Party Goers 15 Page 16

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Pages in Party Goers 15
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Author: Masamune[edit]

Dodo: Sir, it would be a good time to commence plans.

Vorpal: What!? You talking to me birdy?

Goom: Boss!

Ba: Yo boss!

Masamune: Get away from me runts!

Goom: Huh? Oh... he's dressed like our master... why that little...

*at highest point available on building*

Murasame: Ho ho ho! *holds arms out wide* come Parteor! Show the true power of the ultimate party! Kyahahahahaha!!!!

Yoshiman: .... Magikoopa!?

Mr. Predict: *kicks dirt* I thought it was Metal Mario...

Ditto: Y-y-you double crossed me!? What about all our plans? The world was goign to be our oyster!

Sapphire: Golem? Do you think he's fit to have so much party energy? Only Magikoopa can handle that much sheer party power!

Masamune: Well nevermind you two... when I give you the signal, bite those two ropes and snap them!

Goom/Ba: Yes bo- err, sir! *hops off to theire new posts*

Masamune: Alright Dargo, start copying Saph, Guiseppe and Magikoopa's energy.

*on top of the sub, crouched down looking downwards. Dargo watches the 'party' below*

Dargo: Scanning... yes... yes, I've got it... *begins to glow and takes on the form of Guiseppe, then begins to fly down*

BTW, don't do anything to Parteor... I'll handle it when it's ready.

Author: Yoshiman[edit]


Ditto: I think you both are insane.

Saph: Yeah, well, it's not like it was a very clever plan anyway.

YM :(stuffing his face with Chinese food) Actually it was kinda clever. I couldn't figure out those puzzles for the life of me.

Mr. P: But guys. . . the New Yo. . .

YM: Boston Symphony is better.

Mr. P: IS NOT!

YM: Is too.

Mr. P: IS NOT!!!!

YM: Is too.

Mr. P: IS NOT!!!!!!!!

YM: Is too.

Ditto: Um. . . the thing is. . . someone totally screwed up here.


Ditto: *bury's head in hands* Oh no. . . oh please no. . .

YM: *Taking out cell phone* Heelllllo Fuzzball! What? Building? Tug on the rope! How long have you been up there? That long? Oh man you got it bad. . . but I have a party for you to crash. . .

FB: *crashing through the door, carrying uzi and rocket launcher* HONEY I'M HOME!

Author: Golem[edit]

Saph: Aw, don't be so sappy. Magi's a great host!


Saph: Geez Louis(sp? ^^0).
C'mon, wanna dance?

~Then, Golem comes stumbling out.~

Golem: Ugh... P-party oooonnn... oof. ~falls down on sub steps~

~Ditto hits Guiesseppe and dons a surgeon's coat, face mask, etc., and runs up to Golem.~

Fuzzball: Who's up for a BLAST-O-RAMA!!!

Rhyk~from afar~: Wha? Kill... no, don't get Golem... vision still blurry... gotta destroy... no, don't... ~burns out~

Author: Flutter[edit]

What has happened?

Author: Yoshiman[edit]

Look who's back! The runaway mod!

Author: Flutter[edit]

I didn't "Run Away". I was forced off the internet for the 9 weeks.

Author: Yoshiman[edit]

*checks watch* Seems like a whole lot longer than that.

Author: Flutter[edit]

So, Y'all missed me so much that time slowed down?

Author: Magikoopa[edit]

Moving to an upright 'standing' position while hovering, Koopa begins breathing.

MagiKoopa: ...wha? wh... where am I?

Sapphire: Arise, MagiKoopa! Allow the pure party energy to flow through your every vein!

MagiKoopa: Yes... my body is surging with energy! I can feel my powers returning! Now, it's time... [smiles evilly] to put them to use.

A Pokéball falls from Koopa's belt underneath his cloak. upon hitting the ground, it released Birdo, his Farfetch'd.

Birdo: Hang on, stupid! I've been able to listen to what's been happening te entire time!

MagiKoopa: Spiffy. g'bye, now! [begins charging up an attack]

Birdo flies up and pecks Koopa on the head, breaking his concentration. The energy ball fades away.

Birdo: Look around you! It's a party! Just like you've begged that they have for months. Since then, you've moved, fought great battles, and whatever the heck happened that got you here. but that's beside the point! You've finally got the party you wanted for so long.

MagiKoopa: Yes, but... what good is a party if you're already there?

all: [confused emoticon]

MagiKoopa: How am I supposed to crash a party that I'm already attending?

Sapphire begins fuming.

Ditto: Hey, Sapphire, did you know you've got a big throbbing vein on the side of your head?

Sapphire: I went through all this trouble to think up the perfect scheme to double-cross everyone and revive you to show us the ultimate party, and all you can do is sit there and whine because YOU CAN'T CRASH IT!

Koopa: [shocked emoticon]

Sapphire takes a mighty leap into the air and unleashes a flurry of punches on Koopa. The party energy provides him with enough strength to take them, though.

MagiKoopa: ...huh? Well then, thanks for that warm-up! Time to return the favor!

Birdo: that does it!

Birdo uses Psychic on MagiKoopa.

MagiKoopa: aaaahhhh!

Birdo: Now then, you're gonna party, and you're gonna enjoy every single moment of it!

MagiKoopa: Fine, then. If you insist. [charges up]

Birdo: Koopa, no!


Koopa aims straight up and fires. A few seconds later, bottles of soda land neatly in pyramids surrounding everyone.

Birdo: [whispers to Koopa] party now. we'll finish them off later.

MagiKoopa: Yes! Party now! We'll all... um... have even more fun later!

happy January. a cameo, as my gift to the [other] Party Goers.

Author: Yoshiman[edit]

Fuzz: *Puts uzi to birdo's head* Which way backstage?

Birdo: Uhh. . . that way. *Points to door*

Fuzz: Thanks. Hold this. *Put's something in Birdo's wings*


Magi: AAAAH!

YM: Hehehe. . . Fuzzball. . . gotta love him. . . hey! Root beer!

*Grenade fizzes out*

Birdo: -.-()

Saph: Where is Fuzzball going?

Author: Golem[edit]

Fuzz: To where ~crash!~ no fuzz ~bang~ has ever been ~fling~ before! ~Fuzzball comes out with shorts on his head~

Everyone: ???

Author: Ditto[edit]

Cat: Ughhh... where am I? *looks at his rescuer* Are you... Dr. Mario?

Ditto: It'll be alright-a, sonny. Come-a on-a. *carries the Cat in his arms into the Party Hall*

Cat: I'm... dying...

Ditto: Only as-a you are-a now. Soon, you shall-a be the reborn-a.

*places Cat on the table in the center of the Party room. Cat's breathing slows and... he dies. However, the party atmosphere begins to seep into him...*

~Inside a dark space~

Greg: What's this...?

Voice: Go toward-a the light-a, my son.

Greg: Who are you?

Voice: You must return-a. Go towards-a the light.

Greg: I don't see one.

Voice: Oh crap-a. The bulb's out-a.

*The real, true, human Mario appears, and goes over and screws in a lightbulb at the end of a tunnel. Soon, it is illuminated*

Greg: Mario?!

Mario: That's-a me, Mario!

Greg: Are you... G-

Mario: You wish-a.

Greg: Let me guess, you're my guardian angel, and you're taking the form of someone I admire and revere.

Mario: No, actually, I'm-a Mario. Now, hurry-a. You must-a save the world and restore partiness.

Greg: Why me?

Mario: Because-a, you are the Messiah of Partyness.

Greg: Sounds like a half-brewed plot device to me.

Mario: It is-a. That's why I'm-a here. To make it interesting-a to you-a.

Greg: I don't wanna go back. I wanna stay here, with you, Mario.

Mario: I am-a always inna you heart, Greg. But-a, you gotta save-a the world.

Greg: But... Cat's dead.

Mario: Not-a as-a Cat. As-a the Golem-a.

Greg: Golem?! But... I'm just a scrawny 13 year old! I have no special powers! All I have is my scarf!

Mario: I would've killed-a to have-a scarf to help me. Mario's pretty normal-a too, you know. Even I no have-a the powers, until I find some. I make-a the use-a of what I find-a. You only evolved into the Cat-a because you felt helpless-a. But, you must-a use-a what you find-a. You are my most faithful follower-a. That is-a the true way of-a the Mario.

Greg: What if I can't find anything?

Mario: Then... trust-a the stomp-a. Now, go-a!

Greg: Yes, Mario. *goes toward the light, and then turns around* What's the meaning of life?

Mario: *sigh* Pasta. Now, go-a! *shoves him toward the door*

~Back in the Party Place, Magi floats above the chaos, and Cat lays on the table. All of a sudden, his body begins to glow. Soon, Golem rises from his body, with wings. He glows mightily. Angelic music plays~

Ditto: *ripping off the Dr. Mario surgeon's mask* It's the Messiah! Golem has returned to us...! Save us, o great one!

Ditto: Hey! Who needs Guisseppie?

Author: Golem[edit]

Golem: First, before I lead you, there must be one thing I need to clear up...

Ditto: ~looking with an eager face~ Yes, master?

Golem: Double down on eleven, right?

Ditto: Huh?

~from outside, Golem hears an annoied "Yes!!! " from Saph~

Golem: First, we need a clown.

Ditto: Uhhh, messiah?

Golem: A party isn't party without a clown.

Ditto: Well, okay... O.o;

~They step outside. A half an hour later, a huge eighteen wheeler arrives packed with the following things:~

Author: Ditto[edit]

*They open the doors to the 18-wheeler, and are promptly buried in a pile of styrofoam*

Delivery Guy: Okay, there, I brought yer order. The following:

1 Bottle-Seltzer
1 Unicycle
2 Spinning ties

Golem: This is... it?! Where did you get this?

Ditto: /\0 E-Bay. The listing just said "Used Clown Equipment." Best I could find.

Golem: 8- \/ -8 YOU FOOL! I ask for "Cirque De Soleil," and you get me "Binky's House o' Laffs!" How can I work like this?!

Ditto: Hmmm...

*walks over to Guisseppie and punches him. Out pops a green ball with a star on it. Touching it, he 'dittos' into... Lemmy Koopa*

Ditto: Will this do? I can also do Marx from Kirby Super Star...


Sapphire: C'mon, Magi! Show them the true power of Team Rocket!

Magi: Okay. *makes a balloon animal*

Sapphire: Hrmph. Well... I still have one trick up my sleeve...! Time to show them what I can do...!

Author: Golem[edit]

Saph: Mewtwo, GO! ~throws a poké ball and out comes a clown~

Golem: We can't have that, now can we? No Mewtwos allowed.