Member OG Page 2

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Author: GORE-ILLA[edit]

Ooc: Just in time for my cue!

GORE-ILLA: Stop! These people are innocent!

Gorilla 508: Hey! Its that stupid gorilla who thinks he's all that just because he's a cyborg!

Other Gorillas: Yeah!

GORE-ILLA: Listen, fellow gorillas! Your leader, Lupus is a lie! Look what he hid from you! (pulls out cheesecake)

Gorilla Army: [Eek!] CHEESE!!! The fraud!

Gorilla 508: I apologize for what I said GORE.

GORE-ILLA: Thank you. (508 lunges for cheesecake, but GORE pulls it out of the way.)

Gorilla 508: D'oh!

Fusion: Hey! Lupus's body is gone! What could this mean?

Author: Lupus[edit]

Lupus: Idiots!

*everyone's attention is turned to Lupus*

Lupus: Whoops.

*they begin smashing him to pieces*


Lupus: My holo deck is working perfectly! Koopa! Send the letter to Max and tell him NO I WILL NOT HAVE SEX WITH HIM FOR THE LAST FIFTY BILLIONTH TIME!! I'M NOT GAY!!

Koopa: He doesn't get the message sir. He said his "man" is too small for him.

Lupus: What a perverted ****wad! Fry him in the Booyachamber. And make sure you leave no more of his stalking body. Cut off all his access to the OG Board and destroy his gungho army with the cellotape of doom.

Koopa: Yes sir.

*later, at Max's barnyard*

*Koopa arrives with the letter, but hears moans and baas from the shed*


Koopa: Uh... *puts the letter down and runs away*

Max: Uh... that about raps it up for tonight, Goatie. Now I must make another rediculous plan and make up names for more elite battleships! How about the 328274-VY*83049234?!?!?!?

Goatie: Baaa.

Max: HAHA! DANIEL!! START SENDING OUT 234542385-23423943234-3425 with Airbags to attack Lupus' base, only it'll be a waste because my existence in this OG is entirely pathetic and stupid and all my units will be wasted before I can even screw Goatie again!

Daniel: Yes, baby.

Max: Mwahahah! I will own the Porn Magazines Industry!!! Hahah- wait, what's this?

*spots the letter, picks it up and reads over it*


Daniel: What did I do wrong this time, sir?


Daniel: Yessir.

Author: SwordMaster[edit]

OoC: ^LOL!! Anyway, I think I'll join this story.

*SwordMaster, Defender of Cheesecake is sitting in his bachlor pad watching TV*

Announcer on TV: In other news, Lupus has apparently kidnapped Yami Yoshi's cheesecake and has been held it hostage for the past 3 years!

SwordMaster: WHAT!!?? I must punish him for this atrocity! For I am..... SwordMaster, Defender of Cheesecake!!! *fanfare*

Announcer: The group trying to stop him is at blah blah blah.

SwordMaster: I must travel there!

*SwordMaster shows up and sees everyone*

Everyone: Hey! It's SwordMaster, Defender of Cheesecake! *fanfare*

SwordMaster: Yes, it is I. What are you people doing?

GORE-ILLA: Just beating Lupus.

SwordMaster: Fools! That is a hologram! We must search for the real Lupus.

*Now, with the gorilla army on their side, they begin to search for Lupus*

SwordMaster: He must pay for kidnapping this innocent cheesecake!

Author: Yami Yoshi[edit]

<In Lupus' Evil Mountain Lair of Doom>

Yami Yoshi: I have to escape from this hell hole!

<Yami Yoshi easily walks out of the prison>

Yami Yoshi: Now to get revenge on Lupus! He will pay for disrespecting a Moderator!

<Yami Yoshi walks to the front door of Lupus' Base and hears loud banging>

Yami Yoshi: The hell?

<Yami Yoshi opens the door. Fusion, SwordMaster, GORE-ILLA, and about 1000 Gorillas rush inside holding torches and pitchforks>

Yami Yoshi: What's going on?

Fusion: We're going to kill Lupus!

Yami Yoshi: Cool! Let's go!

<In Lupus' control panel>

Koopa: Lupus! Yami Yoshi has escaped from the Easily Escapable Prison Cell. Also, SwordMaster, Fusion, GORE-ILLA, and about 1000 gorillas are heading this way.

Lupus: Good. Everything's going according to plan!

Author: Lupus[edit]

Koopa: It is?

Lupus: Yes! I have set up automatic trip wires to the entrance to this citadel which they will unwittingly walk through and let the clamp release the springed shaft, which will then flick up and hit the marble along the pipe which will then fall through the hole, hitting the piece of metal's container which will spring it backwards and cause and short spark which will light the candle which in turn burns through a rope that holds a cage above the doorway-

Koopa: Ah, I see. So you're going to cage them!

Lupus: No, by the time the cage has fallen, they would have already moved out of the doorway and towards me. This is where the ingenious bit comes in. There is a pressure plate in the doorway which only the weight of the cage can hold down, which will then send a micro signal through the computer monitor behind me, vibrating the vertical pan and sending a single blast of water at the sleeping fatcat to my left, which will wake up and run away, releasing the shift for a trapdoor which will drop our uninvited guests into a sewer infested with ill-tempered, mutated sea bass will laser beams that I stole off the set of Austin Powers. But that's not it! The entire room below us has TRAPPED AIR! Which means it will act as a tornado, sucking everything above it into its depths! HARHAHRHAHRHShasasd.

Koopa: It's... it's... INGENIOUS!

Lupus: Thank you Koopa.

*suddenly Bowser and King Boo and his Haunted Union Army (comprised of three nine year olds) charge into the room.*

Bowser: You killed Exodia! We will now kill you!

*The trap door is removed and Bowser falls to his doom, King Boo and his army getting sucked in like the water in a bathtub*

Lupus: That was... interesting.

*Yami Yoshi and his posse charge in, totally unefected by the already used trap, and wave their weapons around*

Yami Yoshi: Hand over that Cheesecake Lupus! You'll never get away with the Cheesecake Ray!

Lupus: I'm not building a Cheesecake Ray.

Yami Yoshi: You're not? *puts his weapons away*

Lupus: Yes, I am!! That was just a distraction attack! Face the X-Zone, mortals! *pulls a backup lever on the control panel which opens up an X-Zone and sucks Yami Yoshi, GORE-illa, Fusion, and the gorilla army into the X Dimension*

SwordMaster: I'm in this OG too!

Lupus: Oh yeah, I forgot about you. *the X-Zone sucks in SwordMaster too*

SwordMaster: Hold it, hold it! You can't just claim to have forgotten about me and then assume I've been sucked up AFTER the portal has closed! It's unlawful! It's proposterous! It's... cheap!

Lupus: What's your point?

SwordMaster: I challenge you to a duel.

Lupus: No.

SwordMaster: Wuss, are you?

Lupus: No, I'm just too lazy to bother fighting you.

SwordMaster: That's it. *stabs forward with a sword he pulled out of nowhere, but Lupus dodges, and the sword gets stuck in the control panel*


Lupus: It's not a big deal, Koopa.

Koopa: It isn't?


*Zoom out to a huge laser turning around in space to face the earth. It begins turning red, charging up energy*

Author: GORE-ILLA[edit]

GORE-ILLA, Yami Yoshi, Fusion, and the Gorilla Army wind up in a void of nothingness, the X-Zone.

Gorilla 508: This is all your fault, GORE!

GORE-ILLA: (makes a long, touching speech on friendship and crap like that. By the end of the speech, everyone is wiping tears from their eyes.) ...So you see, only teamwork can get us out of this zone.

Yami Yoshi: Yes...friendship.

Fusion: (blows his nose) Alright. What do we do?

GORE-ILLA: Hmmm.....Fusion, concentrate all your magic on Lupus's mountain. If you concentrate enough power, it should open a rip in the fabric of time leading back to the control room. Yami Yoshi, and gorillas, you must give your power to Fusion so he will have enough to create the rip.

Fusion, Yami Yoshi, & Gorilla Army: Yes! (Fusion goes deep into meditation. Yami Yoshi and the Gorilla Army raise their arms into the air. A portal opens and sucks everyone out. They land on top of Lupus, Koopa, and SwordMaster.

GORE-ILLA: Yes, my plan worked!

Koopa: No, I accidentally pulled the lever and reopened the portal in reverse.

GORE-ILLA: Oh. Did we miss anything?

Sir Lupus: Nothing much. Except that the world is about to be blown away by a giant laser cannon.

Yami Yoshi: What can we do?

Author: SwordMaster[edit]

*Lupus slaps SwordMaster upside the head*

Lupus: Dumbass!

SwordMaster: How was I to know?

Lupus: Well, i could just press this remote control that will make the laser blow up and save the world.


Lupus: *grins evily* ummmm....... no.

Yami Yoshi: Why the hell not?!

Lupus: Because if I cant have my cheesecake, then EVERYONE IN THE WORLD MUST DIE!!!!!!!!!!

GORE-ILLA: What the hell kind of sense does that make?

Lupus: Hey, it's my evil scheme, and I like it.

Swordmaster: GET HIM!!

*Everyone tries to get Lupus, but he uses a jetpack and flies to the ceiling*

Swordmaster: Dude, that's so cheap!

Lupus: Shut-up.

SwordMaster: You..... stupid..... *fails to think of a good insult*.... uh.... MONKEY!! No offense GORE-ILLA.

GORE-ILLA: None taken.

Lupus: Ha! Go ahead and call me names! You'll soon be dead! In fact, it should be in about 30 seconds.

Computer: 30 seconds until laser fire

Lupus: Told ya.

Author: Massimiliano[edit]

I need to quit dissing Lupus.

Author: Fusion[edit]

I'll write an OG story about Steven Seagal going to the Mushroom Kingdom. Will you please particpate in it? Thanks.

Author: Fusion[edit]

Lupus: And you only have 30 seconds to defeat me!

Fusion: HAHAHA!

Lupus: What's so funny?

Fusion: I have every power in the universe!

Lupus: So?

Fusion: And that includes time powers.

Lupus: WHAT!?

Fusion: Yep. And now, I'm gonna stop time for everything except us.

Fusion stops time.


Fusion: Warlock Punch!

Fusion KO's Lupus and unfreezes time.

Author: Lupus[edit]

Quoted from Max's post: *Lupus's posts is deleted from the story, for 1. when someone is banned, their presences and doings are erased from all OG's, and 2. They're insanely cheap and stupid.*
Sorry, I had to do it in the place of this post. I'll think of one soon as I read the rest. 'K, done.

Lupus the Turk and all of his belongings, military organizations and ability to make cheap posts are wiped from existance, plus Lupus will be forever ignored after this.
OoC Massimiliano: There. Now can we get to a non-cheap, yet good story?

OOC: Excuse me, since when do you make up the rules, newbie? As far as I can see, Yami Yoshi does. Get your deluded head out of your ass AND GO AWAY. NO ONE CARES ABOUT YOUR GAY FANTASIES. Sheesh. Yami Yoshi, can you please delete or at least edit Max's post from this topic, as he is plainly trying to wreck it.

Oh, and Fusion, nice post, but it doesn't work because I'm ignoring Max. Sorry. :)


SwordMaster: We have to stop it! Everybody! Press buttons!

*SwordMaster, Fusion, Yami Yoshi and GORE-ILLA start pressing random buttons, until there's a loud beep*

Computer: Laser Cannon imminence activated. Time remaining: One sec-

*Everything on the west side of the world is fazed into nothingness, the continents collapse into the sea and the sea bubbles into lava, burning everything living. However, this process takes about a minute to complete, giving our heroes TIME TO ESCAPE LIKE ANY OTHER STORY!! YAY!*

Lupus: Argh! Hot, hot hot!!! *flies into the sky with his jetpack* If I knew the laser would only work on one side of the earth, I would never have sold its Contractor Core for a EXP Egg!

SwordMaster: Lupus! You have to save us! We'll do anything!

Lupus: Anything?

SwordMaster: Anything!


SwordMaster: Yes! Anything!

Yami Yoshi: Hey, speak for yourself...

Lupus: ...Hmm... no. See yas! *flies off into the sky, turns around, swoops back down and picks up Koopa, then flies off into the sky*



Yami Yoshi: I can't believe we escaped that!

GORE-ILLA: I thought for sure we were done for.

Fusion: We must now build up an empire and attack Troy!

SwordMaster: I'm confused. Where are we?

Yami Yoshi: Well, that ad conveniently covered up a blank where Lupus had no ideas. We're now safely in Japan. Minus our entire Gorilla army. They got fried.

SwordMaster: Safely?

*a bunch of soldiers surround the party*

Soldier Commander: You've been charged for littering. That's the death penalty, sirs.

Fusion: But-


Yami Yoshi: We'll come. But first you must tell us why you've changed the laws?

Soldier Commander: We haven't, sirs. It was our new President Lupus. Changed all the rules for the better. We all praise him! By the way- he told us to execute a group headed by OG Mod Yami Yoshi. Have you seen them?

Yami Yoshi: *sweatdrop* Oh boy...

Author: Black Skull Dragoshi[edit]

Then BSD appears.

BSD:Hello morons

Soldiers:Insulting soldiers DEATH PENALTY!

BSD:Drill Claw!

BSD tears up all soldiers into shreds.

Yami Yoshi:Now that this problem is eliminated how are we going to destroy lupus once and for all?

BSD:Easy Lupus' current location is the sushi store right behind you.

Yami Yoshi:But that does'nt answer my question anyway to the sushi store!

Author: Perrin Aybara[edit]

(Will everyone just shut up and chill out? If I see any more crap, I'll just close this topic and you all can start this Story over again, but right next time.-jay)

Author: Lupus[edit]

OOC: Um... what Jay? I don't see anything that bad. Max's just stalking me, is all.


Lupus: Sushi sure is great on a hard day, ain't it Koopa.

Koopa: I've never tried any.

Lupus: Have some. It's on me.

Koopa: I'd rather not-

Yami Yoshi: Lupus! Hold it right there!

Lupus: Just in time! Want some sushi?

Fusion: I want your head on a platter!

Lupus: I don't think this shop stocks that...

Storekeeper: We do, actually!

Lupus: Well, you're in luck, Fusion!

Fusion: Stop mocking me!

Lupus: Mocking? Wha...?

*suddenly the entire sushi shop collapses to the ground and all the shelves tip over, the roof tearing apart.*

SwordMaster: Argh! What's going on?!?!

BSD: I forgot to mention. I was summoning energy as we were talking and a huge being known only as THE MAN will soon appear and crush Lupus beneath his feet.

Lupus: Ah, I'm not worried.

*THE MAN, godzilla sized, appears towering above them and glances down at Lupus then raises his foot*

Lupus: Koopa, use the 1337 Look Alike while I warp away.

Koopa: Yes sir.

*THE MAN stomps down hard on top of Lupus, splattering him into the ground.*

Koopa: You killed Lupus!

BSD: Hahahahaha!!

*Out of nowhere appear more troops of soldiers, all aimed at the group*

Soldier: Killing President Lupus is punishable by death!

Koopa: Get them, men!

*The soldiers grab BSD, Yami Yoshi, Fusion, SwordMaster, andd GORE-ILLA, and another fifty soldiers use grapple hooks to pull THE MAN to`the ground and drag him along attached to horses, down to the jail*


Lupus: The fake did the trick! Now they will be destroyed!

Koopa: How did I get here so fast?

Lupus: No time to worry about plot holes, Koopa. There's work to be done. I must begin creating a Super-Hydro-Type Laser so I can open the Shrine of Burathiis Murphoest and recover the Crystal of Burathiis so I can access the Forbidden Citadel of Armikk-Rulens and summon Qwirtzok from his evil doom hatred land with Alex Chiu!!

Koopa: Uh, what?

Lupus: You heard me. Go down to Wal Mart and get some bolts. We must begin the laser at once! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!1111

Author: Yami Yoshi[edit]

<In the jail>

Yami Yoshi: Great. Now we're in jail. What ever happened to fair trials?

SwordMaster: Hello? We're in Japan!

Yami Yoshi: Oh yeah.

Fusion: How are we going to get outta here?

GORE-ILLA: This is really pissing me off!

<GORE-ILLA punches the cell walls and his fist goes right through>

Yami Yoshi: The hell?

SwordMaster: Oh yeah! These prison walls are made out of paper! Let's hurry up and get outta here!

<As everyone runs out of the prison, the rest of the prisoners start smashing through the paper walls>

Yami Yoshi: Now to kill Lupus, get my cheesecake back, and seek revenge on the Japanese government!

BSD: THE MAN should take care of that!

<THE MAN appears and starts smashing buildings while prisoners run into the streets shooting pedestrians>

Meanwhile in Tokyo Tower...

Japanese News Reporter: There has been a jailbreak at the Tokyo Jail. Thousands of prisoners are terrorizing the city. On top of that, a giant man has been destroying buildings in downtown Tokyo...

Lupus: I knew I should of gotten rid of those paper walls!

<Suddenly Koopa runs in>

Koopa: Lupus! THE MAN has destroyed Wal Mart and almost every appliance store in town. He's also heading this way...