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== F ==
== F ==
*'''Fice T.''': [[Paper Mario|PM]]
*'''Fice T.''': [[Paper Mario|PM]]
**Fice T. is the Toad assigned to guard the gate to Forever Forest in Toad Town, despite the fact that he is terrified of ghosts.  Bootler takes advantage of this by sending him threatening letters.  Speaking to him while Bow is Mario's partner will cause him to go into a fit.
*'''Fishmael''': [[Paper Mario|PM]]
*'''Fishmael''': [[Paper Mario|PM]]
**Fishmael is an odd fisherman seen at the Toad Town docks.  While he first tries to use Fuzzipede as bait, Fuzzipede manages to escape.  Whatever bait he uses after that seems to work even better.  He is also part of the chain of letters that must be delivered to receive the Lucky Day badge.
*'''Francesca''': [[Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door|PM:TTYD]]
*'''Francesca''': [[Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door|PM:TTYD]]
**The daughter of Don Pianta, Francesca fell in love with Frankie and convinced him to elope with her.  Though Don Pianta tried to hunt them down, he later gave them leave, and they ended up stranded at Keelhaul Key.  They remained behind when Mario came to save them, but returned to Rogueport after Don Pianta became sick with worry for them.
*'''Frankie''': [[Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door|PM:TTYD]]
*'''Frankie''': [[Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door|PM:TTYD]]
**Frankie was a member of the Pianta Syndicate who made the mistake of falling in love with Don Pianta's daughter.  He is somewhat more responsible than Francesca, and convinced her to ask for Don Pianta's blessing rather than elope.  Though they were temporarily stranded on Keelhaul Key, they returned to Rogueport later so that Frankie could take Don Pianta's place as head of the syndicate.
*'''Frost T.''': [[Paper Mario|PM]]
*'''Frost T.''': [[Paper Mario|PM]]
**Frost T. is a Toad living at Starborn Valley in Paper Mario, where he tends for the Star Kids until they can ascend to Star Haven.  Due to his isolation, he is highly appreciative of Parakarry and his mail drops, and even sends him a letter in thanks.
*'''Fuzzipede''': [[Paper Mario|PM]]
*'''Fuzzipede''': [[Paper Mario|PM]]

Revision as of 23:44, 5 February 2007

Main Characters





Minor Characters


  • Albino Dinos: PM
    • The Albino Dinos appear at the very end of the Crystal Palace in Paper Mario. There are three altogether standing on podiums throughout one half of the room, with three statues standing in identical spots on the other half. The trick is to move them (and consequently the statues) onto switches on the floor; they can only be moved in the direction they're facing, however. Albino Dinos resemble the Dino Rhinos from Super Mario World, only white.
Anti Guy.png
  • Anti Guy: PM
    • HP: 50, Attack: 10-12, Defense: 0
    • Anti Guy is a black-robed Shy Guy first found guarding a chest in Shy Guy's Toy Box. If you try to take the Power Plus badge inside, he attacks. As evidenced by his stats, it's a rather dangerous battle; however, the ordeal can be avoided by offering him a piece of Lemon Candy. You may also encounter a group of three Anti Guys in Bowser's Castle if you fail the quiz held by the second of the guard doors.
Atomic Boo.jpg
  • Atomic Boo: PM:TTYD
    • HP: 40, Attack: 4, Defense: 0
    • The Atomic Boo is found in Creepy Steeple after releasing the 200 Boos from the chest in the basement. Upon doing so and returning to the main hallway, Mario will be swarmed by Boos. Using Spin Hammer twice will anger them, and they will combine into the Atomic Boo and attack. After defeating it, you receive the Lucky Start badge.


  • Bandy Andy: PM:TTYD
    • Bandy Andy is a member of the Hand-It-Overs, a team of Bandits who regularly compete in the Glitz Pit battles. Though the team seems to be forever stuck in the minor leagues, Andy doesn't seem to mind. He spends his free time exploring the arena and gathering its secrets. However, this led to his "retirement" at the hands of Grubba.
Big Lantern Ghost.png
  • Big Lantern Ghost: PM
    • HP: 40, Attack: 2-5, Defense: 0
    • The Big Lantern Ghost is found near the end of Shy Guy's Toy Box, in a pitch black room across from General Guy's fort. Though it is at first too dark for Mario to see and attack him, hitting his lantern will cause the room to brighten, and also force Big Lantern Ghost to spend a turn dimming the lantern. After defeating him, Mario discovers Watt inside of the lantern, who agrees to join the party.
  • Blooey: PM:TTYD
    • A Blooper from the Pudding Continent in the Waffle Kingdom, Blooey was once known as the White Torpedo. He met up with Luigi during his quest to find Princess Eclair and agreed to help him find the Marvelous Compass piece in Rumblebump Volcano. During a fight with a giant statue, Luigi accidently threw Blooey into a pit of lava, burning him alive.
    • Though Blooey at first followed Luigi for the sole purpose of getting revenge on him, he later seemed happy to have been burned; it possibly gave him some sort of immunity against the Chestnut King's attacks.
Blooper PM.png
  • Blooper: PM
    • HP: 30, Attack: 3, Defense: 0
    • A large Blooper that appears in one of two places in the Toad Town Tunnels (depending on which place you go to first). The Blooper lunges at Mario with a cry of its name and attacks with either a drilling attack from above or a squirt of ink. The Blooper is floating, making it safe from Hammer attacks.
Blooper PM2.jpg
  • Blooper: PM:TTYD
    • HP: 12, Attack: 1, Defense: 0
    • This giant Blooper resides within the Rogueport Sewers, blocking the path to the Petal Meadows warp pipe. After Mario attacks one of its tentacles, it becomes enraged and attacks. The Blooper will start the battle hiding above the ceiling, with only two tentacles exposed. After these have been destroyed, it falls to the floor and can be defeated.
  • Blue Gate Plant: PM
    • One of three flowers that will barr Mario's passage through Flower Fields. This one will only let Mario through if he gives it a Blue Berry found along the path to Lily's spring.
  • Blue Yoshi Kid: PM
    • A member of the Fearsome Five, the Blue Yoshi Kid ran into the Jade Jungle to play hide-and-seek just like the others. He was found on the west end of the jungle, across multiple expanses of water.
  • Bonetail: PM:TTYD
    • HP: 200, Attack: 8, Defense: 2
    • The oldest of the three dragons in Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door, Bonetail can be found on the 100th floor of the Pit of 100 Trials. He is possibly the hardest boss in the game, which is only worsened by 90 floors of enemies prior to him. Defeating him, however, will earn you the Return Postage badge.
  • Boo's Portrait: PM
    • The Boo's Portrait is at first an empty picture frame located within Boo's Mansion. He offers to give Mario a boost to the third floor of the mansion, so long as Mario can find the painting that goes with the frame.
  • Bootler: PM, PM:TTYD
    • Bootler is the caretaker of Boo's Mansion and its current owner, Lady Bow. As can be expected, Bootler frets for Bow's safety constantly, and is hard pressed to let her venture out on her own. According to a Toad at the Toad Town Docks, he was in love with Bow's grandmother, which explains his concern. He appears alongside Bow in Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door at Poshley Heights.
  • Bruce: PM
    • Bruce is a Bob-omb who was trapped at Koopa Bros. Fortress along with Bombette. After the Koopa Bros. were defeated, he moved into Kooper's vacated house. He pines for Bombette during the entire adventure, sending her letters with, "I love you," written repeatedly inside. He also gets into a rather explosive fight with his new roommate (another Bob-omb) over the issue. Bombette, of course, has no interest.
  • Bub: PM:TTYD
    • The son of Goldbob and Sylvia, Bub is a young Bob-omb first met at Glitzville. He is a fan of the Great Gonzales, and is usually heard cheering him on. Mario runs into him later on the Excess Express and discovers that it's Bub's birthday. Since Bub greatly admires train engineers, Mario gives him the engineer's autograph as a present. He then spends the rest of the adventure with his family in Poshley Heights.
  • Bubble Plant: PM
    • One of the plants in Flower Fields, the Bubble Plant is one of few characters in the game that are not made of paper. If Mario gives it a Bubble Berry (found on the path from Lily's spring), it will blow a giant bubble for him to ride in. Using the bubble, Mario can then cross a pit of thorns to reach the Sun's tower.
  • Buzzar: PM
    • HP: 40, Attack: 1-4, Defense: 0
    • Buzzar is a bounty-hunting bird that roosts in the canyon separating Mt. Rugged from Dry Dry Desert. After finding a Wanted Poster with Mario on it, he tries to confront Mario, but can easily be tricked by telling him that you're Luigi instead. At the end of the game, we see that Buzzar has been hatching a set of eggs in his nest, despite himself being male.


  • Chan: PM
    • HP: 15, Attack: 2, Defense: 2
    • A low-ranked member of the Toad Town Dojo, Chan is the first to fall to Mario's fighting skill. Unfortunately for him, being a Buzzy Beetle makes him susceptible to Jump attacks, and he will likely spend the entire battle on his back. Defeating Chan earns Mario the First-Degree Card.
  • Charlieton: PM:TTYD
    • A wandering salesman in Rogueport, Charlieton can be found at Rogueport Square selling exclusive badges and rare items. Though he only offers four items at a time, those items will switch every time Mario leaves town and comes back. Charlieton will also sell common items to Mario in the Pit of 100 Trials (he may appear on every tenth floor). The items become steadily more expensive the further down Mario goes.
  • Chef Shimi: PM:TTYD
    • Chef Shimi is a Cheep Cheep cook on the Excess Express. He first needs help from Mario when one of the galley pots (with stew) is stolen by Heff T. Like the rest of the passengers on the train, he is captured by the Smorg at the start of the third day, but saved by Mario.
  • Chestnut King: PM:TTYD
    • What appears to be a fearsome beast, the Chestnut King is not actually seen in Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door, but talked of at length by Luigi. He had apparently kidnapped Princess Eclair of the Waffle Kingdom and held her captive at Hatesong Tower. However, it is later discovered that the Chestnut King and Princess Eclair are in love, and the Chestnut King was turned into a monster by Minister Crepe. Thanks to Luigi, the two end up happily ever after again.
  • Chet Rippo: PM, PM:TTYD
    • In Paper Mario, Chet Rippo is a bird-like creature that hangs out in the southern part of Toad Town. Chet Rippo will offer to raise one of Mario's stats, but at a price; the remaining two stats will be lowered. A completely different Chet Rippo appears in Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door, but has essentially the same abilities. This Chet Rippo can also take a rank from one partner and give it to another.
  • Chuck Quizmo: PM
    • Chuck Quizmo is a tophat-wearing worm who is the self-proclaimed quizmaster. He appears in various towns during Mario's quest and asks him to play a quick trivia game, which involves answering a question about something earlier in the adventure. A correct answer earns Mario a Star Piece. Chuck Quizmo will ask 64 questions total before retiring as quizmaster.
  • Cleftor: PM:TTYD
    • A member of the Punk Rocks, a team of three Hyper Bald Clefts in the Glitz Pit, Cleftor and his team are perpetually stuck in the minor leagues there. When Mario first enters the Glitz Pit challenge, Cleftor bears nothing but insults for him. However, as "Mustache" progresses, he comes to have a grudging respect.
  • The Composer: PM
    • The Composer is a Toad living at Dry Dry Outpost in Paper Mario. He is a melodic genius, but cannot sing or write lyrics at all. After giving him the Lyrics from Master Poet, the Composer will write up an accompanying melody which, when given back to Master Poet, will prompt the acquisition of an Attack FX badge.
  • Cranberry: PM:TTYD
    • The last of the legendary Lums, Luigi claims to have met Cranberry in the Rapturous Ruins of the Waffle Kingdom. Cranberry broke and scattered the pieces of the Marvelous Compass to keep it out of evil's hands, then went into a deep sleep in anticipation of a mighty hero (apparently Luigi). After telling Luigi the above story, he and the Rapturous Ruins disappeared completely.
  • Crepe: PM:TTYD
    • A minister of the Waffle Kingdom, Crepe sent a letter to the Mario Bros. requesting that they rescue Princess Eclair from the Chestnut King during Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door. Since Mario was in Rogueport, only Luigi took the task. It is later revealed that Crepe had turned the Chestnut King into a monster to trick Luigi into collecting the pieces of the Marvelous Compass. He transformed into a monster at Hatesong Tower after Luigi had done so. Using the Marvelous Compass, Luigi was able to see Crepe's attacks in advance and counter him until he was defeated.


  • Darkly: PM:TTYD
    • A former resident of Twilight Town, Darkly left at some point and moved into a back alley at Rogueport. Though for most of the adventure he won't talk, he does help Mario get through the warp pipe to Twilight Town by writing his name on the seat of his overalls...
  • Dazzle: PM:TTYD
    • Dazzle is a mysterious creature that lives in the Rogueport Sewers in Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door. He is a collector of Star Pieces, and will trade Mario various badges for the shinies. Dazzle effectively replaces Merlow from Paper Mario.
  • Don Pianta: PM:TTYD
    • Father of Francesca and head of the Pianta Syndicate, Don Pianta makes residence behind the shop on the west side of Rogueport. He also apparently owns all the businesses there, including the Pianta Parlor. Mario comes to Don Pianta for help on two occasions, to get both a Blimp Ticket and a Train Ticket. In return, Mario must help Don Pianta find his daughter and Frankie, the man she's running away with. After giving Mario the Train Ticket, Don Pianta retires and hangs around the Pianta Parlor for the rest of the adventure.
  • Doopliss's Parrot: PM:TTYD
    • Doopliss's parrot is the only other creature who knows Doopliss's real name at the start of Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door. In order to keep this secret, Doopliss hid the parrot in the basement of Creepy Steeple, along with the Letter "P" (so that gamers can't guess correctly from the start). After Mario has his body stolen by Doopliss, he and Vivian find the parrot and learn the name, which ultimately leads to Mario returning to normal.
  • Dour: PM:TTYD
    • The Mayor of Twilight Town, Dour is vexed by the bell at Creepy Steeple, which turns Twilighters into pigs whenever it rings. Mario and co. go to him for permission to leave Twilight Town, but before he can give it he turns into a pig. Fortunately, so does the gatekeeper. After the first fight with Doopliss, Dour entertains the disguised Mario and his partners at his house.
  • Dupree: PM:TTYD
    • A creepy character with a funky 'fro, Dupree is encountered at various towns throughout the Rogueport area. In Petal Meadows, he first flirts with Goombella, who completely rejects him. He is also seen at Glitzville (fawning over the incognito Jolene) and at Twilight Town (as a pig).


Electro Blooper.png
  • Electro Blooper: PM
    • HP: 50, Attack: 4-6, Defense: 0
    • The Electro Blooper is found in the Toad Town Tunnels, in whichever spot the first Blooper does not appear in (by the warp pipes or by a chest with a badge inside). Like its predecessor it floats in the air, protecting it from Hammer attacks. It can also charge itself with electricity, causing anyone who attacks it directly to be injured as well.
  • The Excess Express Conductor: PM:TTYD
    • A member of the Excess Express staff, the Conductor stands guard in front of the baggage car. He is responsible for handing out blankets to the passengers, though on the first night he comes up short and gives away his own. After he finds and returns it, the Conductor gives Mario a Mushroom.
  • The Excess Express Engineer: PM:TTYD
    • The Engineer of the Excess Express keeps the train running for its three day voyage. The young Bob-omb, Bub, admires him greatly, which leads Mario to get his autograph for Bub's birthday. The Engineer is the only one on the Excess Express who isn't captured by the Smorgs on the third day.
  • The Excess Express Waitress: PM:TTYD
    • A ditzy waitress on the Excess Express, she is completely enamored with Zip Toad, despite the one on the train being a fake. Her shell earrings are stolen by Doopliss in order to make the explosive Nitro Syrup, but returned by Mario before this could happen.


  • Fice T.: PM
    • Fice T. is the Toad assigned to guard the gate to Forever Forest in Toad Town, despite the fact that he is terrified of ghosts. Bootler takes advantage of this by sending him threatening letters. Speaking to him while Bow is Mario's partner will cause him to go into a fit.
  • Fishmael: PM
    • Fishmael is an odd fisherman seen at the Toad Town docks. While he first tries to use Fuzzipede as bait, Fuzzipede manages to escape. Whatever bait he uses after that seems to work even better. He is also part of the chain of letters that must be delivered to receive the Lucky Day badge.
  • Francesca: PM:TTYD
    • The daughter of Don Pianta, Francesca fell in love with Frankie and convinced him to elope with her. Though Don Pianta tried to hunt them down, he later gave them leave, and they ended up stranded at Keelhaul Key. They remained behind when Mario came to save them, but returned to Rogueport after Don Pianta became sick with worry for them.
  • Frankie: PM:TTYD
    • Frankie was a member of the Pianta Syndicate who made the mistake of falling in love with Don Pianta's daughter. He is somewhat more responsible than Francesca, and convinced her to ask for Don Pianta's blessing rather than elope. Though they were temporarily stranded on Keelhaul Key, they returned to Rogueport later so that Frankie could take Don Pianta's place as head of the syndicate.
  • Frost T.: PM
    • Frost T. is a Toad living at Starborn Valley in Paper Mario, where he tends for the Star Kids until they can ascend to Star Haven. Due to his isolation, he is highly appreciative of Parakarry and his mail drops, and even sends him a letter in thanks.
  • Fuzzipede: PM
    • HP: 20, Attack: 3, Defense: 0
    • What might be the cross between a Fuzzy and a Wiggler larva, the Fuzzipede is first seen at the Toad Town Docks being used as bait by Fishmael. It manages to escape him later on, only to be swallowed by the Whale. With Watt's help, Mario heads into the Whale and defeats the Fuzzipede, who then watches Fishmael and his new bait jealously from the west end of the dock.


  • Gloomtail: PM:TTYD
    • HP: 80, Attack: 8, Defense: 2
    • The middle child of the three dragons seen in Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door, Gloomtail waits deep inside the Palace of Shadows. Unlike Hooktail, Gloomtail breathes acid and possesses a Megabreath attack (which takes an extra turn for him to prepare). After being defeated, Gloomtail spits up the Star Key that is needed to reach the Shadow Queen's crypt.
  • Goldbob: PM:TTYD
  • Gooma: PM
  • Goomama: PM
  • Goombaria: PM
  • Goompapa: PM
  • Goose: PM:TTYD
  • Gourmet Guy: PM
  • Green Yoshi Kid: PM
  • Grifty: PM:TTYD
  • The Guard Door of Bowser's Castle: PM
  • Gus: PM:TTYD
    • HP: 20, Attack: 3, Defense: 0
    • A member of the Robbos, Gus is found on the east side of Rogueport, where he blocks the passage between Prof. Frankly's house and the Trouble Center. He will let Mario pass for 10 coins, or he can be defeated in battle, at which point he will return to the Robbos' headquarters to recuperate.





Kent C Koopa.png
  • Kent C. Koopa: PM
    • HP: 70, Attack: 3-10, Defense: 6
    • A giant Koopa Troopa who used to be friends with the Koopa Bros. After Chapter 5 of Paper Mario, he will block the path between Toad Town and Pleasant Path and demand a toll. He can be fought instead, but is somewhat difficult to defeat (though he seems to be weak to Mamar's Lullaby). His design may be taken from Hookbill the Koopa from Yoshi's Island.
  • King K: PM:TTYD
  • Kolorado's Father: PM:TTYD
  • Kolorado's Wife: PM
  • Koopa Koot: PM
  • Koopie Koo: PM:TTYD
  • Koopinator: PM:TTYD
  • Koopley: PM:TTYD
  • Koover: PM
  • Kroop: PM:TTYD


  • Lee: PM
    • HP: 20, Attack: 5, Defense: 0
    • A member of the Toad Town Dojo, Lee is able to transform into Mario's partner. This tactic can be used against him if Goombario is Mario's partner, since he will occasionally use Tattle on Mario instead of an actual attack. After defeating him, Mario earns the Second-Degree Card and the right to battle the Master.
  • Li'l Mouser: PM
  • Lily: PM
  • Lucky: PM:TTYD
  • Lumpy: PM:TTYD


  • Madam Merlar: PM
The Master.png
  • The Master: PM
    • HP: 50/75/99, Attack: 6/8-11/10-18, Defense: 0/0/1
    • Head of the Toad Town Dojo, Mario can face the Master up to three times in battle. Though in the first battle all he can do is use a tazer, the Master powers up for the next two to perform a variety of karate punches and combination attacks. Though not quite as powerful as Bowser, he is still a difficult opponent. Defeating him will earn Mario the Third-Degree Card, Fourth-Degree Card, and Diploma.
  • Master Crash: PM:TTYD
  • Master Poet: PM
  • The Mayor of Fahr Outpost: PM:TTYD
  • Mayor Penguin: PM
  • Merle: PM
  • Merlee: PM, PM:TTYD
  • Merlon: PM, PM:TTYD
  • Merlow: PM
  • Merluvlee: PM, PM:TTYD
  • Minh T.: PM
  • The Minister of Princess Peach's Castle: PM
  • Monstar: PM
    • HP: 20, Attack: 1, Defense: 0
    • Monstar is a giant, black monster that attempts to prevent Mario's passage into Starborn Valley. Though it looks big and has flashy attacks, it is in fact rather weak. After defeating it, Monstar is revealed to be a facade put on by a group of Star Kids, who felt obliged to protect the valley from strangers.
  • Moustafa: PM
  • Mover: PM:TTYD
  • Mr. Hammer: PM
  • Mr. Hoggle: PM:TTYD
  • Mrs. Penguin: PM
  • Muss T.: PM


  • Oaklie: PM



  • Raphael the Raven: PM
  • The Ratooey Businessman: PM:TTYD
  • Red Gate Plant: PM
  • Red Yoshi Kid: PM
  • Rhuff: PM
  • Rip Cheato: PM
  • Rocko: PM:TTYD
  • Rosie: PM
  • Rowf: PM
  • Russ T.: PM


Shy Squad.png
  • Shy Squad: PM
    • HP: 15 (1 per Shy Guy), Attack: 15 (1 per Shy Guy), Defense: 0
    • A group of Shy Guys, Mario chases the Shy Squad through Shy Guy's Toy Box as he makes his way to General Guy. The Shy Squad will first try to stop him by beating him up in a dark room, though they are easily scared away by Watt's light. They'll then attack on General Guy's orders; there are 15 units in all, though it's likely they won't all get a hit in. For fun, attempt to defeat all but one member of the squad.
  • Sir Swoop: PM:TTYD
  • The Snowmen: PM
  • Spiked Goomba: PM
  • Spiky Joe: PM:TTYD
  • Stewart: PM:TTYD
  • The Sun: PM
Super Blooper.png
  • Super Blooper: PM
    • HP: 70, Attack: 5-8, Defense: 0
    • An enormous Blooper living in the Toad Town Tunnels, it hides in one of the waterways deep underground. The Super Blooper is able to generate Blooper Babies that join it in battle, and can also charge up the power of its drilling attack. As with all Bloopers in Paper Mario, it floats and cannot be hit with standard Hammer attacks.
  • Sylvia: PM:TTYD





  • Yakkey: PM
  • Yellow Gate Plant: PM
  • Yellow Yoshi Kid: PM
  • The Yoshi Leader: PM