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==Author: Lupus==
OOC: I'm not going to bother to explain why your post was worthless. So go away.
==Author: Black Skull Dragoshi==
==Author: Lupus==
<nowiki>*</nowiki>rolls eyes<nowiki>*</nowiki>
==Author: Introbulus==
Introbulus: This is boring. I'm going to go get some tacos in South America. Wanna come with me, Jim?
Jim: I would normally say yes, but I'm dead. So I can't talk.
Introbulus: ...Too bad! (leaves)
Jim: Wait! Don't leave me here!
==Author: SwordMaster==
<nowiki>*</nowiki>All the heros are in space<nowiki>*</nowiki>
SwordMaster: Wait, if Lupus post got eaten and BSD's post was destroyed, that means we're back to the one post where we first went to space.
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Secondary heros show up then dissapear again. Hoth is blown up again, then Godzilla eats the post... again<nowiki>*</nowiki>
Yami Yoshi: The hell? Oh no, It's a time paradox!
Gore: Its just gonna keep going like this! Over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over......
SwordMaster: Wait! Isn't there something you can do, Fusion. I mean, you do know just about everything, dont you?
Fusion: You're right! I can create a rip in the time space continuem and get us all out of this nightmare. It must be percise. If it is not completely correct, we could wind up horribly disfigured or wind up in another galaxy or time!
SwordMaster: Best do it right, then.
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Fusion rips time and suddenly they're before a great tower and the sky is completely black<nowiki>*</nowiki>
Fusion: Damn.
<nowiki>*</nowiki>An old man walks by<nowiki>*</nowiki>
Old Man: Are you coming to the ceremony?
Yami Yoshi: What ceremony and what year is it?
Old Man: It's the year 12003, of course. And the ceremony is Lord Lupus' cheescake celebration.
SwordMaster: WHAT??!! Tell us what's happened in the last ten thousand years.
Old Man: Well, when some heros dissappeard in 2003, Lupus took over the world. Many fought him. We're not sure who made the first strike, but we know it was us that destroyed the sun. <nowiki>*</nowiki>Points up at the black sky<nowiki>*</nowiki> Lupus and his sidekick were able to find the fountain of youth and remain forever young. Lupus is the ruler now, and he's going to eat cheesecake for the first time tonight. He froze some cheesecake that he stole from someone 10000 years ago, and is going to eat cheescake for the first time tonight, because it is the 10000th anniversery of the day he got rid of those heros.
SwordMaster: We can still save the cheescake! Lets go!
==Author: Fusion==
???: Not so fast.
Everyone: Huh?
Suddenly, a man in a purple robe and hood appears.
Everyone: Who are you?
Man: I am Mr. Mysterio, phantom, exorcist, psychic, and wizard at your service.
Fusion: How have you lived all these years?
Mr. Mysterio: I am immortal.
Fusion: Oh. So am I.
Mr. Mysterio: We must go back in time and stop Lupus before he destroys the sun!
Fusion: Allow me.
Fusion creates another rip in time and they all appear in Lupus's tower.
Lupus: Oh, so you have seen what I will become in the future. Your trip back here was worthless. Nothing can stop my flying tower!
Suddenly, all the lights go out. Everyone turns on their flashlights to see Fusion holding a plug.
Mr. Mysterio: Shouldn't we work together until we get out?
Computer: Impact with Earth in 3 hours.
Mr. Mysterio: We'll speed you up! Fusion! <nowiki>*</nowiki>snaps fingers<nowiki>*</nowiki>
Suddenly, Fusion throws Lupus into an escape pod and closes the door. He picks up the pod, hurls it around, and throws it out the window and towards Pluto.
Fusion: Now, let's get in our own escape pods.
So, with Lupus out of the picture, they must escape the falling tower. Can they get to an escape pod in time?
==Author: Yami Yoshi==
OoC: Stop fighting Black Skull Yoshi and Lupus! If any of this continues, this topic will be locked.
==Author: Massimiliano==
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Decides his presence in the story is hard to hold, and therefore teleports his presence in the story OoC and OoC only. THerefore, he has left the story.<nowiki>*</nowiki>
==Author: Lupus==
<Uh... mistake>
[ February 01, 2003, 09:17 AM: Message edited by: Lupus is MJAASHCBYA to the TWIFATIT ]
==Author: Yami Yoshi==
<The tower starts to fall towards Yami Yoshi>
Yami YoshiL NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! <dies>
<Suddenly Yami Yoshi wakes up>
Yami Yoshi: What the? Where am I? Was it a dream?
Voice: Believe me Yami Yoshi. It was no dream.
<Yami Yoshi wakes up and sees Lupus standing over him>
Yami Yoshi: Yah! What are you doing here? I thought you were on Pluto.
Lupus: The pod exploded before I left the atmosphere and killed me.
Yami Yoshi: Then what are you doing here standing above me?
Lupus: I'm dead. You are too.
Yami Yoshi: What!? You're crazy!
Lupus: Listen. Despite all of my craziness on earth, I'm dead serious as a ghost!
Yami Yoshi: ...That's not funny.
Voice: Hello Yami Yoshi and Lupus.
<A devil-like creature appears>
Devil: I am Beelzebub. You two have committed too many sins on Earth! That's why you're going down to hell!
Beelzebub: Just kidding. You two were meant to go to hell but your spirits haven't existed on Earth long enough. That's why I'm gonna let you take a test.
Lupus: Test?
Beelzebub: I'll explain it to you...
==Author: GORE-ILLA==
Beezelebub: You must journey through the desert wasteland known as SandLand in search of the Phantom Lake, and help needy spirits along the way. Will you except:
Yami Yoshi: Okay!
Lupus: Uhh...Alright.
Lupus: How'd he get here?
GORE-ILLA: Fusion and Mr. Mysterio double-teamed me. I like cheese.
Lupus: ???
Yami Yoshi: I think they fried his brain in the process...
==Author: Lupus==
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Lupus, Yami Yoshi and Gore travel through endless stretches of desert until YY collapses<nowiki>*</nowiki>
Yami Yoshi: I can't move any more... I need... water...
Lupus: Fine with me. <nowiki>*</nowiki>keeps walking with Gore<nowiki>*</nowiki>
Yami Yoshi: <nowiki>*</nowiki>gets up suddenly<nowiki>*</nowiki> Hey, you don't just keep walking away!
Lupus: You said you couldn't move any more.
Yami Yoshi: ...
Gore: I can see clearly now the rain has gone-
Lupus: Not another one.
???: You fools! Beelzebub has you working for him! He wanted you to find the Phantom Lake so he could follow you and take over the world with it's Phantom Water!
Yami Yoshi: If he was following us, he'd be right behind us, would he not?
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Yami Yoshi looks behind him<nowiki>*</nowiki>
Beelzebub: Um... hi?
???: Beelzebub, your time has come! I'll never forgive you for what you did to the world five hundred and sixty three years ago!
Beelzebub: Who are you? The ??? kinda distorts your figure.
???: I am... RALPH NADER.
Everyone: <nowiki>*</nowiki>gasp<nowiki>*</nowiki>
Nader: Nader wants cake.
<nowiki>*</nowiki>While all the commotion was going on, Lupus had somehow contacted Diskun through a plot-holed way and ahd been pulled out of the afterlife into 12003 AD.<nowiki>*</nowiki>
Lupus: Finally my cheesecake festivities will go ahead on schedule, this time without Yami Yoshi or GORE-ILLA to stop me! Mwahahahaha!!
Diskun: MWAHAHAHA!11
Qwirtzok: BWEH HEH HEH HEH!!!
==Author: GORE-ILLA==
Dark GORE: You forgot me!
Lupus: Oh yeah.
Dark GORE: Mwahahahahahahaha!!!!!
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Elsewhere in SandLand...<nowiki>*</nowiki>
Yami Yoshi: He got away - again!
GORE-ILLA: Wait! Before he left I swiped this from him! (pulls out the three-year old cheesecake.)
Yami Yoshi: We got the cheesecake, Lupus is in some alternate future, and peace is restored! Except we're dead and trapped in the middle of this desert.
GORE-ILLA: How could we get out?
Beezlebub: (standing near Nader's corpse with a knife in his hand. quickly hides the knife) I could bring you back to life - if you find the Phantom Lake.
Yami Yoshi: What about what that guy ssid?
Beezlebub: Who, Nader? (kicks Nader's dead body behind a rock. GORE and Yami don't notice.) he was just joking. He had too much to drink, now find the Phantom Lake! Bye! (disappears.)
GORE-ILLA: We should get going.
Yami Yoshi: Yeah.
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Some time passed...<nowiki>*</nowiki>
Yami Yoshi: I'm so hungry! I could eat anything!
GORE-ILLA: (carrying the cheesecake) Well, what is there to eat here? Its a desert!
Yami Yoshi: The cheesecake!
GORE-ILLA: (gasp) Yes! The cheesecake of holiness!
(reaches for the cake, but Yami Yoshi bites him.) Ow! What was that for?
Yami Yoshi: (swiping the cheesecake.) This cheesecake is mine! ALL MINE! I made it!
GORE-ILLA: Well I got back! (swipes it back.) Finders keepers, losers leapers!
Yami Yoshi: Its weepers!
GORE-ILLA: How dare you question me, the leader of this group!
Yami Yoshi: Leader? I'm the leader! I started the topic, I'm the Mod, its my cheesecake, and its weepers!
(suddenly, a plot hole opens up. Lupus's hand reaches through, grabs the cheesecake, and pulls it through. The plot hole closes. A long pause follows.)
GORE-ILLA: (breaking the silence) LEAPERS!!!!
Yami Yoshi: That's it! (lunges at GORE-ILLA.)
Beezlebub: Better then Pay-Per-View!
Fusion: You could say that again!
==Author: Yami Yoshi==
GORE-ILLA: Hey! What's that giant hole in the ground?
Beelzebub: OH NO! LOOK OUT!
<A giant dragon emerges from the hole>
Beelzebub: A Genji Dragon. We better run!
Yami Yoshi: Good thing I still have this Yu-Gi-Oh deck from hell! I summon the Blue Eyes White Dragon!
<A giant dragon emerges from the card>
Yami Yoshi: White Lightning!
<The Blue Eyes White Dragon fires a white beam that kills the Genji Dragon>
Beelzebub: <muttering> Dammit. They survived.
Yami Yoshi: What did you say?
Beelzebub: <sweatdrop> Err...I meant...Yay! They survived!
GORE-ILLA: Hey! What's that card on top of the deck?
Yami Yoshi: That's Monster Reborn...Hey! That gives me an idea! Monster Reborn brings things back to life! But there's only one card in this deck...

Latest revision as of 17:57, 10 June 2007

Pages in the Member OG Archive
1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12

Author: Lupus[edit]

OOC: I'm not going to bother to explain why your post was worthless. So go away.

Author: Black Skull Dragoshi[edit]


Author: Lupus[edit]

*rolls eyes*

Author: Introbulus[edit]

Introbulus: This is boring. I'm going to go get some tacos in South America. Wanna come with me, Jim?

Jim: I would normally say yes, but I'm dead. So I can't talk.

Introbulus: ...Too bad! (leaves)

Jim: Wait! Don't leave me here!

Author: SwordMaster[edit]

*All the heros are in space*

SwordMaster: Wait, if Lupus post got eaten and BSD's post was destroyed, that means we're back to the one post where we first went to space.

*Secondary heros show up then dissapear again. Hoth is blown up again, then Godzilla eats the post... again*

Yami Yoshi: The hell? Oh no, It's a time paradox!

Gore: Its just gonna keep going like this! Over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over......

SwordMaster: Wait! Isn't there something you can do, Fusion. I mean, you do know just about everything, dont you?

Fusion: You're right! I can create a rip in the time space continuem and get us all out of this nightmare. It must be percise. If it is not completely correct, we could wind up horribly disfigured or wind up in another galaxy or time!

SwordMaster: Best do it right, then.

*Fusion rips time and suddenly they're before a great tower and the sky is completely black*

Fusion: Damn.

*An old man walks by*

Old Man: Are you coming to the ceremony?

Yami Yoshi: What ceremony and what year is it?

Old Man: It's the year 12003, of course. And the ceremony is Lord Lupus' cheescake celebration.

SwordMaster: WHAT??!! Tell us what's happened in the last ten thousand years.

Old Man: Well, when some heros dissappeard in 2003, Lupus took over the world. Many fought him. We're not sure who made the first strike, but we know it was us that destroyed the sun. *Points up at the black sky* Lupus and his sidekick were able to find the fountain of youth and remain forever young. Lupus is the ruler now, and he's going to eat cheesecake for the first time tonight. He froze some cheesecake that he stole from someone 10000 years ago, and is going to eat cheescake for the first time tonight, because it is the 10000th anniversery of the day he got rid of those heros.

SwordMaster: We can still save the cheescake! Lets go!

Author: Fusion[edit]

???: Not so fast.

Everyone: Huh?

Suddenly, a man in a purple robe and hood appears.

Everyone: Who are you?

Man: I am Mr. Mysterio, phantom, exorcist, psychic, and wizard at your service.

Fusion: How have you lived all these years?

Mr. Mysterio: I am immortal.

Fusion: Oh. So am I.

Mr. Mysterio: We must go back in time and stop Lupus before he destroys the sun!

Fusion: Allow me.

Fusion creates another rip in time and they all appear in Lupus's tower.

Lupus: Oh, so you have seen what I will become in the future. Your trip back here was worthless. Nothing can stop my flying tower!

Suddenly, all the lights go out. Everyone turns on their flashlights to see Fusion holding a plug.


Mr. Mysterio: Shouldn't we work together until we get out?

Computer: Impact with Earth in 3 hours.


Mr. Mysterio: We'll speed you up! Fusion! *snaps fingers*

Suddenly, Fusion throws Lupus into an escape pod and closes the door. He picks up the pod, hurls it around, and throws it out the window and towards Pluto.

Fusion: Now, let's get in our own escape pods.

So, with Lupus out of the picture, they must escape the falling tower. Can they get to an escape pod in time?


Author: Yami Yoshi[edit]

OoC: Stop fighting Black Skull Yoshi and Lupus! If any of this continues, this topic will be locked.

Author: Massimiliano[edit]

*Decides his presence in the story is hard to hold, and therefore teleports his presence in the story OoC and OoC only. THerefore, he has left the story.*

Author: Lupus[edit]

<Uh... mistake>

[ February 01, 2003, 09:17 AM: Message edited by: Lupus is MJAASHCBYA to the TWIFATIT ]

Author: Yami Yoshi[edit]

<The tower starts to fall towards Yami Yoshi>

Yami YoshiL NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! <dies>

<Suddenly Yami Yoshi wakes up>

Yami Yoshi: What the? Where am I? Was it a dream?

Voice: Believe me Yami Yoshi. It was no dream.

<Yami Yoshi wakes up and sees Lupus standing over him>

Yami Yoshi: Yah! What are you doing here? I thought you were on Pluto.

Lupus: The pod exploded before I left the atmosphere and killed me.

Yami Yoshi: Then what are you doing here standing above me?

Lupus: I'm dead. You are too.

Yami Yoshi: What!? You're crazy!

Lupus: Listen. Despite all of my craziness on earth, I'm dead serious as a ghost!

Yami Yoshi: ...That's not funny.

Voice: Hello Yami Yoshi and Lupus.

<A devil-like creature appears>

Devil: I am Beelzebub. You two have committed too many sins on Earth! That's why you're going down to hell!


Beelzebub: Just kidding. You two were meant to go to hell but your spirits haven't existed on Earth long enough. That's why I'm gonna let you take a test.

Lupus: Test?

Beelzebub: I'll explain it to you...

Author: GORE-ILLA[edit]

Beezelebub: You must journey through the desert wasteland known as SandLand in search of the Phantom Lake, and help needy spirits along the way. Will you except:

Yami Yoshi: Okay!

Lupus: Uhh...Alright.


Lupus: How'd he get here?

GORE-ILLA: Fusion and Mr. Mysterio double-teamed me. I like cheese.

Lupus: ???

Yami Yoshi: I think they fried his brain in the process...


Author: Lupus[edit]

*Lupus, Yami Yoshi and Gore travel through endless stretches of desert until YY collapses*

Yami Yoshi: I can't move any more... I need... water...

Lupus: Fine with me. *keeps walking with Gore*

Yami Yoshi: *gets up suddenly* Hey, you don't just keep walking away!

Lupus: You said you couldn't move any more.

Yami Yoshi: ...

Gore: I can see clearly now the rain has gone-


Lupus: Not another one.

???: You fools! Beelzebub has you working for him! He wanted you to find the Phantom Lake so he could follow you and take over the world with it's Phantom Water!

Yami Yoshi: If he was following us, he'd be right behind us, would he not?

*Yami Yoshi looks behind him*

Beelzebub: Um... hi?

???: Beelzebub, your time has come! I'll never forgive you for what you did to the world five hundred and sixty three years ago!

Beelzebub: Who are you? The ??? kinda distorts your figure.

???: I am... RALPH NADER.

Everyone: *gasp*

Nader: Nader wants cake.

*While all the commotion was going on, Lupus had somehow contacted Diskun through a plot-holed way and ahd been pulled out of the afterlife into 12003 AD.*

Lupus: Finally my cheesecake festivities will go ahead on schedule, this time without Yami Yoshi or GORE-ILLA to stop me! Mwahahahaha!!

Diskun: MWAHAHAHA!11


Qwirtzok: BWEH HEH HEH HEH!!!

Author: GORE-ILLA[edit]

Dark GORE: You forgot me!

Lupus: Oh yeah.

Dark GORE: Mwahahahahahahaha!!!!!

*Elsewhere in SandLand...*

Yami Yoshi: He got away - again!

GORE-ILLA: Wait! Before he left I swiped this from him! (pulls out the three-year old cheesecake.)

Yami Yoshi: We got the cheesecake, Lupus is in some alternate future, and peace is restored! Except we're dead and trapped in the middle of this desert.

GORE-ILLA: How could we get out?

Beezlebub: (standing near Nader's corpse with a knife in his hand. quickly hides the knife) I could bring you back to life - if you find the Phantom Lake.

Yami Yoshi: What about what that guy ssid?

Beezlebub: Who, Nader? (kicks Nader's dead body behind a rock. GORE and Yami don't notice.) he was just joking. He had too much to drink, now find the Phantom Lake! Bye! (disappears.)

GORE-ILLA: We should get going.

Yami Yoshi: Yeah.

*Some time passed...*

Yami Yoshi: I'm so hungry! I could eat anything!

GORE-ILLA: (carrying the cheesecake) Well, what is there to eat here? Its a desert!

Yami Yoshi: The cheesecake!

GORE-ILLA: (gasp) Yes! The cheesecake of holiness! (reaches for the cake, but Yami Yoshi bites him.) Ow! What was that for?

Yami Yoshi: (swiping the cheesecake.) This cheesecake is mine! ALL MINE! I made it!

GORE-ILLA: Well I got back! (swipes it back.) Finders keepers, losers leapers!

Yami Yoshi: Its weepers!

GORE-ILLA: How dare you question me, the leader of this group!

Yami Yoshi: Leader? I'm the leader! I started the topic, I'm the Mod, its my cheesecake, and its weepers!

(suddenly, a plot hole opens up. Lupus's hand reaches through, grabs the cheesecake, and pulls it through. The plot hole closes. A long pause follows.)

GORE-ILLA: (breaking the silence) LEAPERS!!!!

Yami Yoshi: That's it! (lunges at GORE-ILLA.)

Beezlebub: Better then Pay-Per-View!

Fusion: You could say that again!

Author: Yami Yoshi[edit]

GORE-ILLA: Hey! What's that giant hole in the ground?

Beelzebub: OH NO! LOOK OUT!

<A giant dragon emerges from the hole>

Beelzebub: A Genji Dragon. We better run!

Yami Yoshi: Good thing I still have this Yu-Gi-Oh deck from hell! I summon the Blue Eyes White Dragon!

<A giant dragon emerges from the card>

Yami Yoshi: White Lightning!

<The Blue Eyes White Dragon fires a white beam that kills the Genji Dragon>

Beelzebub: <muttering> Dammit. They survived.

Yami Yoshi: What did you say?

Beelzebub: <sweatdrop> Err...I meant...Yay! They survived!

GORE-ILLA: Hey! What's that card on top of the deck?

Yami Yoshi: That's Monster Reborn...Hey! That gives me an idea! Monster Reborn brings things back to life! But there's only one card in this deck...