Party Goers 15 Page 6

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Pages in Party Goers 15
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Author: Vorpal[edit]

I shouldn't get mad, stuff happens when other people write the story, too. I enjoy reading what you guys have to write and I don't usually try to advance the story too much, because I like how you guys write better than I do. It's just when I do it's either a "quick fix" or "so much for intricate plot-lines". And it's frustrating when I really want to add to a story and I get such negative feed back.

Author: Ditto[edit]

Hey, I'm not doing any puzzles. I've learned my lesson.
*light shines on Ditto*
I hayave seeeeen the light, can I get an "Amen?"

Anyway, there aren't any puzzles here. It's just a mystery-type (minus trying to figure out stuff) story. Go ahead and add in anything you like. This still has the potential to go down as one of the best Party-Goers ever. A Party-Goers suspense story! Be a "Cat-burglar" or something!

Author: Vorpal[edit]

Okay, I'm not leaving the Party Goers, but now I've kinda lost track of the story . . .

Vorpal and Vorpal and the V-Team stare each other down.

V-team Vorpal: There's Wavorpal! We should kill him! He tried to take the Mewtwo.

Vorpal: Wait, I'm the real Vorpal! That guy's Wavorpal.

Metal Mario: Why don't we have a test to find out who's the real Vorpal.

Scene switches tooom with two chairs and dim lights above. In the two chairs sits the two Vorpals. The V-Team stand around them ready to give them questions about Vorpal's past.

Author: Ditto[edit]

No! No! Give me all the attention! *jumps up and down* Okay, Vorp, wanna see who's been paying attention to you? Well, it's only fair if I go first.

Metal Mario: *paces around threateningly, then suddnely get's in one Vorpal's face* ...What's your favorite brand of lollipop?

Author: Masamune[edit]

Masamune is about to leave the restarant, when the trash can begins talking.

Trash Can: Agent Masamune.

Masamune: *looks suspicously* Yes?

Trash Can: Have you located them yet?

Masamune: I beleive so...

Trash Can: Good, I got another partner for the case.

Masamune: I beleive Dodo, Rapheal and I can handle it.

Trash Can: Take this note.... *note slides out*

Masamune: *reads* Your new partner, Inspector Dargo is waiting outside. He is a fully automated robotic secret agent. His special abilities should come in handy...

This message will self destruct in ten seconds Hmm.. well thanks Chief! *throws note in garbage*

Trash Can (Chief): Wait! No!! *explodes*


Masamune seed a crate, he presses the red button on the front....

*police siren is heard*

Ba ba ba bump Ba ba ba badum
Ba ba ba bum Ba ba ba badum
Ba ba ba bum Ba ba ba bum
Ba ba bum Ba ba bum
Ba ba bum Ba ba ba dum
Inspector Dargo! Bum bum buum
Inspector Dargo! Dad da dunadah
Inspector Dargo! Da da dunaduh!
Inspector Dargo, Da da da
Go Dargo Go!
Go Dargo Go!
Inspector Dargo
Go Dargo Go!
(dramatic chord) Dun Dun dun dun dun dun dun dun!
Dum dum dum dum dum dum!

Masamune, Dodo and Rapheal: :jawdrop: It's got it's own theme song!

Dargo: *looks over* Ahh, you must be Detective Trueseal Munes

Masamune: Was, still may be. Chief called me Agent Masamune. Just call me Masa.

Dargo: Very well, shall we get going?

Masamune: . . .

Dodo: . . .

Rapheal: . . .

Dargo: What?

Masamune: Heh heh, were not used to taking orders from funny short, bald dudes with funky glasses. 'specially when their androids.

Dargo: *sighs* Some first mission...

Author: Golem[edit]

V-Team Vorpal: Dum-Dum!

Vorpal: ...

~Meanwhile...(OoC: I can't remember what his favorite brand was! Oh well.)~

Cat: Great! A fine mess...

Rhyk: Don't just stand there! C'mon, I'll use my rockets for us to chase up to them.

~Rhyk takes Cat's hands and lifts off at top speed toward the house.~

Ditto: Looks like we got some music buffs on our tail!

Saph: Here, take this... ~tosses back a huge gun cannon~ Be careful. This has a huge recoil...

Ditto: Don't worry. ~sets it on low so it doesn't send him flying and hops down inside to where a window is~

Cat: ~sees Ditto~ Watch out!

Rhyk: AAAH!!! ~sees Ditto~

~Ditto opens the window and fires. It wizzes past Cat and Rhyk, leaving them unharmed, but this startles Cat and Rhyk so they loose their grip. They realize what they've done seconds later.~

Rhyk and Cat: Uh-oh!

~As Cat plunges down, Rhyk watches paralyzed with fear until Cat drops too far to be caught. He is only brought to reality by a shot that flies by.~

Rhyk: Eek! Better get the move on!

~Rhyk flies at the Philharmonic at full speed, aiming to land on top where Saph is. Just before he reaches, his batteries run out from tiring them and Rhyk falls. With the little kinetic force left, he falls on top. Saph walks over with an evil grin...~

Author: Vorpal[edit]

Metal Mario blows away the V-Team Vorpal.

Metal Mario: Vorpal, never likes name-brand lollipops. Vorpal, where were you.

Vorpal: Well . . .

Goom: Oh, no not a Flash Back! Anythin' but that!

Vorpal:I stepped into the portal which Roam set before me. I went in and almost imediately I felt myself rip apart. That was when Wavopal was formed. He went to Earth in the jail where the Party Goers were being held. I waited, watching as my friends and enemies fought over the Mewtwo. I waited for the perfect time to take the Pokéball to be out in the open, but I failed. I must now stop Ditto at all, costs! That Mewtwo has unknown powers that could destroy him and Sapphire.

Roy: Way too much information! Much more than I wanted to know!

Author: Yoshiman[edit]

Vorpal: Aaahh. . . that rainbow kind.

MM: One point for Vorpal!

A "1" Lights up over Vorpal's head

V-Team Vorpal: Hey! He didn't say any brand!

Vorpal: I made it myself.

MM: Question 2. . . What is your favorite color?

V-Team Vorpal: Black.

Vorpal: Sunshiney Yellow!

Author: Masamune[edit]

Murasame, Giovanni, Snipes and Krunk suddenly collase in front of Vorpal. Along with the rafters as well...

Murasame: Krunk you fool! I told you to wait outside!


Vorpal: *already has sword at back of Murasame's head* What are you doing here?

Murasame *mumbles* I was attempting to sp, what do you think? We are after the Mewtwo as well.

Giovanni: So it appears as if we are enemies. It's a shame, you would of made good subordinates.

Vorpal: Heh, in your dreams old man.

Goom, Ba and Metal Mario get in fighting stance.

Giovanni, Snipes and Krunk get in fighting stance.

???: WAIT!!!!!!

Everyone: What!?

???: Huh? Sorry, just had to clear my throat. Carry on.

Everyone: *anime faints* *gets back up and they begin duking it out*

Author: Golem[edit]

~Magi teleports there with Bomberman and Meowth.~

Magi: Why'd you go back to evil?

BM: I dunno. ~shrugs~

Meowth: Forget dat! We gotta get da Mewtwo!

Magi: Right! That thing loose with Metronome, Transform, Conversion, and Mimic could cause serious damage!

BM: Man, if only we DID get the jump on those Goody-Two-Shoes Goers in Saph's parents' kingdom...

Author: Vorpal[edit]

Okay, I'm confused and I'm going to set this story back on track!!!!!!

Vorpal has Masa at sword point.

Vorpal: What am I doing? We're all in the same boat.

Vorpal runs off.

Masa: *to V-Team* What's with him?


Ditto is walking down an alley with two high buildings on either side of him. A dark figure jumps down from one of the buildings and stands behind Ditto.

Vorpal: Call it off!

Ditto: I'm sorry, I cannot do that!

Vorpal: Wha . . . Why not? You're not the Ditto I knew. You're changed.

Then it suddenly hits Vorpal.

Vorpal: You . . . you're working for Team Rocket!

Ditto: Wh . . . Why do you say that!

Vorpal: It's simple! Giovonni wanted to get the Mewtwo away from Magikoopa and he wanted it to look like an outside job. You and Saph are only working for him.

Ditto: I guess you've discovered my true secret.

Vorpal: Call . . . it . . . off.

Ditto: . . . No.

Vorpal: If that's your desicion . . . . . . . . . . . . . then prepare yourself!

Vorpal with almost lightning speed swings his flaming sword at Ditto. Ditto blocks with his own sword. Ditto's cloak falls off and reveals a Sword fighter's form underneath. . . .

Author: Ditto[edit]

How'd you know I love fencing?

NOW THIS I call a GOOD plot movement.
Everyone, I want you to punch in www. geocities. com/Wellesley/1067/noview.mid (no spaces, of course) for "No View--" Ditto McCloaker's Theme (no I didn't write it, there's a website I found it on. Halloween Midi's. I'm crediting it so I won't get sued. Keep it under your hats, folks!) It's music to go with this.

Vorpal: The... Meta Knight?

*Ditto, now appearing as nothing more than a little black ball with cute eyes, grins at Vorpal*

Vorpal: *shakes his head* No, it's just a backup illusion... like when Tanooki Mario changes back into Super Mario before he becomes normal... well, this time... the mask comes off!

*He swings the Vorpal sword with all his might, for once catching the shapeless one off guard, connecting with the dark puff's chest. The sword goes out of his hand, and strangely, dissappears into vapor as soon as it leaves his fingers. Suddenly, a sparkle begins to surround Ditto's small round form*

Ditto: Ooopsie.

Vorpal: What the devil...?

SSG: Immediately, the little pinpricks of light condense around Ditto's middle, into a little star like when Kirby is struck and loses a power. In similar fashion, the star bounces away into the darkness and disappears with a tinkling of a bell. Shadows suddenly fall around the strange battlefield like heavy curtains, cordoning off this strange place. Eerie silence and a chill wind roll around Vorpal, and his face becomes a simultaneous display of wonder, triumph, and surprise as he beholds the human figure before him. His costume is very neat, formal, and precise, just like his elaborate manners of speech and thought had long indicated. His gloved hands are neatly folded over the top of a golden staff, shaped like a ? mark.

Vorpal: Well, I'll be... So that's what you look like... Interesting. I don't know whether I'd have guessed or not.

Ditto: I presume that by your preceeding actions that you intended a duel. Your sword, however, bestows upon you talent that you, in your desultory life, do not possess to such a magnanimous degree. Well, I have had all advantages stripped of me... I might request that you do the same... E--?

Vorpal: I'm "Stryke" to you. *shudders at his name being used* All right... *clasps his sword in both hands. A purple light flows out of him as he, too, reverts to "Stryke," which is his nickname for his real-life identity. His costume remains present, but loses it's invulnerability. He is now Stryke in a Vorpal costume, as Ditto is a human in his outfit*

Ditto: *whirls his gold ? shaped cane so that is whistles through the air* Now then... have at you.

Vorpal: En guarde.

SSG: The two longtime friends charge at one another. With flashes of gold and ebony, their weapons clash, and they retreat only to attack again. Now reduced to their ordinary, mortal skill-level, they are still evenly matched. Ditto fights like a demon, dancing around gracefully as he whirls his staff. Vorpal stands true like a warrior and holds his ground. At one point, Ditto's cane latches onto Vorp's sword, and they both go flying out of their hands. Vorpal lunges forward and grapples with Ditto*

Vorpal: Why, Ditto? Why side with them? Evil is never a wise choice. Even I didn't walk it voluntarily. Don't follow in my tracks, Ditto.

Ditto: ...Evil? Once again Vorpal, you're confused.

*As they struggle, they unknowingly inch towards an enormous drop*

Vorpal: You've stolen a lethal Pokemon, and several priceless objects from around the world, and you've tried to kill us.

Ditto: *scoffs* Kill you? As the great mystery writer Rex Stout once said, "It is the easiest thing in the world to kill a man, once you've made up your mind to do so. The trick is what you do afterwards." If I wanted the Party Goers dead, you would be exchanging jokes with St. Peter right now.

Vorpal: *finally manages to grab him by the throat* Then why are you doing all this?

Ditto: *grabs him too* For a greater good, Vorpal. Always for a greater good...

*they teeter at the edge of the brink, and suddenly realize what's going on. Vorpal starts to go over first, but his hand is grabbed by Ditto. However, that isn't good enough. With screams, the two claw madly at the air before they both drop. As they plunge, Guisseppie appears and swoops down, catching Ditto. Vorpal hits the block with a grunt, taking some of the momentum from his fall, but still slides off and lands off to one side. Ditto punches Guisseppie and reverts to another form. Before he is whisked away, he scoops up Vorpal's sword and drops it to his fallen opponnent. Vorpal sits up in the alley, just seeing them disappear into the sunrise. Finding his sword lying next to him, he grabs it, and turns back into his powerful (but not his most evil) form, instantly regaining his energy. Suddenly, Golem, Magi, Masa and Mura run up*

Golem: A-are you all right, Vorp?

Vorpal: *tough* Of course.

Magi: What happened?

Vorpal: *grins* I saw him.

Masa: What did he look like?

Vorpal: *grin suddenly fades, and he rubs the spot where he hit his head* He's... ummm... *jerks as he rubs his head where he hit it* I... can't recall...

Golem: Makes sense. When you fall unconcious, your memory forgets everything that happens up to 5 minutes beforehand.

*They all get up to continue on, but Vorpal still has vague memories... of that whirling, flashing golden '?' and the rustle of that grey uniform...*

I took bits of this scene from Sherlock Holmes' "The Final Problem." I hope that I didn't spoil whatever you had in mind, Vorpal.

Author: Vorpal[edit]

Not at all! I loved it! You write so well!

Author: Masamune[edit]

Murasame: *looking up* Well... so that's it... I overheard the whole thing... *in the corner of his eye, he sees Giovanni sneaking away*

Murasame: You! Stop!

Giovanni: . . . drat...


Giovanni: So, in the beggining it turned out they kicked me out. But it was all a plan, the reason why Murasame was able to safely keep a tracking device succesful. The reason 'Trueseal Munes' was unable to keep behind us...

Murasame: *glares angrily, unsheaths his sword and puts it to Giovani's throat* No one... and I mean No one manipulates me... I have a right mind to kill you where you stand...

Giovanni: Do it then. Peh, theirs nothing you'll gain from it.

Murasame: Oh there is, but your far more useful alive then dead. Krunk, Snipes. Tie this scoundrel up.


Masamune: Heh, I wonder what Ditto does look like... So you say you made yourself mortal? Me and Murasame don't need to that... were already equally matched.

Vorpal: Were alot different, but Ditto said something... something about killing us already... I think he was holding back...

Magikoopa: Well that's all good and well, but were back to Round 1 with no idea where they went.

Masamune: Heh, knowing him he'll leave some clue behind...

*Murasame walks up*

Murasame: *glances both ways* And I shall be the one to kill him for manipulating me.... *suddenly jumps up on to a small airship flying overhead*

Vorpal: *still looking up* Looks like we got another reason to hurry up and find Ditto as fast as possible.

Author: Golem[edit]

Woah... Cat plunged down all the way to the ground from that thing all the way up there with immediate recovery(I know it's a mistake, but perhaps someone can carry that into an idea)?
Saph: Dang, Ditto flew the coop...
Such a pitty, to kill this one
myself... >:D

~Rhyk is still concious, but knows he cannot move. He thinks...~

Rhyk: I've failed...
The bad guys have one, evil triumphs good...
If she gets me and Cat, who knows? Maybe with her help, Team Rocket will rule after all... ~gets an evil thought~

~Rhyk gets up enough power to say...~

Rhyk: ~with a weak but still evil grin~ Can I join Team Rocket? ~looses all power for now~

Saph: ~backs away, pulling Rhyk onto surer ground~ Finally, you see the darkness...

THE END(of that story line)