Ditto McCloaker

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Ditto McCloaker
Real Name Max Loadstring
Aliases Ditto Moriarty, Dittojuice, Turkey Dunditto
Species Human
Birth Year 1981
Affiliation Party Goers
Hair color Brown
Abilities Keen Intellect
Shape-shifting (with Guiseppie)
Base Ditto's Domain
Origin United States of America
Creator Ditto McCloaker
Debut Party Goers 11: When Sidekicks Kick Back

Ditto McCloaker is one of the key characters of the Party Goers series and other series. He is known for his keen intellect as well as his penchant for disguise, as he can transform into a variety of forms with the aide of his sidekick, the winged ? Block known as Guiseppie. He usually appears as a hero, but like many Party Goers he has occasionally taken on antagonistic roles.


Ditto has two alternative origins.

Silver Era[edit]

Ditto was the next in line of a special line of humans who are designated Talekeepers, who are born with exceptional powers of imagination, who are responsible for keeping track of their time period's fantasies and stories, while also contributing. Such individuals are often given unique items or abilities to complement their unique roles. Likewise, Golem was, unknowingly, also a Talekeeper, the next in line after Ditto. Along with the peculiar features of a tale-keeper's mind is that it leads them to the objects they are meant to have. In Ditto's case, it led him to the Ditto Domain, which contained Guisseppie the ? Block and the custom Dittomobile.

Golden Era[edit]


In an alternate origin story, Ditto had been an ordinary young man who had been selected to receive a special prototype of a Top Secret device by Nintendo R & D, the original Gameblock, codenamed "Guisseppie." This extraordinary entertainment device had the ability to produce items to change the user's shape.

Timeline History[edit]

Good Timeline[edit]

Within Party Goers 8: Parting is Such Surprising Sorrow, Ditto appears to take Golem to DigiPen in Hagrid form, apparently being the groundskeeper there. Ditto McCloaker was killed by Dark Ditto sometime prior to Gamehiker Member OG IV: Cheesecake of the Gods. A cloaked figure who apparently was Ditto appeared near the end of the story and aided in the final battle with Dark Ditto. But afterwards, the Gamehikers checked his cloak and found it empty, so they believed Ditto was still dead.

Ditto returned in GMOG Sidequest: ENGLAND??? and Gamehiker Member OG VIII: The Final Parody. In the latter, Ditto had assumed the superhero identity of Captain Ditto in England, where he claimed to have been trapped while everyone else thought he was dead. He gave special watches to Golem and Sapphire, and they used them to become Viewtiful Greg and Sexy Sapphire. It was revealed that he had been brought back from the great beyond by Donkeyman, who apparently is able to do that now. In return he had to serve seven years of vacation aboard the Donkeyman's ships. This caused problems when Kuria Eiren fell in love with him.

However, Kuria was able to trade herself onto the crew to be with Ditto. SteveT soon took control of the ship after killing the Donkeyman, renamed it the Lead Zeppelin and outlawed all parties on the party cruise. Ditto's reaction to these new rules has not yet been shown, but it can be presumed that he is involved with the cruise's underground party-going movements. After Donkeyman returned and regained control of the Arabdude, Ditto resurfaced in 2008 when he mysterious won the presidential election.

Bad Timeline[edit]

Ditto first appeared in S-Space in Party Goers 11: When Sidekicks Kick Back. He is first seen in the form of Dr. Claw. In the form of Tuxedo Mask, he saves the dying Shigeru Miyamoto and helps restore him to health. Miyamoto also provides him with technology that the Party Goers then used to return to their own universe.

He assumes a villainous role in Holiday Goers: The Halloween Haunter, after he is possessed by an evil Ditto Pokemon or something. He appears as both Dittojuice and his normal self, capturing Sapphire as well as the bodies of Magikoopa and Bomberman as part of his plot to blackmail Magikoopa and Bomberman's ghosts into letting him use the Halloween Haunter to steal the souls of the Party Goers so he could have all the candy to himself while trick-or-treating. Eventually he is defeated when the evil Ditto is expelled from his body, and he then proceeds to throw a Friday the 13th costume party, lending everyone usage of Guiseppie in a rare occurrence for this occasion. He then appears as the rugged hunter Turkey Dunditto in Holiday Goers: Bane of Turkey's Existence, roping in Golem as his assistant when he hunts down the Turkey only to settle for a frozen turkey when they fail.

In Party Goers 15: A New Beginning, Ditto established a shadowy allegiance with Sapphire in which they begin committing crimes "for the greater good". They clash with their former allies in the Party Goers several times, as well as Murasame, Vorpal and members of Team Rocket while stealing everything they need to restore the series to its roots by throwing the ultimate party, which succeeds. He is then brought into the alternate world with everyone else in Party Goers 16: A Brave New World, where he is paired with Masamune, both of them being separated from their sidekicks. At the end they escaped the world as it exploded aboard Vorpal's Sky Palace, but Guiseppie had been left behind with Ditto being the only one to notice.

With a new partner-in-crime, Elzie Ann, he then brings all the Party Goers to a party at his Domain in Party Goers 17: A Party, a Party, Who's got a Party?, when he drafts them all into a mission to the afterlife. Due to a special deal he had made with St. Peter, they were allowed to revive Guiseppie if they could find him in the afterlife. Guiseppie turned out to have been split into four pieces, one in each sector of the Underworld. Eventually Guiseppie was revived and they all returned to the living world. It would seem to be around this time that Dark Ditto murdered Ditto and secretly replaced him among the Party Goers, in a one-shot OG by Ditto that was lost among the VGF crashes.

Neutral Timeline[edit]

In Mega Mega Extreme Doki Doki Panik, Ditto found out about Vorpal's new Mega Mega Extreme Doki Doki Panik Party, and convinced Vorpal to use this political party to run for president. Ditto continued to help Vorpal with his campaign and defeating his rivals. He was able to solve the mystery of Masamune's microscopic bombs and stop them. Later on, he defeated the mechanical Algore in battle with his knowledge of how shoddy American Workmanship is.

After Vorpal won the election, Ditto became his vice president.

Retired to a ranch and took up farming. Pursued a relationship with a girl named Maria, never married.

Other Versions[edit]

  • In Gamehiker High University, he appears as the villainous Dean Ditto of St. Ditto's Preporatory School, and Masamune's eternal rival.
  • In Harvest Goers '07, Ditto is portrayed as Vicar McCloaker, an uptight clergyman. He also fights crime as the Scarecrow. His original sidekick was Farmer Jon, as the "Dudemeister", but after Jon turned evil he later brought Director in as his new sidekick, the Cow Boy.
  • Two different historical versions of Ditto appear in History Goers. The first is Di'oh, a reclusive face-changer who lives under a rock and, despite his intelligence, is deathly afraid of the Sun. He also appears in the Pyramid Goers segment as Cloaker, Flutterkhamen's trusted advisor and priest.
  • Ditto appears in Vorpal's Party Goers Comic, in which he is trapped in the form of Mr. Game and Watch after Guiseppie is kidnapped.
  • Mr. Game and Watch appears in Party Goers Heroes: Romantic Ideals, in posts written by Ditto, as another competitor in the scavenger hunt. It is believed that this Game and Watch was actually a disguised Ditto, in homage to Ditto's being stuck as Game and Watch in Vorpal's comic (which was written around the same time).
  • He appears in each installment of the Nichibutsu series, where he is always the leader of a branch of Nichibutsu.


American: You ruined my country! Prepare to die!

Vorpal: Oh, sorry about that.

American: What, really?

Ditto: no

(Ditto pushes the man out of the plane, laughing maniacally)

Vorpal: You... you okay there, Ditto?

Ditto: Sure, sure, just being a vice president.
-Mega Mega Extreme Doki Doki Panik Turbo Revival XXL

Golem: Man... I wish I had a great memory.... Ditto always had a great memory.


Golem: I am... Party Goer no more.
Ditto: I don't remember this movie reference.
Golem: What!? Spider-Man 2! We've only done this scene like ten times! Jeez, Ditto.
Ditto: Get out of my car.

Golem: Maybe I'm thinking of someone else.
-Uncle Ditto's famous memory in Gamehiker Member OG IX


See Also[edit]