Member OG Page 1

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Author: Yoshiyami[edit]

This is how it works. This is just like any regular OG except it mostly involves VGF members. You may include yourself if you wish.

<At Yami Yoshi's house on Yoshi's Island>

Yami Yoshi: I'm sure hungry for some food! Let's see what's inside the refrigerator!

<Yami Yoshi opens the refrigerator>

Yami Yoshi: Hey! Someone stole all of my cheesecake!

<Yami Yoshi observes the scene of the crime and sees fingerprints on the fridge handle>

Yami Yoshi: Those prints can only belong to one person. That person is...

Author: Lupus[edit]

Yami Yoshi: LUPUS!

Lupus: What?

Yami Yoshi: You stole my cheesecake. But you're not in this scene. I'm supposed to say your name, then the scene changes to your evil mountain lair of clichéd doom.

Lupus: Right.


Koopa: Where is Lupus? He was supposed to be here half an hour ago!

*Lupus comes in, panting, as he'd just run up the entire mountain track to the fort*

Lupus: Ski lift's out.

Koopa: Where were you?

Lupus: The previous scene.

Koopa: That would explain it.

Lupus: Anyway, I'm the boss here. Get to work on fixing that ski lift.

Koopa: Yessir.


Koopa: And a cheesecake is going to help you do that how?

Lupus: It's not.

Koopa: ...

Lupus: Ski lift's calling!

Koopa: Right.

Author: Fusion[edit]

*Meanwhile, at an underground lab...*

Head Scientist: *writing in journal* Dear Journal, we are almost done with Project Fusion. It involves creating the universe's strongest being for good. To make him as powerful as he is, we simply called in each known warrior to give up one of their cells. Then, we created an artificial human that looks like Ganondorf, we started the growth acceleration, we transfered the cells into him, we transfered immortality juice into him, and then we started the activation sequence. It has been several hours since we started the activation sequence. Now, it is finished. We call this fighter, "Fusion". He will know every attack and defense in the universe. I give myself a pat on the back.

Scientist: Sir, you should check on Fusion's tank.

Head Scientist: Ok.

*So, they go to Fusion's tank and see Fusion all wired up.*

Fusion: Help me!

Head Scientist: Patience, my friend. When you get out, you'll have more power than any warrior in the universe. You'll know every attack and defense.

Fusion: Let me try it out!

*Suddenly, Fusion starts surging with energy. He breaks his tank with the energy.*

Fusion: Ah, fresh air.

Head Scientist: That was pretty good. Now to get you some clothes.

*Later, Fusion puts on hi-tech armor, a hi-tech helmet, and a black cape.*

Fusion: Cool!

Head Scientist: Alright, you're ready to be drafted to the French Foreign Legion.

Fusion: French Foreign Legion?

Head Scientist: Uh, yeah. They asked us to make you for them.

Fusion: So, I'm just an ordinary soldier, eh?

Head Scientist: Uh, well, you see...

Fusion: *starts surging with energy* I'm not going to be a soldier at the French Foreign Legion! ARRRRRRR!

Head Scientist: Oh no, we must evacuate! *picks up microphone* Evacuate the laboratory! Project Fusion has gone haywire!

*With that, all the scientists leave, and the security droids try to subdue Fusion, but they are blown up. Suddenly, the laboratory explodes, and Fusion is unharmed.*

Fusion: What have I done!? I caused this destruction! I'm just a threat to the world!

???: Not if I can help it.

Fusion: Huh?

*Fusion turns around and sees Giovanni, the leader of Team Rocket.*

Giovanni: I can help you train your energy.

Fusion: You really can?

Giovanni: Yes, now get into my chopper.

*So, they get into the chopper, and go to Team Rocket HQ. When they get there...*

Giovanni: Now, my virtual reality system can help you concentrate your energy so you can control it.

Fusion: Okay, let the training commence.

*Suddenly, a scientist turns on the virtual reality. Fusion finds himself in a collesium.*

Announcer: Now, let the champ out!

*Suddenly, a Goomba-a-Doomba stomps into the arena.*

Goomba-a-Doomba: Me crush you!

Giovanni's Voice: Now, clear your mind. Concentrate your energy on the opponent!

Audience Member: Ah, shut up, ya jerk!

Fusion: Concentrate........Shadow Blam!

*Suddenly, shadowy energy surrounds the Goomba-a-Doomba and blows him up, bones and all.*

Fusion: I did it!

*Suddenly, Fusion finds himself back in the lab.*

Giovanni: Well done. You now can control your powers. But, I did a favor for you, so you must do a favor for me.

Fusion: What is that favor?

Giovanni: Destroy Yami Yoshi. He defeats me every time I hatch an evil scheme at the OG Board!

Fusion: I will not be a tool of evil! *flies out*

Giovanni: We have not choice but to destroy him! Domino, prepare the army!

Domino: Yes sir!

*3 years later, at Yami Yoshi's house...*

Author: GORE-ILLA[edit]

*Three Years Earlier At Lupus's EVIL Mountain of Doom...*

Lupus: Soon the world will be mine! What's that EVIL project we were working on?

Koopa: The gorilla army breeding thing.

Lupus: Yeah. How's that doing?

Koopa: Well, one of the gorillas was attacked by a flesh-eating rubber duckie yesterday. We are rebuilding him an indestructable cyborg who will probably betray us, turn to Yami Yoshi's side and set off on a quest to stop us.

Lupus: Oh. Want some cheesecake?


*In The Top-Secret Laboratory...*

EVIL Scientist Dude: Yes! It is complete! My ultimate creation! (pulls Ellio's Pizza out of the oven.) Now to check on that cyborg gorilla thing. (looks at the operating table to find it empty.) Oh well. The gorilla's escaped. Now where's the pepper?


*Three years later at Yami Yoshi's house*

Yami Yoshi: Whoa, sitting here for three years not doing anything to get back my cheesecake sure is tiring. Oh well. (doorbell rings.)OOO! Visitors! (opens the door and sees GORE-ILLA.)

GORE-ILLA: Yami Yoshi....after all this time I've found you. I know where Lupuis is. We must go on one of those quests to defeat him and avenge your cheesecake. (thinking to himself) And to regain my memory that Lupus brainwashed when he captured me.

Yami Yoshi: Cool. Lets go. (looks out the window) Hey! It looks like some sort of army is heading in this direction...

Author: Fusion[edit]

Fusion: Great, the Team Rocket army is coming to kill me!

GORE-ILLA: Kill you? Why?

Fusion: Well, it was three years ago in an underground lab. I was created there. When I found out that I was being drafted to the French Foreign Legion, I destroyed the lab. Then, Giovanni told me to kill you, but I chose not to. Now, they have come to kill me for betraying them!

GORE-ILLA: Well, we're gonna help you!

Yami Yoshi: And then, we're gonna go on a quest, see a cloaked fortune teller, and get robbed of our credit cards.

*Suddenly, Giovanni breaks the door down.*

Giovanni: *holding a gun* Alright, surrender or be blown into a million pie...where'd they go?

*Meanwhile, in the city...*

GORE-ILLA: If only I could've seen the look on his face when you teleported us to safety!

Fusion: Yeah, well.

???: May I predict your future?

*All three turn around and see a fortune teller in a black robe and hood.*

Fortune Teller: Come on, you must be concerned about something.

GORE-ILLA: I don't believe in that stuff!

Fortune Teller: Then you will freeze!

*Suddenly, the fortune teller snaps his fingers, and GORE-ILLA is frozen in time.*

Fortune Teller: Now, you will allow me to predict the future for you.

Fusion: I think I would like to have my fortune told after all.

Fortune Teller: Well, first, I need a personal belonging.

Fusion: How about this golden MasterCard?

Fortune Teller: I see...that this belongs! *kicks table on top of Yami Yoshi and runs away into the blackness with Fusion's credit card.*

Fusion: HEY, GET BACK HERE, YA FAKE! *runs after fortune teller*

*Suddenly, GORE-ILLA can move again.*

GORE-ILLA: Hey, I'm free!

Yami Yoshi: *gets up* C'mon, we've got to go follow Fusion and help him get his credit card back.

*They run off to help Fusion. Meanwhile, at Lupus's lair...*

Cloaked Figure: I can assure you that with our organizations combined, we will have an army greater than any in the galaxy.

King Boo: The Haunted Union Army is at your disposal, Mr. Cloaked Figure.

Bowser: The world will be ours!

Lupus: Yes! Think about it! Free merchandise!

Cloaked Figure: Let's do our evil laugh!


*Meanwhile, in an abandoned warehouse...*

Fortune Teller: He will never find me here!

*Suddenly, the door busts open.*

Fortune Teller: I've got to hide!

Fusion: Alright, you thief! Give me back my credit card!

*Suddenly, Yami Yoshi and GORE-ILLA come in.*

Fusion: Hey, you guys! Now we can gang up on that thief!

Author: Yami Yoshi[edit]

Yami Yoshi: Dark Egg!

<Yami Yoshi throws an explosive egg at the fortune teller>

Fortune Teller: Argh!!! <dies>

Yami Yoshi: Now we need to concentrate on the true mission...TO FIND MY CHEESECAKE!

<Meanwhile in Lupus' Lair>

Koopa: Sir. You haven't touched the cheesecake in 3 years.

Lupus: That's my plan. I am going to lure those fools into my top secret lair! Then I am gonna eat the cheesecake RIGHT in front of them!

Koopa: But how is that gonna help you covert the world into Sheitism?

Lupus: ......How dare you question me! Guards! Execute him!

Author: Fusion[edit]

<Meanwhile, at the abandoned warehouse.>

???: You think I'm dead? You're barking up the wrong tree!

Yami Yoshi: Who said that?

???: I did, for I am the fortune teller!

GORE-ILLA: But we just killed you!

Fortune Teller: That was a hologram, idiot! Now, Time Freeze!

<Suddenly, GORE-ILLA is frozen in time again.>

Fusion: You punk! Now pay!

<Suddenly, Fusion runs over to use a Warlock Punch, but the fortune teller blocks it with a barrier.>

Fortune Teller: You see, magic is stronger than brute force.

Fusion: HeheHAHAHAHA!

Fortune Teller: What's so funny?

Fusion: I know every attack in the universe! Even magic spells!

Fortune Teller: Then a magic war we shall fight!

Fusion/Fortune Teller: Master Beam!

<So they shoot red energy beams at each other. The hooded fortune teller goes flying back.>

Fusion: Alright, give me back my MasterCard!

Fortune Teller: Alright, here! *hands MasterCard to Fusion*

Fusion: Now get out of here!

Fortune Teller: Of course! *runs away like a madman*

Yami Yoshi: Now we need to get my cheesecake!

Fusion: Can't you just bake another one?

Yami Yoshi: Hmm, you're right! Let's go home and bake some cheesecake!

Fusion: Hey, I've got to unfreeze GORE-ILLA! *frees GORE-ILLA

<So they go home to bake a cheesecake.>

Fusion: I love cheesecake!

<Suddenly, Lupus appears.>

Lupus: I will take that cheesecake, too!

Author: Massimiliano[edit]

^Two things: 1. The creation thing was the nerdiest thing I've ever seen. You took it from Pokemon. 2. Magic stronger than brute force? You know nothing about the ways and damage capabilities of firearms! Other than that, good paragraphs.


At Massimiliano's HQ...

Me: Alright, send out the camera probes.

Harrison: Yes sir.

*Harrison presses a button, and all the screens in the Comm. room turn on. Replacing the blank screens are camera feeds.*

*later, the camera shows Lupus in his bathtub sitting there with a 3-year-old cheesecake, singing*


Me: What the fu-

Harrison: .... [Eek!]

Me: Turn off that camera! That's disgusting!

*Harrison turns off the camera*

Me: *hand over face* That was.........

Harrison: ........scary.....

Me: Alright, no time to lose! From the camera's map, we have found Lupus's headquarters! We must assault.

Harrison: May I suggest air force?

Me: Good idea. I'm sending out all of our air forces. *leaves*

*At the hangar...*

Massimiliano: Ok pilots, listen up. We're going on an assault to Lupus's base.

Pilot 456: Mission objectives, sir?

Massimiliano: Destroy the whole base. Now get mounted, people!

*Later, everyone is in a fighter. Massimiliano is in a prototype Wraith with no bottom turret, but four wings. In each wing, there is a LPA-Halo Missle Pack. It also has a slightly bigger chassis. 70% of the rest of the pilots went into Wraiths, and 30% went into Scouts, which, despite the name, were much more suited to the opposite of what they're named after.*

*in the air...*

Pilot 235: Sir, we have 2 kilometres and counting to Lupus's base.

Massimiliano: Excellent.

Author: Yami Yoshi[edit]

<In Lupus' base>

Commander: Master Lupus!


Commander: S-s-sorry Lupus. But there are unidentified troops on our sensors heading this way.

Lupus: Release the top secret army.

Commander: Top secret army?

Lupus: Yes. I've kept them secret for 10 years. They will make the whole world convert to Sheitism!

Commander: Yes sir!

<About 1000 cloaked humans march out of the base>

Lupus: Hahahahahahahaha! My evil plot shall soon become reality! Hahahahahahahahahaha!

Author: Lupus[edit]

Lupus: Wait wait wait wait! REWIND!! *presses button on control and the screen in front of him rewinds on his DVD player to where Max begins his post.*

Max: Alright, send out the camera probes.

Harrison: Yes sir. *Harrison presses a button, and all the screens in the Comm. room turn on. Replacing the blank screens are camera feeds. Later, the camera shows Lupus in his bathtub sitting there with a 3-year-old cheesecake, singing*


Max: What the fu-

Harrison: ....

Max: Turn off that camera! That's disgusting!

Harrison: Yes sir. Now, let's get dirty on your mum's bed.

Max: Oh yes. *takes off clothes and lies on bed, and Harrison gets on top of him. The screen suddenly goes black because Lupus turned off the monitor*

Lupus: [Kefka laugh]Hahaha![/Kefka laugh] Look at that fool! Trying to crash this OG in an attempt to insult me. Such a dirty mind too. If he had bothered to READ THE POSTS BEFORE HIM, he'd know I'm following those rebels! Koopa!

Koopa: I'm dead, sir.

Lupus: Never mind that now. Use the TWIFATIT Full Body Wiper on him!

Koopa: Yessir. *uses the Full Body Wiper on Max and erases him from the topic*

Lupus: Now... where was I? Oh yes. In that warehouse *is warped out of the control room*


Lupus: Mine, all mine!!

*Runs out of the warehouse and kidnaps Yami Yoshi as he's about to go into his house. GORE-ILLA and Fusion enter by themselves.*

YY: What the...?


Author: Fusion[edit]

Yami Yoshi: HELP!

Lupus: Shut up, or I will kill you!

Yami Yoshi: You talkin' to me? I'm not gonna shut up! You shut up!

Lupus: Fine, be that way! But no one can save you!

Yami Yoshi: But you forget, I'm the MOD of this OG board.

Lupus: So?

Yami Yoshi: So, I can summon all the OGers to help me! HELP! ONGOERS, HELP!

Suddenly, GORE-ILLA, Fusion, and all the other OGers come in the warehouse.

GORE-ILLA: Now, Lupus, time to die!

Lupus: Never!

Fusion: Then we will beat the crap outta you!

Lupus: Then I have no choice but to summon my master! MASTER, COME QUICK!

Suddenly, a gigantic, armored man rises out of the ground. He has a chain on each arm and leg. You know this guy as Exodia.

Exodia: What do you need, mortal!

Lupus: I am outnumbered!

Exodia: That's too bad! You were worthless all along! I shall send you into...OBLIVERATION!


Exodia: Now that that is taken care of, I can destroy the rest of you puny mortals!

Author: Lupus[edit]

Lupus: Uh oh, it looks like I am dead.

*Lupus floats through endless time for about five minutes, but it isn't five minutes seeing it is endless time*

Lupus: I'm bored.

*Suddenly he sees a snack bar, and lands and walks inside*

Barman: So, what can I do you for?

Lupus: Exodia betrayed me. I'm now dead.

Barman: That doesn't sound too bad too me. I mean, I get visitors who tell me that all the time.

Lupus: For real?

Barman: ...No.

Lupus: Thanks for trying to cheer me up.

Barman: You don't know how long I've been here. Ever since Exodia killed me back in 1867 I've been lonely.

Lupus: Why did he kill you?

Barman: I challenged Bob Yoshi the Moustached. Then Exodia killed me saying he had no use for me.

Lupus: That's very scary because I challenged Yami Yoshi and Exodia killed me saying he had no use for me.

Barman: And...?

Lupus: ...I have reason to believe Bob Yoshi was in some way related to Yami Yoshi.

Barman: I don't care any more.

*Suddenly a mysterious figure barges into the bar*

???: Give me all your money or I'll kill you all!

Lupus: No. *gets shot*

*Due to the improbability of dying when you're already dead, Lupus is then revived into the real world, in the middle of a street*

Lupus: My plan worked! Now, to get my revenge on Exodia! BWAHAHAHAHA!! Koopa! *Koopa is warped to Lupus' side*


Exodia: And then I will melt down your bones into Harwax and sell them to the masses!! MWAHAHAHA!

Yami Yoshi: Are you going to actually do it or laugh about it all day?

Exodia: You anger me. I think I'll laugh about it some more. Mwaha- *Exodia's head gets sliced off in a flash*

Lupus: There.

Yami Yoshi: He's back from the dead!!

Lupus: Yes. And now I don't take orders from anybody. Hiya!

*grabs Yami Yoshi around the neck and disappears into nothingness*

Lupus: Although that "nothingness" was just a distraction while I sneak out the back door.

*of course*

Lupus: Well say that next time!

*right. So anyway. Five minutes later, at Lupus' evil mountain lair of doom...*

Lupus: That'll teach you for opposing my Sheiter plans!!

Yami Yoshi: But I didn't do anything apart from wanting to make a Cheesecake!!

Lupus: SILENCE! Now that you are imprisoned in this easily escapable prison cell, I will now turn my attention to the control panel so you can escape. So there!

*turns his attention to the control panel*

Author: Fusion[edit]

Lupus: I think I'll take a bath.

So, Lupus gets in the tub and starts singing again for hours.

Author: Massimiliano[edit]

OoC Max: It looks like Lupus has tried to edit my post with a rewind, has he? Well, he won't get away with it!


Lupus snaps back to reality from his constant singing in the bathtub.

Huh? What happened? He thinks. He soon hears alarms sounding.


Lupus: Damnit! Send out all ground forces!

*Lupus sends out all his ground forces, which slowly lose to the excessive amount of gunships.*

Lupus: This isn't working...

--- OoC: Lupus, you'll never get away with this stuff.

Author: Fusion[edit]

Suddenly, Fusion appears.

Fusion: Alright, Lupus! Time to surrender!

Lupus: Never! I'll never give back the cheesecake! Ever since I was a boy, I wanted cheesecake! But every time my mom packed it in my lunch, the school bully would take it! I had had enough of it, so I brought a gun to school and shot the bully! But then, everytime I went to the grocery store, they were sold out of cheesecake! So, I decided to be evil and commit schemes just so I could make demands for cheesecake! But the world leaders never sent it! So I blew up their council auditorium! Then, I stole Yami Yoshi's cake! But, it was rotten! So, I never got to try cheesecake in my whole life!

Fusion: A likely story, Lupus. However, you're under arrest for the slaughter of innocents!

Lupus: You're not a cop! You're just an all-powerful softie! You are only three years old, and already you're a man! You're a freak! Your outfit is so sci-fi! And your age is soooo pathetic!

Suddenly, a gunshot is heard by some troops hiding outside the control room.

Mercenary Eddy: What was that?

Mercenary Ed: Gravy?

Mercenary Double-D: No, Ed. It sounded like a gunshot! C'mon!

So they go inside and see Fusion holding a gun and standing near a dead Lupus.

Fusion: It had to be done.

Mercenary Ed: Buttered toast!

Mercenary Eddy: Shut up, Ed.

Mercenary Double-D: Why, Fusion? Why?

Fusion: He was ticking me off! I had no choice but to shoot him!

Mercenary Double-D: Well, at least he'll never kill another person again.

Suddenly, Lupus's gorilla troops come in.

Fusion: Great, we're outnumbered.

Mercenary Eddy: We gotta stand and fight!

???: I'll help you.

Everyone: GORE-ILLA?