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*Like many of the game's characters, his name is a train-related pun, being a pun on "coal", which is commonly used as fuel for trains with furnaces.
*Like many of the game's characters, his name is a train-related pun, being a pun on "coal", which is commonly used as fuel for trains with furnaces.
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Revision as of 15:56, 13 January 2010

Cole in Spirit Tracks.
Species Human or Demon
Hair color Red
Voiced by Unknown
Debut The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks

Cole was an evil follower of Malladus who acted as one of the main antagonists of Spirit Tracks.


Although he appeared to be a short human, Cole actually had two differently-shaped horns on his head which suggested that he was actually some type of demon. He was short and overconfident, always wearing a smile except in some cases where he was enraged. He sought to revive the Demon King Malladus, and for this end he found work posing as the chancellor of Hyrule, helping to control the yooung kingdom with Princess Zelda. Wearing a pair of hats over his horn to conceal his identity, Cole came across as an eccentric but somewhat grumpy chancellor, insisting on usage of proper manners and of Zelda's protection. He did not allow Zelda to walk around alone, likely to prevent her from learning of his plans. He also likely wanted to protect her, because he intended to use Zelda's body as a vessel for Malladus when he was freed.

From his position in Hyrule Castle, Cole began to make the spirit tracks disappear in order to bring himself closer to reviving Malladus. He managed to enlist Byrne. a power-hungry follower of the Lokomos, as his minion. Byrne was able to build a Compass of Light for Cole that they were able to use to track down the Demon Train and release it from the Dark Realm as they split the Tower of Spirits into four segments that were connected by a beam of energy, this energy being all that was left to restrain Malladus. Cole and Byrne than ambushed Princess Zelda, who had sneaked out of the castle to investigate the Tower of Spirits with Link and Alfonzo. While Byrne attacked Alfonzo, Cole unveiled his true colors and attacked Zelda with a special spell that separated her soul from her body. After Link and Alfonzo were knocked out, they retreated with Zelda's body and took it to the top of the tower to undergo the ceremony.

Although the Tower of Spirits and most of the Spirit Tracks were restored, Link and Zelda still arrived on the Tower's roof too late, just as Cole completed the ceremony that revived Malladus in Zelda's body. After Malladus attacked Byrne, Cole and Malladus boarded the Demon Train and left for the Dark Realm, leaving Byrne for dead. They remained there until Lnk's spirit train arrived in pursuit of them and immobilized the Demon Train by stopping it in a battle. Link and Zelda (whom had possessed a Phantom) then worked their way along the top of the train towards the Malladus-possessed Zelda. Cole tried to keep them from reaching Zelda's body by summoning ghostly rats to distract Zelda, knowing her great fear of rats, and by attempting to control Zelda's Phantom body through puppet strings. However, he was unsuccessful, and Link was able to drive Malladus out of Zelda's body. The Demon Train was destroyed, depositing them all in Hyrule, where Zelda was able to regain her body after Byrne sacrificed himself to hold off Malladus. Cole then urged Malladus to possess Zelda's body again, but the Demon King instead chose to turn on Cole and consume him so that he could assume his original form.


  • Like many of the game's characters, his name is a train-related pun, being a pun on "coal", which is commonly used as fuel for trains with furnaces.