Member OG Page 6

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Author: Lupus[edit]

*A plot hole opens, Lupus' arm comes through and snatches the entire deck*

Lupus: Ooh, what are these things?

Yami Yoshi: Give them back, now!

Lupus: NO! You'll escape and ruin my entire plan again! I have the power of opening Plot Holes! You don't! Nya nya! Koopa, where's my Fire3 spell?

Koopa: Right here sir.


Lupus: *casting Fire3 on the deck* Bye bye, cardboard thingies. *drops the cards down through the plot hole into the desert, the cards flying everywhere in the wind and getting burn to crisps*

Yami Yoshi: *sobbing* NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!

Koopa: Sir Lupus! You didn't burn one of the cards!

Lupus: You're right. Hey- this is the Take Over The World card! BWAHAHAHAH!! *uses the card*

Yami Yoshi: I knew I should have used that card before now...

Author: Fusion[edit]

Yami Yoshi: Since you destroyed my favorite things, I shall destroy yours! Psy Beam!

Suddenly, he burns the Take Over the World card to a crisp.


Yami Yoshi: Shut up! Fusion!

Fusion slaps Lupus around like a rag doll until Lupus is rather roughly thrown 10 miles away and lands on his butt.

Lupus: Ouch. *faints*

Koopa: NO! BOSS!

Fusion: Koopa, I have had it with you! It's time Lupus lost his assistant! Fire Beam!

Koopa is burned to a crisp.

Fusion: Now, let's go to Phantom Lake!

Everyone: YEAH!

Author: Yami Yoshi[edit]

<They finally reach the Phantom Lake>

Yami Yoshi: Woohoo! We're finally here!

GORE-ILLA: Now bring us back to life Beelzebub!

Beelzebub: All right.

<Beelzebub shoots a blast of energy at Yami Yoshi and GORE-ILLA and they transport back to the real world in the year 2003>

Yami Yoshi: We're finally back.

Voice: Or are you?

<Lupus appears in a giant cheesecake shaped robot>

Lupus: Mwa ha ha ha ha! Welcome to Lupus World!

Yami Yoshi: Lupus World?

Lupus: I caused a disruption in the time and space continual! Now this world is Lupus World! Mwa ha ha ha ha!

Author: Lupus[edit]

Lupus: Now, you're in breach of Rule 718234721: No Yami Yoshis. To court with you!

Yami Yoshi: That's not fair!

Lupus: This world being fair is in breach of Rule 3452385923490425239045.3.

Yami Yoshi: This post is too short.

Lupus: This post being too long is in breach of Rule (insert random number here).

Author: SwordMaster[edit]

*SwordMaster walks in*

SwordMaster: Hey guys. Where the hell have you been?

Yami Yoshi: Dead.

SwordMaster: Oh. Anyway, while you were gone Lupus became an all powerful being.

GORE-ILLA: So thats why there's Lupus World. And you didn't try to stop him??!!!

SwordMaster: Hey, I was um... sleeping at the time. It's all Fusions fault, anyway.

*Everyone looks at Fusion*

Fusion: What? What did I do.

SwordMaster: Well, it turns out that it was Lupus' assistant, Koopa, that was holding him back this whole time. When you killed him, it allowed Lupus to be free to use his original ultimate power. He then was able to use this power to create a disturbance in time and space, hence Lupus World. Then, he built this robot and stole all the cheesecake IN THE WORLD!!!!

Lupus: And now I will take my first bite of cheesecake!!! HA!!!

*Lupus begins to lift a fork with cheesecake on it*

SwordMaster: (slow-motion) NNNNNOOOooooooOOOOOOoooooOOOOOoooooooOOOOOOOoooooooOOOOOOooooooooOOOOOOooooooooOOOOOOooooooooOOOOO!

*In slow-motion SwordMaster knocks the cheesecake out of his hand*

Lupus: You will all die for that outrage!!! Prepare laser!!

*A giant laser points at the heros*

SwordMaster: Oh, poo.

Author: Introbulus[edit]


Lupus: That's it! You're all going to burn! Fire!

All the others: AAAAAHHH!!!! (jump out of the way)

Lupus' lazer goes right past all the party members, and hits...

Yami Yoshi: MY CHEESECAKE!!!

Lupus: No! I never got to savor the sweet, tender, morsels of the goey cake! You shall all pay!

SwordMaster: US!? Aren't you the one who vaporized the cheesecake?

Lupus: Well, yes. But it wouldn't make sense if I took revenge out on myself! Besides, you dodged my attack, thus leaving the Cheesecake open for a full-on frontal assault! You do not deserve the Cheesecake! No one does! This ends NOW!!!!

Yami Yoshi: What is he doing!?!

Fusion: Oh no! He woudn't...

Lupus: I summon Lord Chaos! From whom all evil and dispair arises! Come forth, oh lord of darkness! Strike down all those who oppose the evil!

Suddenly, a giant crack appears in the crust of the Earth. From FF1, Lord Chaos flies out of the crack.

Fusion: ...Awwww (insert profanity)

Author: Fusion[edit]

Lord Chaos: Mwahahahaha! I shall strike you all down!

???: Oh no you don't! I want to strike them down!

Suddenly, a man in a blue cape and silver mask appears.

Man: I am Mephisto, the god of magic!

Lord Chaos: NOT YOU!!!

Mephisto: Yes, it is I! I shall finally condemn you to the Shadow Realm!

Suddenly, a portal opens up and Lord Chaos is sucked in.


The portal closes.


Lupus commits suicide and goes to heck. In heck...

Satan: Let's see. You killed people just to eat cheesecake. Take him to the heart!


Lupus is dragged away by demons. Meanwhile, at our heros' location...

Fusion: He commited suicide! Of all the nerve! That's how he was defeated!

Mephisto: And Lord Chaos was a wimp, too.

Yami Yoshi: MY CHEESECAKE! *sobs*

GORE-ILLA: Let's bake a bigger, fresher cheesecake at...

Mephisto: *interrupts* palace!

Everyone: Um...YEAH!


So, they went and baked a giant cheesecake. They ate it all and got food poisoning. Yami Yoshi got over the cheesecake. GORE-ILLA went to live in the jungle and protect the animals from poachers. Fusion entered the WWE and became the World Heavyweight champion. Swordmaster became Link's sidekick. The Eds recovered from the hospital in 3 days and earned the key to the USA. Mephisto got richer by winning the powerball. Introbulus got his own Gundam. And Lupus would be forever doomed to eternal torment in heck.

The End.

Author: Introbulus[edit]

Meanwhile, in the shadow realm

Lord Chaos: Gee, it's not as bad as I thought it would be.

Author: Fusion[edit]

I think I'll make a second VGF Member OG.

Author: GORE-ILLA[edit]


You come from nowhere and end the story so quickly???!!!!

Suddenly, Mephitso dies. Time turns back to when Lord Chaos ia fighting them.

Dark GORE: Yes! Chaos shall destroy those meddlers!

Diskun: Koopa's and Quirtzok's deaths were not in vain!

Lord Chaos: Foolish mortals! Prepare to die!

GORE-ILLA, Fusion, SwordMaster were thrown back.

Lupus: Mwahahahaha!!! Finish them Chaos!

Yami Yoshi: There's only one choice! We must assemble the OGers!

GORE-ILLA: Hurry! I'll hold him off!

Fusion: Me too! (The two charge at Chaos.)

SwordMaster: Hurry, Yami Yoshi! We need to get to the OG Boards!

Yami Yoshi: Yeah! But its a long walk...

Introbulus: I'll give you a ride! Hop into my Volkswagon!

Yami Yoshi & SwordMaster: Alright! (They jump in. But can theyt assemble the OGers in time? Find out next time!)

Author: Introbulus[edit]

Yami Yoshi: So what are you doing here, anyway? Didn't you run off to Mexico?

Introbulus: Yup! I got everyone a free Sombrero!(hands out sombrero's)

As the intrepid heroes fly across the desert landscape, Lupus has his hands full with Chaos.

Lupus: How can you disobey me? I am your master!

Chaos: No, foolish mortal! You are an agent of evil. Therefore I am your master, and you shall do as I say, or suffer the consequences! (zaps Lupus)

Lupus: GAAAA!!!! Okay! Okay! I'll be your "slave"! Just tell me what you want of me!

Chaos: Ah! I see you have come to your senses. Very well. Go hunt down those meddlesome do-gooders for me. They are a thorn in my side. I have other matters to take care of.

Lupus: Yes, my master!

Narrirator: Will our heroes be able to get the support they need to fight off the combined forces of Lupus and Chaos? Or will the vile creatures shadow the world in chaos and dispair?

Lupus: I'm hoping it's the second one!

Narrirator: Find out! In the next exciting post of THE VGF MEMBER OG! (reverb)

Author: Yami Yoshi[edit]

<Suddenly Yami Yoshi jumps out of the moving Volkswagon>

Yami Yoshi: I can beat this guy!

SwordMaster: All right! We'll be at the OG Boards!

<Introbulus and SwordMaster drive away>

Yami Yoshi: <pulls out some badly burned cards> My Yu-Gi-Oh card deck shall stop him! I summon the Blue Eyes White Dragon!

<The Blue Eyes White Dragon appears but it is badly burned>

Yami Yoshi: What the?

Lupus: Hahaha! Your stupid cards were burned by me! Therefore, the monsters are burned too! Say goodbye Yami Yoshi! As soon as I destroy you, I will take over the OG Board!

Yami Yoshi: ...Wait! I have an idea! I summon Twin Headed Fire Dragon! Since its type is fire, its power is increased! Attack Lord Chaos!

<The Twin Headed Fire Dragon obliterates Lord Chaos>

Lupus: Hahaha! If you've think you've beaten me, you're dead wrong! I have a diabolical plan that will destroy those cards once and for all! Mwa ha ha ha ha!

Author: Introbulus[edit]

Narrirator: No, it's quite illogical that Chaos would be destroyed by a simple card. I'm afraid I'm going to have to...hey, what are you doing in my house? Stop, NOOOO!!!!

Jim: Glad I got that guy out of the picture.

Meanwhile, back in the Volkswagon

Swordmaster: There's no way we'll get out of this desert at the rate we're going!

Introbulus: Okay.

The Volkswagon stops.

Swordmaster: ??? What are you doing?!?

Introbulus: (pulls out a toaster) This device will summon all the OG members to US! All we have to do is wait.

Swordmaster: Why didn't you use this before?

Introbulus: ...That's not important now. (activates the machine).

Jim: Will this device work in time to help save the world from destruction? Of course it will!

Narrirator: Hey! That's not how you narrirate!

Jim: Do you want to eat another rock?

Narrirator: (is suddenly silent)

Jim: Thought so.