Member OG 4: GORE-ILLA's Quest

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Start: April 17, 2003
End: May 19, 2003
Timeline: Bad Timeline
Writers: GORE-ILLA, Golem, Yoshiyami, Fred, Introbulus, Gamechamp, Ed, Black Skull Dragoshi, Fusion, Greatluigi.
Main Cast: Yami Yoshi, GORE-ILLA, Introbulus, Fusion, Black Skull Dragoshi, SwordMaster, Dark GORE-ILLA, Lupus, Koopa, Greatluigi, Fred, Dark Jim, Gamechamp, PL-0TT.
Archive: Read the Story


The fourth installment in the Member OG series. This one focused on the quest for GORE-ILLA's past that was foreshadowed in the previous OGs. However, this OG be seen as the beginning of the series' decline. During the OG, heated flame wars began between the authors. Particularly GORE-ILLA, Fred and Greatluigi argued with Fusion and Black Skull Dragoshi due to Fusion and BSD constantly exxagerating the power of their characters, making the other characters seem useless next to them. Yami Yoshi and Introbulus acted as mediators, but also poked some fun at the two in their posts. Golem, of course, was the Neutral Timeline.

This was the end of the Member OGs that could be wrapped up in about a month with at least ten pages of material (this OG was actually the longest). It was followed by Member OG 5, which constantly died and was not completed until the less-interesting third reboot. Member OG Zero: Before the Cheesecake and Christmas Member OG were started afterwards.

Plot Summary[edit]

GORE-ILLA, continuing his investigation of his past, has decided to travel to Idej Volcano Mountain. In order to overcome the perils of the Lava Sea to reach this area, he decides to call together all of the OGers. Yami Yoshi, Pharoah Yami Yoshi, Fred, Introbulus, Jim and their new pal Phil eventually meet up with GORE and join up. GORE also finds a few unlikely hitchhikers- the spirits of the lost Party Goers. They then arrived at Fusion's mansion to pick him up and were joined by Gamechamp and the Robot Team, where were once again turning over a new leaf. Finally, SwordMaster and Black Skull Dragoshi made their way to the others late.

During all this, the OGers had to contend with villains. The newly-improved Mecha Dark GORE set out with Team Monkey to prevent GORE from finding out his past, and they battled often throughout the OG. Lupus and his minions also stalked the OGers. And the OGers' new enemies, the MPVP, decided to eliminate the OGers following their defeat of Evil in Member OG 3. After acquiring a sock-ship, the OGers made their way in starting their journey.

But soon afterwards, they entered a large battle with Mecha Dark GORE. The Robot Team battled Team Monkey on a nearby island. The OGers travelled to the island to retrieve the Robot Team, but they wound up meeting with the new villain MON-KILL. MON-KILL was ultimately defeated by Mecha Dark GORE, who then nearly absorbed GORE until he was driven off by the other OGers. As for the Robot Team, they discovered a teleporter which they used to zip around the world for the remainder of the OG. They then continued on their quest after acquiring a new vessel in the form of a Moblin submarine. Soon afterwards a bunch of villains from the OGers' past were revived to battle them. However, they were cheaply eliminated by BSD in the next post.

The villains were able to unite in Hell and decided to assemble their own team to match the OG Six. This union was the Anti-OG Six. They soon struck. First they ganged up on Fusion and attacked him for abitrarily increasing his already obnoxiously-high power. They then split up into individual battles with each of the OG Six (while the others were ignored, some for several pages). GORE was nearly killed by Mecha Dark GORE, but the spirits of the Party Goers were able to revive him. Then the OGers all united in a big battle against Lupus. It is at this point that Fred betrayed his comrades and joined up with Lupus to help him escape the OGers.

The OGers continued their journey, this time seeking three artifacts that they needed to access the volcano. Introbulus had already gained one from his battle with Dark Jim. To get the next one, they travelled to a Wind Temple. There they battled the new villain Greatluigi, along with Fred and a wind loser named Gale. After overcoming these evils (and Yami recovering from a near-death experience), they claimed the artifact and left. Even though the third artifact was left out (shown to be held by a Lava Pirate captain with the Fortune Teller aboard her crew), the OGers were still allowed to access the volcano after the Mystic Guardian saw that GORE was with them.

The villains (with the exceptions of Lupus and Mecha Dark GORE) then ambushed the OGers in a last-ditch attempt to destroy them. However, the OGers were able to endeavor and hold them off while GORE-ILLA entered the Idej Volcano Mountain. There he discovered his past (although, after a later OG's retcons, it is no longer "his" past) and then did battle with Mecha Dark GORE. GORE chose to spare his doppleganger's life and then battled Lupus, after refusing to join his UN. Lupus was ready to kill GORE, but in the last moments Mecha Dark GORE chose to sacrifice himself. GORE had no choice but to absorb Dark GORE in order to battle Lupus, even though it meant banishing Dark GORE to a one-way void of eternal darkness.

At that moment, the Robot Team had infiltrated the volcano and used an ancient spellbook to revive an ancient Idej Monster. However, the monster accidently merged with Lupus to make him even more powerful. GORE's new power, combined with the power of the other OGers and random cameos from previous OGs (THE MAN and StuMan), was able to destroy Lupus. GORE was fatally wounded, but restored by PL-0TT (after Introbulus restored the broken PL-0TT with some parts from Dark GORE). It ended with a usual celebration, along with MON-KILL taking Dark GORE's place in the Anti-OG Six and Team Monkey.


YY: Fusion, the lights.

Fusion: (snaps fingers, setting all the torches in the cave aflame) Done.

Jim: Yes, but can he do laundry?

Pharoh: This hasn't QUITE degraded into a infommecial... yet...

Jim: Fascinating! The best design for a boat is a sock! Of course!

Fred: Where? I can't see!

Phil: There, diagonally!

Introbulus: Next game is mine!

Mecha-Dark GORE: Alright, GORE, come up onto the flying Monkey so I can trash you!

GORE: This time it's going to be different. I've bought Five-Star binders.

Sephnite:Dark blast!

Pharoah Yami Yoshi is fried by a blast of dark energy.

Pharoah Yami Yoshi:Ouch! That hurt!

Sephnite:Now will you challenge me before I kill him?

BSD:Fine,but the result will end in you being killed

New Fusion: Ha! I now have full immortality and I have over 999 trillion HP in case my immortality is weakened! But that ain't happening anytime soon, now is it? By the way, call me Super Fusion.

Fred: Hey! Hello? Anyone remember me?

Ed: Yes! Come friggen on!

GORE: Never heard of yaa. Now, begone.


  • Golem's last post in this OG foreshadows Rhyk's appearance in Member OG 5 (the first two versions at least).