorpamune's powers into...

Ditto: Hmmm... *thinks for a minute* Stealing energy...? *tilts his head sideways as he has a neat thought...*

Maybe... if Mewtwo doesn't make it...

Hey, Saph, what's with all the sighs?

Golem, Cat's only leaving this story, right? You're not taking him outta the series, are ya?

Author: Rob64[edit]

um has the story ended?

Author: Golem[edit]

Nope, Cat's leaving for good. If a time and place that seems good to put 'im back in again I'll write 'im in.

No, the story's not over.
~Mewtwo goes outside. Vorpamune flings swords at it, and it reacts by flinging them back. Vorpamune commands them back, them being his swords an' all. They stand there with a serious face, but throwing swords back and forth that might make one sleepy. Meanwhile, Mr. Predict has lowered the Boardwalk and everyone is down. The authoroties are notified, and a local guard decides to hop in.~

Author: Sapphire[edit]

Don't even think about it, Golem. I got the boardwalk, and that's that.

Author: Vorpal[edit]

I said don't explain it! Just continue the story. I wait until I have the perfect oppurtunity to post. And now is not the time.

Author: Rob64 (double post)[edit]

Okay post in party geors 16 even though this story isn't finish, continue this story as well!

Author: Rob64[edit]

Rob64 joins in~

Rob64 starts fighting and introducing himself at the same time

Rob64- Hey I'm Rob64. not yet an offical party goer, but in the next story hopefully I am~

continues fighting, until every body gets tired and faints

Rob64- Intresting, just got a taste on being one of those party geor people, far out I don't even know who the good guy's and bad guy's are. Geez I've probally being fighting with both!~ oh dear. I better go, hopefully i get a major role in the next story as an offical party goer

~Rob64 walks off~

Author: Golem[edit]

Mr. P.: You won't give up, will you Saph?!

Saph: ~over loudspeaker~ It's my boardwalk! I worked hard for it!

Mr. P.: Well you ain't gettin' it!
Sword-flinging baddies will clash and bash.
Sword-flinging baddies will clash and bash.
Sword-flinging baddies will clash and bash.
Sword-flinging baddies will clash and bash.
Sword-flinging baddies will clash and bash.

~Soon, Vorpamune is flinged into Mewtwo by Mr. Predict's psychic powers, and both crash into the sub, which falls back on some buildings.~

Rob: Woah! Total destruction!

Golem: Have any good Pokémon?

Rob: Yeah, I've got... (Rob, you continue)

Author: Sapphire[edit]

if this story is slated to become one of those...

i'm tired of those random plot issues
sigh.. [ditto, I'm sighing because everytime I think something is going fine....]

p'raps i should just start my own story then. [like i ever would, or could for that matter.]

Author: Rob64[edit]

Golem you should know, in the adventures of the O.G squad. I've got a Yoshi~

Rob64 throws out a pokeball

Yoshi~ yosh yosh~

Golem- oh ya Its young yoshter, i like its gold coat. did I ever tell ya that

Rob64- I don't remember. But ne yoshter Fire ball attack

Rob's Yoshi lets out a huge fire ball. But misses

Rob- Darn~ okay plan B Yoshi Triple fire ball attack

Yoshi lets out 3 fire balls, which damages the bad guy's badly~

Rob64- Yoshi finish them

Author: Vorpal[edit]

Hey Golem! You put Golem in the story! Is something happening?

The bad guys die off after Yoshi's last attack.

Rob64: Good work! Return!

Saph: Well, now that's over we can get on with the story.

Golem: What you mean Rob didn't defeat Team Rocket?!?

Ditto: Haven't you been paying attention? We're doing this for the greater good!

Rob64: Well, then who did I beat up?

Saph: Some bank robbers over there.

Rob64: Cool!

Ditto: Don't let it get to your head.

Stryke: Uh, guys, I'd hate to bother you but, THERE'S A BIG TWO SWORDED MONSTER COMING THIS WAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Author: Sapphire[edit]

--Sapphire and Ditto exit the scene, leaving everyone else to the wrath of vorpalmune--

it's all i could think of at the moment.