Member OG Page 8

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Author: GORE-ILLA[edit]

Dark GORE, Koopa II, and Diskun: NOOOO!!!! Master!

Lupus: Damnit! They've one this round - but they'll be many more! This Turk shall not rest until the Earth is Sheitish! And while I'm at it, I'll make it flat, too! Long live TWIFITAT!

Koopa II: Sir, I think we shou-

Lupus: Quiet, Koopa! Not while I'm gloating! Yes, I will rule this Sheitish, flat, OG-less world!

Dark GORE: Uhh, Master?

Lupus: SHUT UP!!! You should let me kill you know before I think of an even more horrible fate for you-

Diskun: Sir Lupus:

Lupus: WHAT IS IT?!!!

Diskun: While youwere bragging about your plans, the OGers escaped - and they also-

Computer Voice: Self-destruction activated. Lupusoplis will explode in 10 minutes. Have a nice TWIFATIT and obey Lupus!

Lupus: Why didn't you tell me before?

Diskun: Well-

Lupusoplis explodes. Lupus, Dark GORE, Diskun, and Koopa II escape in a giant spaceship thing.

*Elsewhere, at The Gamehiker Boards*

GORE-ILLA: Good! I'm a member of ezboards! Now to find the real Golem...

To Be Continued...

Author: Fusion[edit]

???: I'm right here.

GORE-ILLA turns around and sees Golem.

Golem: Now I shall crush you, you puny ape! Your mama's such a blimp! And you, you are a neanderthal!


GORE-ILLA goes into an uncontrollable rage and punches Golem in a river.


Golem dissolves.

GORE-ILLA: Now to find the others.

Meanwhile, in Lupus's spaceship's prison hall...

Yami Yoshi: We've been arrested by Lupus! This is just great!

Fusion: Hey, why am I sitting around here? I shall break the bars down!

Fusion punches the bars down.

Guard: Hey, get back in there!

Yami Yoshi: MIND CRUSH!

Guard: AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! *dies*

SwordMaster: We've gotta get to Lupus!

Suddenly, they see two doors.

Introbulus: Good thing I got this map of the ship. It says go out the left one.

So they go through the left door.

Introbulus: Alright, let me see where to go next. We have to go left, right, straight, right, and the door on the left.

Fusion: Why can't we just go straight through the doors? I mean, it's shorter.

Introbulus: Because there's a sea creature inside.

Fusion: Oh, ok.

So, they run down the hallways punching enemies. When they get to the door, they open and find a staircase. They go up the staircase and straight into the control room at the top.

Lupus: So, you made it! Dark GORE, attack!

Dark GORE runs over to punch Fusion, but Yami Yoshi kicks him in the face, knocking him through an airlock door and into space.


Dark GORE goes flying out of sight.

Lupus: Diskun, attack!

Fusion: Warlock Punch!


Diskun is punched through a wall and also into space.

Koopa II: I'm not attacking! *commits suicide*

Lupus: NO! My minions! That's it, you forced me to use my Destructo Suit 3000!

Lupus opens a closet and puts on some hi-tech armor.

Lupus: Ha! Someone try and stop me!

Yami Yoshi: Yami Fist!

Lupus: Hurricane!

Yami Yoshi is blown back by some wind. Introbulus tries a roundhouse kick, but is blasted back by some lasers.


Fusion: Beam of Too Much Power!

Lupus: Beam of Even More Power!

The two rays collide and they both hit Fusion, knocking him against a wall.

Fusion: Ouch...

Lupus: So, Yami Yoshi. It's just you and me. Who am I kidding? You're the weakest one of all! You're small, weak, and puny! And your nose is not nice at all!

Yami Yoshi: HEY!

Yami Yoshi runs over for another attack, but is blasted back.

Lupus: Looks like I get your cheesecake.

Lupus pulls out the cheesecake. Swordmaster tries to push it away, but he misses and lands face-first onto the ground. Lupus puts a fork in and raises it towards his mouth.

Lupus: Well, Mr. Yami, it looks like I finally succeeded.

Lupus takes a bite.

Lupus: Hey, cheesecake is good!


Lupus: Silence!

In 50 minutes, Lupus has eaten it all.

Lupus: Looks like you lost! Mwahahahaha! You'll never get to have cheesecake again, as long as I'm around! Heh heh heh.

Yami Yoshi: My cheesecake!

Suddenly, Yami Yoshi goes crazy and acts like a wild ape.

Yami Yoshi: You have broken my dream!

Suddenly, anger and hate build up inside Yami Yoshi, until...

Yami Yoshi: ARRGH!

Yami Yoshi starts beatin' the crap outta Lupus. He stomps him, punches him, piledrives him, etc. Finally, Yami Yoshi bends Lupus's knee.

Lupus: ARRGH! *pounds ground*

Yami Yoshi: Say it!


Yami Yoshi: Say it!

Lupus: No, I'll never...

Yami Yoshi: SAY IT!!! *bends Lupus's knee even more*


Yami Yoshi: Good, now then...

Yami Yoshi shoots Lupus and throws him into space.

Everyone: YAY!

Lupus's Troops: YAY!

Jay Resop: I'm JAY!

Computer: Self Destruct in 30 minutes.

Yami Yoshi: We've gotta get off.


Author: Introbulus[edit]

(notice: You know, I probably could've just destroyed that suit Lupus was walking around in. What with my power over metal and all. Oh well. That's life. This, is Wall Greens!)

Introbulus: Quick! To the escape pods!

29 minutes to self-destruct...

Yami Yoshi: Which way?

Introbulus: Well, if we go left, we'll end up fighting a giant octopus, but it's a much shorter hallway. If we go right, then we avoid a fight, but it's much longer if we go that way. Plus, the map get's a bit blurry in that area, so we might get lost.

Fusion: Then we'll go...

Author: Lupus[edit]

OOC: Dude, no one cares what your strengths or weaknesses are. It's for fun. You don't have to make a whole battle system or whatnot.

Author: Introbulus[edit]

OOC: That was just for joke purpouses.

Author: Black Skull Dragoshi[edit]

Then BSD,Kirby,and Morton appear.

BSD,Kirby,and Morton:LEFT!

Yami Yoshi:I guess we have to fight a new generation of King Kalimari with eight tentacles.

They're opponent is Super Kalimari.


Kirby calls a Bonkers then swallows it and becomes Hammer Kirby,Morton is getting out all of his tape recorders,and BSD turns into BSD2.

HK:Let us take care of this!

Morton:Me,BSD2,and Kirby will fight in this,nasty battle.

Computer:23 minutes left.

BSD2:We have to beat SK quickly.

SK: Thinks about his defeat against Mario when he was KK.

Kirby:(Smashes 3 of SK's tentacles)

Morton:(gives SK a SERIOUS migrane that he'll feel for a month)

BSD2:(Cuts off 4 of SK's tentacles)

SK:(Screams in pain and hits Kirby,BSD2,and Morton with his tentacles)

Computer:19 minutes left.

All 3 repeat and SK faints due to tremendous health loss.

Everyone runs and they escaped with 4 minutes left.

BSD2 transforms back to BSD

Yami Yoshi:BSD,how did you become stronger anyway?

BSD:I did vigorous training.

Kirby:I joined in on BSD's training too!

Morton:Me three!

Fusion:Kirby,how did you summon that Bonkers?


Introbulus:Let me guess same with you Morton?


BSD:I wonder where Lupus is now?


Author: Gamechamp[edit]

Meanwhile,near the space station,in space...

LUPUS(thinking):Good,I should be able to get back in time to stop the self destruct!

He gets in the space station,and presses some buttons on a control pannel.

COMPUTER:Self-destruct activation terminated.

LUPUS:Those darn heroes!They made me lose my good lackeys! may be time to call upon the ones I was saving for such an occasion...Robot team,I call you!

Suddenly,4 robots appear.

BLUE:Role call!!!

GREEN:I am green!The mechanic expert,and I do good with using the weapons I make,too!!!

YELLOW:I am Yellow!I like to use my fists to do the talking!

BLACK:I am black!I can sneek on anyone from the dark,and attack with my double swords!

BLUE:I am Blue!If you want me to operate a truck,tank,spaceship,anything!I can garuntee that I'll use that and make use of the firepower,as long as it has firepower!

ALL:And we are the robot team!!!

BLACK:It just isnt the same without boss!Where is he anyway?

LUPUS:He's just getting some...ummmm...groceries for me.I will call him up!You 2 just wait,I won't be needing you until the next time the rebels attack.

Meanwhile,at a bank not too far from our heroes base...

???:Everyone freeze!This is a holdup!!!Master Lupus found that you haven't been paying taxes,so now he wants a little bit interest for not paying fast enough!

BANK GUY:Hey!You can't just steal money for Lupus just because he rules the world!!!

???:Oh,you think so?For thinking so good,I'm going to give you a reward!

He shoots him with a buster gun arm,killing him.

???:And if anyone else wants to speak up,then I have way more painful ways of death!

A desk phone starts ringing

??? goes and picks up the phone,while holding a bag for the clerk to load money

???:Who is this?

LUPUS:This is Master lupus,and I can tell this is the leader of the Robot team,correct?

???:Master Lupus!I'm getting the money,just like you wanted!

LUPUS:Yes,just hide the money somewhere on your way out!I have a more important job for you!

A little later,at the Rebel HQ...

YAMI YOSHI:Well,it looks like Lupus stopped the self destruction,it's been a couple hours!

FUSION:So,do we have any plans to get rid of Lupus,and avenge your cheesecake?

YAMI YOSHI:I think we need a rest after that experience,lets just help the people without stopping Lupus,but stopping some people who work for him,that won't take as much energy!

INTROBULUS:We're in luck!I just found that there are 2 robots fighting in the town very close to here!Lets go!

They head over there,and when they get there...

???:Let me through!I am under Lupus' orders to go meet Lupus at his base!

???:You will never beat me,Gamechamp,the Robot Warrior!!!

GC shoots the robot,killing him.

YAMI YOSHI:Wow!That was great!

GC:Thanks!I'm Gamechamp,theRobot Warrior!I was modeled like Mega Man,but I have more than a buster gun!I was designed to have all the powers in the universe!!!

Fusion gives him a mean look

GC:Right now,I'm trying to infiltrate Lupus' Space base!I was heading to find a good spaceship,then I noticed this guy,who looked bad!If you want to join me,take these!

He gives everyone Senzu beans,and they all eat them.

FUSION:You stole these from someone at the Dragonball Z world,didn't you?

YAMI YOSHI:He's a good guy,too!You shouldn't judge him by how he knows the moves you know!

FUSION(whispering to Yami):I can tell he's working for the bad guys,just look at him!He's a red robot!Red,blood,red,blood.See the resemblence?

YAMI YOSHI:You're just jeolous of him,aren't you?

FUSION:Oh,well,he might be a good guy...

They continue to get a ship,then head for Lupus' base. TO BE CONTINUED...

Author: Fusion[edit]

Meanwhile, at Lupus's base...

Doctor: Please hold still. If you do, then the bullet in your arm will be removed in no time!


Doctor: *pulls out bullet* I got it!

Lupus: My suffering has come to an end.

Doctor: Now, we have to operate on you and inject some medicine in your insides. *gives tranquilizer to Lupus*

Lupus falls asleep, and the doctor rushes him off to the medical room. Meanwhile, at our heroes' location...

Fusion: I still think he's a traitor luring us into Lupus's trap.


Fusion: But he is a familiar character. I think I've seen him before, but where?

Yami Yoshi: Heck if I know.

Gamechamp: Fusion, quit talking about me!

Fusion: Ok.

Meanwhile, at Ezboards...

Monk: My friend, I know of this portal. You must scale Mt. Dangitscold, the coldest mountain at Ezboards, to find the portal.

GORE-ILLA: Thanks.

GORE-ILLA goes off to Mt. Dangitscold. Will he get back to his dimension in time?


Author: GORE-ILLA[edit]

GORE-ILLA: (in a tent in the middle of nowhere) Eh, I'll do it later. Wonder where I am? (looks up at topic) "Party Goers 8: Parting is Such Sweet Sorrow". Cool! I'm in a PG story! (sees a letter and reads it.) Apparantly a parody of Harry Potter. I think I'll go to this DigiPen school.

Back at VGF....

GameChamp leads Yami Yoshi, Fusion, BSD, SwordMaster, Morton, and Kirby.

Suddenly, an anvil falls from the sky and crushes Morton.

Gamechamp: That was odd.

A flock of pigeons swoop down and fly away with Kirby. Whatever bones he had rain from the sky.

Yami Yoshi: Also odd.

BSD: NOOO!!!!!

Yami Yoshi: (A letter falls on Yami Yoshi's lap. He opens it.)It's a letter from....GORE-ILLA?

Dear Yami Yoshi and Crew,

Hey guys! I'm at the Gamehiker's Board right now, in Party Goers 8, trying to get Golem to turn to our side before he grows up and joins Lupus after Party Goers 17. Good luck on your quest, guys!

Just letting you know I'm alive, GORE-ILLA

PS: Yami Yoshi, I got Shonen Jump # 3 yesterday! Yay!

Author: Introbulus[edit]

Yami Yoshi: Well...

SwordMaster: Wait a minute, where's Introb.?

(Suddenly, a note falls onto the ground in front of SwordMaster)

SwordMaster: (opening and reading the note)

Dear SwordMaster, I have gone to look through the anelects at my invisible base in the sky. Something about this whole thing seems strange and familiar... See you later!

Signed, Introbulus

P.S. Enclosed is a small time bomb that cannot be deactivated by any means, and a machine that projects a hologram of cheesecake. Use these items well.

P.S.S. Do you like my hat?

Author: Fusion[edit]

Gamechamp: Just a little bit further.

Suddenly, Gamechamp sumersaults 3 yards ahead.

Yami Yoshi: Why did you do that?

Gamechamp: I just like doing that. Now then, come on.

They walk 1 foot ahead then, the grass caves in, and they fall into a dirt pit.

Gamechamp: *looks down* Ha, ha, ha! Looks like I tricked you! Lord Lupus will be so pleased! Mwahaha!

Fusion: You forgot one thing!

Gamechamp: What?

Everyone flies out of the pit.

Yami Yoshi: We can all fly.

Gamechamp: Curses! I will have to exterminate you all, starting with you, Mr. Golden Armor!

Fusion: Ok! Energy Punch!

Gamechamp: Energy Kick!

They hit each other simultaneously. They throw punches at each other. Finally, Fusion uses a Beam of Too Much Power, and Gamechamp is caught off guard and he is blasted into the sky. A twinkling is shown as he disappears.

Yami Yoshi: Guess we were wrong.

BSD: Yeah, that Gamechamp was real trouble.

SwordMaster: And I guess you're the strongest warrior in the universe after all.

Fusion: Ah, shucks. Let's find a ship!

Everyone: YEAH!

Meanwhile, in a dark forest, Gamechamp staggers around to try and get back to Lupus.

Gamechamp: Must...get

Suddenly, Tubba Blubba appears.

Tubba Blubba: You are worthless to Lupus! Besides, in his current condition, he doesn't need any visitors.

Gamechamp: Well, I'm going to see him, sick or not!

Tubba Blubba: No you won't! In fact, he managed to muster up enough strength to tell me to dispose of you once and for all! Butt Stomp!

Tubba jumps on Gamechamp so fast that he doesn't have time to dodge.

Tubba: Now that he's done for, I can get my paycheck.

Tubba disappears. Meanwhile, at Lupus's location...

Lupus: Ooooo, that...bullet was...really...infected. I...feel...woozy...

Doctor: Sir, you need to rest.

Lupus: Yes...I'll

Lupus goes back to sleep.

Assistant Doctor: Sir, the infection is so bad, that the chances of him dying are 79%. And if he survives, he will feel tired a lot and he will also have heart pains.

Doctor: Well, let's hope that he survives.

Will Lupus survive? TO BE CONTINUED...

Author: Gamechamp[edit]

Lupus opens his eyes

LUPUS:I feel great!With this new robot arm,I'm now even more powerful!Muahaha!!!


FUSION:I told you that Gamechamp was bad news!!!



They run back,to see Gamechamp in the hole.

GC:How could you believe that robot duplicate?Did you even see me down here?Now help me out!!!

YAMI YOSHI:Aha!Fusion,see how that was a robot duplicate?Lupus must have heard that he destroyed that worker of his,and built a duplicate to throw us off!!!

FUSION:It's a trick,I tell you!A trick!!!


FUSION:You're evil,and I know it!


FUSION:Huh?Why did you say that?

GC:My secret.

Fusion has a confused look on his face,and everyone heads further

YAMI YOSHI(whispering):Why did you say that?

GC:Look at him and see if that looks like he thinks I'm a traitor.


YAMI YOSHI:Oh,I see,but why didn't you use your jetpack to get out of that hole?

GC:Hmmmmm...I never thought of that...

Author: Black Skull Dragoshi[edit]


BSD revives Kirby and Morton


Kirby:Same here!

BSD:You are now impervious to death by heavy stuff and bird made deaths.

Then the SA-X appears!

SA-X:Surrender to Lupus or face the consequences!


BSD turns into BSD2 and throws SA-X into a pit of lava.

Yami Yoshi:That was quick.

Everyone was in the hospital when Super Duper Blooper appeared.


They all destroyed SDB in one full force attack that hurts only Bloopers.

Lemmy and Meta Knight appeared.

Lemmy:We came to help you.

MK:And to defeat Lupus' most powerful minion Dark Matter.

Iggy appears

Iggy:Second to Culex.

Will they defeat Lupus' army? Tune in next time!

TO BE CONTINUED.............

Author: Gamechamp[edit]

^All of a sudden,that post is destroyed by my buster gun.

ME:I hate posts that make no sense!!!How did all those people get there when they're in outer space?

Author: Black Skull Dragoshi[edit]

   ^All of a sudden,that post is destroyed by my buster gun.
   ME:I hate posts that make no sense!!!How did all those people get there when they're in outer space?

GC is thrown into lava.

ME:You are terminated for your cruelty GC