Party Goers 15 Page 13

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Pages in Party Goers 15
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Author: Masamune[edit]

Vorpamune: . . . . Hmm... somehow I have regained control... *reverts to a much smaller form* There, this is more efficient.

Stryke: YOU! I demand you return my sword now!

Vorpamune: *sends a wave of energy which pins Vorpal to the ground* What? Give up -this- kind of power to a mere human like you!? You are unworthy of such power... now if you'll excuse me. I have some pests to get rid off... *begins floating, and flies off towards the sub*

Stryke: Grrr... Yoshiman, get over here!

Yoshiman: Not a problem, me and Mr. Predict can supplement your sword for now. We got the Wavorpal sword... not as powerful and not the real thing. But it will at least restore your power.

Stryke: ... *grabs it* I suppose this will do...*waits* Blast, it doesnt transform me.

Mr. Predisct: Wavorpal the person look s naturally that way as he was made to. So this sword does not have transformation powers.

Stryke: It just keeps getting better... *shakes head* Well, let's go.

Author: Ditto[edit]

SSG: Back in the Lab on the Flying Submarine... Ditto is working over a bunch of test tubes and devices. Sapphire is trying to pilot the Sub and the Boardwalk to their Headquarters.

Sapphire: Augh! Here comes that Vorpamune again! Why on Earth did you revive him?

Ditto: Hm hm hm... *glasses glint* Come here, Sapphire.

Saph: Hm? Yes, professor?

*Ditto flicks on a switch, and a spotlight flows down on Mewtwo, who is lying on a table. However, he is now wearing some kind of Party hat*

Ditto: At last, I have completed my "Party Animal..." With this, Hidden Machine # Infinity, I have given Mewtwo an all-new ability. He can now seek out beings with high amounts of Party energy. He will then attack and steal the energy.

Sapphire: Party energy?

Ditto: Yes! Party energy is the first ingredient towards "All-Partiness!"

*casts a frightening shadow across the room, and weird music begins playing*

-which is the ability to have complete control with which to create the Ultimate Party! All-Partiness is achieved when tons of Party Energy is used on ordinary objects, to create the Ultimate Party atmosphere!

Sapphire: So, you're saying if we can harness this energy and use it...

Ditto: Yesss... Then we can create the Ultimate Party! And then, we may revive... the Messiah of Partiness!

*points to another corner, where Cat is lying, dead, on a table, maintained by several machines*

Sapphire: Poor guy... hard way to take himself out of a story... *sniff*

Ditto: Don't worry, Sapphire. The Ultimate Party may be able to revive the Messiah of Parties... Golem!

Sapphire: And then we can have our parties!

*Ditto and Saph laugh like mad scientists*


Vorpamune: Now... to destroy those two...

*Sapphire appears on deck*

Sapphire: Mewtwo... er... I mean, "Party Animal!" Go!

~Mewtwo emerges on deck, wearing the Party hat. His eyes glow...~

Vorpamune: So, you wanna fight me, huh? Well, we'll see about that!

*Begins throwing swords... Mewtwo dissappears until they pass by, then reappears*

Mewtwo: Mew! Two...!

~He attatches himself to Vorpamune, and sucks out his Party Energy.~

Vorpamune: ...Nooooooo!

*Down below...*

Stryke: What's going on up there?

Yoshiman: Doesn't look good...

Stryke: Maybe I'll get my sword back.

Mr. Predict: What's wrong with that one?

Stryke: It says "Made in U.S.A."

Yoshiman: No wonder it doesn't work.

*Above, Mewtwo finishes draining him of his energy. Masamune, weakened, begins to turn back into his regular form and begins to plummet*

Sapphire: Mewtwo, return!

~Back in the lab...~

Sapphire: Here you go...

Ditto: Excellent!

Sapphire: Will we need more?

Ditto: Hard to say, for what I have in mind... In the meantime, let's go commit more thefts. Shame we can't do puzzles anymore...

Sapphire: Wimps.

Author: Yoshiman[edit]

Mr. Predict: ??? I am reciving a message!

Yoshiman: What?

Mr. Predict: It seems that Ditto is AAAAAAAGH!

YM: He's aaaaaaagh?

Mr. P: No, my head hurts.

YM: You're head is aaaaaaagh.

Mr. P: No. Shutup. Wait. . . Ditto's thoughts are on the fact that he can't do puzzles anymore.

YM: Good riddance. They didn't make a lick of sense anyway.

Mr. P: and Saph says were whimps.


Mr. P: Now, we don't want to turn this into the cut scene. . .

Stryke: SHE SAID WE'RE WHIMPS! TIME TO KILL! *they run off*

Mr. P: ~sigh~ kids these days.

Author: Golem[edit]

OMG, Ditto, you get the most brilliant ideas!
I was thinking an invasion would stop suicide... then again, who would bother to check Cat's place?
Mr. P: Box.

~An invisible box contains Stryke and Yoshiman.~

Mr.P: Mm-hmm. I bet the prop man's too cheap.
Anyhow, you've got to control your energy. Otherwise, you'll be gone in seconds.


Mr. P: I won't let you go until you calm down.


MP: This could take a while...~hears a humming noise~

Author: Vorpal[edit]

The Party Animal looms before Mr. Predict, Yoshiman, and Stryke.

PA: Mew. . . TWO!!!!

The Mewtwo raises its arm and sends out a beam. It hits Yoshiman.

Yoshiman: Ahhhhhhhh. . .

A ghost like figure of Yoshiman partying comes out of Yoshiman and is sucked into Party Animal.

Mr. P: Oh, no! That Pokémon took the Party out of Yoshiman!

Party Animal uses this attack again and directs it at Mr. Predict.

Stryke: No!!!!

Stryke jumps in front of Mr. Predict. And the beam hits him. a similar ghost-like spirit comes out of Stryke and go into the Mewtwo.

Mr. Predict: Stryke!

Author: Golem[edit]

MP: That's it...
FLIP!!! (Man, that's an ancient move...)

~PA is sent spiraling back a few feet~

MP: Oh no! I'll need some help!

Author: Yoshiman[edit]

Stryke: What? I feel just fine.

YM: Me too.

Mr. P: Hmph. In my day when the partiness was sucked out of our souls, WE ACTED ZOMBIE-LIKE!

YM: I can fake it. . .

Mr. P: Nevermind, it lost it's credibility.

Author: Golem[edit]

PA: Mew two, mew?

MP: "Hey, ummmm... what do I do with the party energy?"


Ditto: Ack! He's forgotten what to do!

Saph: What?! How could that happen?
~looks over to Cat~
If we don't revive Cat into Golem soon, he won't be able to be revived at all...

Author: Mario Bros 2000[edit]

*Nick rides in on a train with the Other N.M. Comics Team members*

N.M.: Huh?

Author: Vorpal[edit]

The Party Animal starts doing the monkey.

PA: Mewtwo! Mewtwo!

Mr. Predict who hasn't lost his party energy starts to do the monkey.

Mr. P.: Augh! I cannot resist!

Author: Golem[edit]

Nick: I-I can't resist! ~starts to do the monkey also~

~As everyone does the monkey, Party Animal takes their party energy as they're distracted.~

Author: Ditto[edit]

*The Party Animal then flies up to the Flying Sub, cleverly hidden in a bank of clouds. It flies in through a porthole, into the main room.*

Sapphire: Professor, the Party Animal has returned.

*A pair of glasses glints through the darkness, but now, we can also see the bottom of a lab coat*

Ditto: Excellent... hook him up, before things get too nuts.

Sapphire: Yes, Professor.

*She hooks a pair of jumper cables to the little fuzzy ball on the top of Mewtwo's party hat, and throws a switch. Instantly, all the Party Energy is stored in a special machine, invented by Ditto for JUST THAT PURPOSE (of course there's a machine for just that purpose. Don't be stupid.)*

Mewtwo: *thinks* Whew! What a relief.

Ditto: Excellent! Now, we must have MORE Party Energy.

Sapphire: Are you going to pump it into The Cat to revive Golem?

Ditto: No. It doesn't work that way. I'll let everyone know, eventually. In any case, I have a new idea. Let us dispatch the Party Animal to some of the most famous all-out crazy people in the world. He will steal their hats, which, as any mad scientist knows, is where all a person's Party Energy is focused. In this way, we will collect ALL THE PARTY ENERGY WE WILL NEED! *hysterical laughter*

Sapphire: Who's the first wild-and-crazy target partier?

Ditto: *eyes narrow* The wildest, most outrageous party dude in the world... Send Mewtwo to... The Pope!

Sapphire: Brilliant! A guy that wild should have tons of energy stored in that big hat of his!

*hysterical mad-scientist laughter*

Author: Masamune[edit]

Masamune: Ungahhh... Where am I?

Murasame: In the core...

Masa: Core of what?

Mura: The planet, where the partystream comes from. Every being that is born gains a certain amount of the Party Stream. And when a person dies, their party energy comws down here mixing with the rest.

Masa: How do you know all this?

Mura: Some party man named Bughamen told me that when I visited here. Anyway, Ditto is using a very dangerous amount of Party Energy... which is why you are here....

Masa: Hmm?

Mura: He sucked out so much party energy out of you, that your on the borderline of... being boring. If Ditto continues to consume the planet's party energy for reviving Golem... then the planet itself will be in grave peril...

Masa: Revive Golem?

Mura: That is Ditto's goal... to steal the party out of every partyholic on the planet... When a planet runs out of Party Energy... the planet becomes boring. Things Deteoriate until the life of the plnet get pooped out and dies off. Party Energy is what makes life worthwhile for all creatures.

Masa: So... Ditto is doing something wrong, does he know it?

Mura: What do you think, only I know it because that funny bald floating dude... But it is dangerous to leave without any party energy or a way to protect yourself. By wearing these Cheese Hats, we will be immune to all Anti-Party attacks. We must stop Ditto before it is to late... a boring world is not worth blowing up or conquering, do you not agree?

Masa: *nods* It's time to ROCK Ditto's world!

Author: Ditto[edit]

Y'know, Saph's in on this, too!

Author: Mario Bros 2000[edit]

Nick: Hiyaa KICK!