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INTROBULUS:We're still in the same story as that!
INTROBULUS:We're still in the same story as that!

Latest revision as of 18:02, 9 June 2007

Pages in the Member OG Archive
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Author: Gamechamp[edit]

He uses the machine,causing all the OGers to come.

ME:What?Wasn't I fighting Zargon who possesed Mophisto?

GOOMBA5395:Wasn't I testing Luigi's time machine?

FUSION:Wasn't I trying to get all the OGers to help us?

INTROBULUS:We're still in the same story as that!


Author: Yoshiyami[edit]

Fusion: All right! Let's get back at Lupus!

Gamechamp: He has caused us so much suffering!

GORE-ILLA: He will be crushed!

Goomba 5395: I'll Headbonk him to death!

SwordMaster: My OG Blade shall slash him to shreds!

Kolorado: My constant whining shall drive him crazy!

Flutter: What the hell? Someone stole my Mod position!

Golem: Tee hee!

Introbulus: Everyone! Get in my Volkswagon! We're gonna kill Lupus!

Everyone: Yeah!


Lupus: Huh? What's that?

Yami Yoshi: Yeah! All of the OGers are here to stop you once and for all!

Lupus: ...

Author: Lupus[edit]

Lupus: ...

Yami Yoshi: Prepare to die, Lupus!

Lupus: ...

Fusion: We'll crush you!

Lupus: ...

Introbulus: Say something, fool!

Lupus: ...BWAHAHAHAHAH!!! Shrine of Gamehikers, NOW!

*Suddenly, the OG Vets begin attacking Yami Yoshi and his group*

Yami Yoshi: What the...? *dodges Golem slashing at him with a sword*

Fusion: This can't be!

Vorpal: Yes it can! We'll kill you all for even ATTEMPTING to bring down Sir Lupus!

*The battle rages on, SwordMaster fending off both Masa and Mune, while Introbulus suffered from the hands of Ditto*


Qwirtzok: GWEH HEH HEH.

Lupus: Where did you come from?

Qwirtzok: I was revived when those fools used the h4x0red Toaster to bring the OGers to them.

Lupus: I don't suppose Koopa came with you?

Qwirtzok: You're entire Empire was revived! From Koopa to the OG Vets to the Random People!

Lupus: This... this is outstanding!

*Lupus watches as Masa, Mune, Vorpal, Golem, Luigi of the Pipes, Ditto, Lzn, Saphire and all the rest of the Gamehiker Shrine bring down Yami Yoshi's posse, leaving them on the desert floor, bloodied and worthless*

Masa: Mission complete.

Lupus: Bwahahahahaha!! The Cheesecake, even though I've forgotten where it's supposed to be right now, is mine, all mine!

*Lupus and his army runs off into the Capital of Lupus World, Lupusopolis*

Author: GORE-ILLA[edit]

GORE-ILLA: This...can't be..the end of...the OG Boards...(collapses.)

Yami Yoshi: We...need to...hang on...(collapses)

Vorpal: We won!

Golem: Tee hee!

Magikoopa: Let's throw another party!

OG Vets: Yeah!

Random Soldier: Throwing parties is against Rule 07047.

OG Vets: WHAT?

Sapphire: We've been double-crossed!

Luigi 64: Yeah!

Golem: To Lupusopolis!

Luigi of the Pipes: Yeah!

*The OG Vets stampede toward Lupusoplois, followed by Yami Yoshi and the others.*

Author: Lupus[edit]

*Luposopolis' systems find the group of OGers approaching the city, and Lupus soon appears to great them*

Lupus: I see you, once again, have been fooled, Yami Yoshi.

Yami Yoshi: They're on my side, now.

Lupus: I'm afraid you're wrong. The Gamehikers Shrine of OG Vets would never betray me, I would never betray them. Isn't that correct, Masa?

Masa: Yes...

Lupus: As much as I would like to see your brutal deaths, I must leave now. I have a business appointment with a certain... god!

Yami Yoshi: Not another one!

Lupus: Yes! When the three gods, Emperor Qwirtzok of the sands, Lord Chaos of the games, and King Bob of the OGs, are reunited, I will finally have the portal to the legendary location of ZOOM!

Yami Yoshi: Appointment=revivification, right? Where's King Bob's resting place?

Lupus: The Kingdom of Fred, of course! And so you know, I'm only telling you this because you will die in the next five minutes without fail, and so you'll have to escape Hell once again to stop me!

Fusion: What in Weisheit's name is Zoom?

Lupus: Zoom is the land that was created by, as you say, Jon Weisheit, the King of the Gods. It was created for the fact he was lonely, and wanted some company to be gods! So the Zoom portal was guarded by the two Sheiters, Lupoleon and Turkusparte, and whichever men or women could defeat them, could enter Zoom and become gods! Many entered, but the first three were an Egyptian Ruler named Qwirtzok, a Squaresoft character from a Final Fantasy game named Garland, and a King of a Guam based empire named Bob!

SwordMaster: You want to become a god?

Lupus: Not just any god! I will become... the ULTIMATE GOD! The god of Cheese, of course! And since the rules of the 1800's eradicated all proper cheese off the face of the earth, the only way I could focus the powers of Cheese was to steal some cheesecake! And only cheesecake made by King Bob of the OGs' grandson was to suffice!

Yami Yoshi: I'm not King Bob's grandson!

Lupus: Yes, you are! Your father was Sgt Flutter here. His father was King Bob! You are the OG family!

Yami Yoshi: What the hell are you on?

Sgt Flutter: It's the truth.

Yami Yoshi: You're not my dad. Shuttup.

Sgt Flutter: For the sake of this story I am.

Lupus: Now, we must journey onto Fred, where the old King Bob lies! Gamehiker Shrine! Take these fools to the prison camps. I must go! *disappears with his sidekicks, as the higher numbered Gamehiker Shrine drags the others off*


Lupus: I demand entrance to your city!


Lupus: I am Sir Lupus, the Ruler of your world! Let me in or I won't write you into the OG further!

Fred Guard: Fine. *lets Lupus, Koopa, Diskun, Chaos and Qwirtzok in*


Koopa: Now where do we find King Bob?

Lupus: I'm leaving that up to the next poster, thus-

Author: GORE-ILLA[edit]

GORE-ILLA: Does anyone have a plan?


Yami Yoshi: Who let him/her in here?

Golem: Quiet in there!

Fusion: I am the ultimate life form! This petty cell cannot hold me! (Crushes the cell.)

LoTP:Get back in there! (KOs Fusion.)

Masamune: GameHikers forever!

GORE-ILLA: Damn! How can I defeat the OG legends I look up to?

?????: What do you people think you're doing?

Everyone: NOOO! It can't be!

S????: Mwahahahahaha!!! Which of you should I ban first?

GORE-ILLA: Wait! I know someone who's trying to take over VGF!

S???e: WHAT?!!

*Elsewhere at Fred...*

Lupus: Where do we find King Bob?

Sh??e: What do you think you're doing, Lupus?!!

Lupus: (gasp) Shane! Get him, Koopa!

Koopa: Prepare to die, Shane!

Shane: Oh no, you don't! BAN! (Shane points at Koopa.)

Koopa: Why do they always attack me? (slowly dematerializes.)

Shane: He has been wiped out of existance. And you shall follow suit, Lupus.

Lupus: I still have an ace up my sleeve.

Shane: And just what is that?

Lupus: Heh heh...RUN!! (Lupus, Diskun, Chaos, and Quirtzok take off.)

Quitzok: Now to find Bob...

Bob: I am Bob!

Lupus: Really? We found the king already!

Bob: I'm not a-

Chaos: (in high, squeaky voice) Yay!

Lupus, Diskun, & Quirtzok: ...


Lupus: What?! Then what are you?

Bob: Well handsome, I'm a (whispers into Lupus's ear)

Lupus: EWW!!! Get away from me, you sick freak!

Quirtzok: Die! (Bob is wiped out.)

Diskun: Now we need to find King Bob.

Dark GORE: Does anyone remember me?

Lupus: No.

BSD: Well I haven't been mentioned for about two pages!

Lupus: Then get back to not being mentioned.

BSD: Okay. Let's go, THE MAN. (disappears into nothingness.)

Lupus: Now we need to find King Bob before Shane or another Bob imposter finds us.

To be Continued....

Author: Yami Yoshi[edit]

<Suddenly Bob's body mysteriously comes back to life>

Qwirtzok: Wait! You're not King Bob!

King Bob: Yes I am. Being a god, I have the power to come back to life.

Qwirtzok: Oops...

Lupus: Bwa ha ha ha ha! All three gods are united now! I now have access to Zoom!

Yami Yoshi: NOOO!!!

<A portal suddenly appears out of nowhere>

Lupus: Hahaha! I shall be God!

<Lupus jumps into the portal and disappears>

GORE-ILLA: Where did he go?

<Suddenly Lupus jumps out holding a cheesecake>

Lupus: Mwa ha ha ha ha! I am now the almighty god of cheese! Thank you Emeperor Qwirtzok, Lord Chaos, and King Bob. Unfortunately, I have no use for you now. CHEESE BEAM!

Qwirtzok: NO! <dies>

Chaos: NO! <dies>

Bob: NO! <dies>

Lupus: Hahaha! I am now the ultimate god and no one can stop me! And now I finally get to taste cheesecake!

<Lupus raises the cheesecake to his mouth but not before someone kicks it out of the way>

Lupus: What the?

Yami Yoshi: Who is that?

Author: Introbulus[edit]

Introbulus: Oh no! It's...

???: Citrus Man! Defender of all that is good and lemony! I stand for truth, Justice, and a nice, tall glass of OJ!

Yami Yoshi: ???

Introbulus: Citrus Man! May I have your autograph?

Citrus Man/Mario: No time for that now, meat person! I must destroy this evil cheese god, for the sake of the orange!

Introbulus: Horay! ...Meat man?

SwordMaster: What is Mario doing here?

Citrus Man: If you speak of myself, then I shall give you a brief explanation! I followed you here when I heard of this "Cheese God", since dairy is a natural enemy of citrus. Now, I shall crush this cheese god!

Lupus: Ha! Foolish Mario! You cannot destroy that which is immortal!

Introbulus: He can with the power of the orange god! Orange god, I summon you! Come to our Kool-Aid now!

A bright light glows down on the area.

Lupus: ???

General mood of everyone in the immediate area: ???

To be continued...

Author: Lupus[edit]

Orange God: I will destroy you all!

Lupus: ... No.

*Lupus shoots a random colour beam out of his arm which kills Orange God*

Lupus: BWAHAHAHAHAHA!! *all his other enemies run away* Koopa! You will be revenged!


Narrator: Lupus now owns the entire universe, and has amassed an army unbeatable by any standards. He has- *narrator gets killed again*

*in the Yami Base of Anti-Lupusness...*

Author: GORE-ILLA[edit]

*At Yami Yoshi's Base of Anti-Lupusness...*

Yami Yoshi: We've lived here in fear for seven years. Any ideas.

GORE-ILLA: Still nothing. We're lucky we escaped Lupus's prison in the first place.

Fusion: We're even luckier that MARIO+TOADSTOOL was the only casualty.

*Suddenly, the door breaks down. Golem enters.*

Golem: Aha! After all these years, I have found you, Yami Yoshi!

Yami Yoshi: Damn!

GORE-ILLA: Get out of here! I'll hold him off!

Golem: Gamehiker Beam! (a giant beam fires at GORE-ILLA.)

GORE-ILLA: GORE Beam! (fires a giant beam at Golem. The two collide in midair and explode. When the dust clears, a black char mark rests where GORE-ILLA once was.)

Everyone: (gasp) GORE?

Author: Fusion[edit]

Char Mark: Yes, this is my true form. For you see, I possessed GORE-ILLA before he was made into a cyborg. I am the one who gave him the strength, but now, he is dead, and I must help you without him. But, I can revive him to be stronger.

Suddenly, Char Mark raises her arms and GORE-ILLA is revived.


Fusion: *reads Char Mark's mind* Hmmm...you're not a char mark, are you?

Char Mark: No, I am not. I am...*takes off disguise to reveal...*

Everyone: Ishizu Ishtar from YuGiOh!?

Ishizu: Yes, it is me. I know how to stop Lupus.

Fusion: How?

Ishizu: First, we go back in time.

Fusion: TIME TRAVEL!!!

They go back in time...to the Jurassic Period!

T-Rex: ROAR!

Fusion: Sorry, Timr Travel!

This time, they go to the correct time.

Orange God: I will destroy you all!

Lupus: NO!

Lupus aims his arm at Orange God.

Fusion: NOOOOOO!

Fusion dives in the way and punches the beam back.

Lupus: ARRGH! I will turn you all to cheese!

Majin Buu: HEY, THAT BUU'S LINE!!!

Buu turns Lupus into cheese and eats him. Suddenly, Buu starts giving off a yellowish glow.


GORE-ILLA: He ate too much energy! He's gonna transform!

There is a huge explosion. Suddenly, everyone can see that Buu is skinner, yet, taller. Also, he is yellow and his eyes are glowing green.


Everyone: Oh (insert profanity here)


Author: Lupus[edit]

New Buu: Attack of a random word matched with a body function!

Fusion: NOO!! *Fusion is crushed into the ground, as is the rest of the group quickly*

New Buu: Mwahahahahaha- ha?

*New Buu's body explodes, revealing Lupus floating in the air. He shakes his head and snaps back to reality*

Lupus: Wha...?

*he notices all his enemies crushed into the ground*

Lupus: Bwahahaha!!

*Lupus once again conquers the world and 7 years later everything is the same, besides their no being a Yami Court of Anti-Lupusness*

Lupus: All is good, me as a God.

Koopa II: Or is it?

Lupus: Yes, it is.

Koopa II: But, maybe...?

Lupus: Shut up.

Koopa II: Well, what are we going to do now, while we wait for your enemies to magically revitalize themselves?

Lupus: Convert the world into Sheitism, as was my original plan! I had completely forgotten once this OG had gotten onto the third page!

Koopa II: And how do we do that?

Lupus: Good question.

Author: GORE-ILLA[edit]

Yami Yoshi's court respawns. The same things happen as before up to GORE-ILLA's death.

Yami Yoshi: GORE-ILLA's dead!

Fusion: I cannot detect him on this world.

Golem: Now to finish you!

SwordMaster: But, what if the blast didn't kill GORE, but instead sent him into another dimension?

Everyone Else:......Nah!


GORE-ILLA: What happened?

?????????: Welcome to....The GameHiker's Forum!

GORE-ILLA is gone. And he can't come back...yet. Now Yami and the others must escape Golem and defat Lupus in some way. To Be Continued...

Author: Introbulus[edit]

(Suddenly, Golem explodes)

Yami Yoshi: ??? Yay?

Introbulus: (behind the remains of Golem) Hi guys! I hope you don't mind, but I wanted to test this new explosive I found!

SwordMaster: That's nice. But not important! What we really need is some way to get inside Lupus' fortress! If only we had a map...

Introbulus: Oh, you mean like one of these? (pulls out a map, not some household appliance, just a map)

Fusion: Let me see that! (examines map) This is a map of Dairy Queen!

All: *mad*

Fusion: Wait...(turns map over) it's a detailed map of Lupus's fort!

All: Yay!

SwordMaster: Where'd you get this?

Introbulus: A nice plot device gave me one.

Author: Yami Yoshi[edit]

<Everyone walks up to Lupus' Fortress>

Lupus: What the hell? I thought I killed all of you!

Yami Yoshi: You're wrong Lupus! It's time for us to DEFAT you!

Lupus: Defat?

Yami Yoshi: Umm...that's what GORE-ILLA wants us to do.

Lupus: Mwa ha ha! I have already eaten FIVE MILLION pounds of cheese! There's no way you can defat me!

Fusion: Or is there?

<Fusion pulls out a gun>

Fusion: It's my Slim Fast Blaster!

<Fusion fires the gun. It hits Lupus and defats him back to his normal size>

Yami Yoshi: Yes! We have defatted him once and for all!