Young Cricket & Master Mantis

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Young Cricket and Master Mantis
Species Human
Base Diamond City
Debut WarioWare: Smooth Moves

Young Cricket and Master Mantis are characters introduced in WarioWare: Smooth Moves. As with most characters introduced since the first game, it is uncertain whether or not they developed microgames for WarioWare, Inc.


Young Cricket is a young martial artist who trains under the elderly Master Mantis. Master Mantis trained him in the mountains in all types of weather. Cricket has strong youthful energy but will often enter situations without fully thinking things through in his eagerness.

Within Smooth Moves, they are featured in the episode "Enter Young Cricket" where Young Cricket and Master Mantis become hungry while walking through Diamond City, before seeing a long line of people lined up by dumpling stand run by Mona. Young Cricket initially made his way to the stand by running on the heads of the people in line, but as he was making his order he realized what he had done in both cutting in line and angering everyone else in the line, so he ran on the heads of the people to the back of the line and suggested that he and Master Mantis get in line.


  • Their microgames use the Tug-of-War, Waiter and Elephant forms.
  • A sticker of Young Cricket appears in Super Smash Bros. Brawl.