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Mona's cheerleading outfit in Wario Ware: Smooth Moves.
Species Human
Hair color Orange
Eye color Blue
Debut Warioware, Inc.: Mega Microgame$

A opportunistic young girl that constantly changes her style and outfits. She also has numerous jobs to match all those styles and outfits. She is a good friend of Wario and accompanied him on several treasure hunting adventures. There have been hints at a romantic connection between the two, but it probably wouldn't fit into Mona's already busy schedule.


Mona was originall a high school student working at the Geletaria. On the side, she worked as a game designer for WarioWare Inc., with her games usually having a bizarre twist to them. Given her busy schedule she was given to riding her moped at often reckless speeds, many times having to evade the police just to get to work on time. As seen in the original "Warioware", she was aided in these police chases by a trio of animals hidden in her moped- a miniature elephant, a pig and a monkey.

This lifestyle didn't last long as she quit her job at the Geletaria and opened up her own restaurant - Mona Pizza. By doing so she gained a enemy in the huge multinational Pizza Dinosaur company whose pizza was not nearly as good. On top of that, she ended up starting a band known as Mona and the Hot Slices, while still maintaining her pizzeria. She quickly became a raging success, much to the annoyance of previous pop sensation Vanessa. After failing to stop Mona, Vanessa attempted to dress up like Mona at one of the concerts but got booed off the stage. However Mona and Vanessa were able to patch things up later, performing together at the Hawt House for the Wario Ware gang.

"Warioware: Smooth Moves" added some more jobs to Mona's schedule. She was shown as the cheerleading captain for the Diamond City Roughs. One of the football players fell in love with her, but was unable to summon the courage to admit his feelings to her. Mona was also seen running a dumpling stand that caught Young Cricket's interest, and she became the editor of the "Weekly Wario" (the game's instruction manual) after Wario got bored of it.