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*During Vorpal and Masamune's duel, Vorpal calls out "FOR MISTY!" a reference to one of the character's earliest relationships with "Dead Misty" in another OG.
*During Vorpal and Masamune's duel, Vorpal calls out "FOR MISTY!" a reference to one of the character's earliest relationships with "Dead Misty" in another OG.
*While the OGers are talking about having a party due to the lack of a villain, Yami comments "Even if you wrote a big novel about your adventures and offered to let me in on it, I'd laugh at your face probably." This is a reference to the Party Goers book which Yami was not a writer of.
*While the OGers are talking about having a party due to the lack of a villain, Yami comments "Even if you wrote a big novel about your adventures and offered to let me in on it, I'd laugh at your face probably." This is a reference to the Party Goers book which Yami was not a writer of.
*At one point Lupus recites a Rube Goldberg-type plan for Kaiser Bear IV to sign a contract in blood, similar to his Rube Goldberg-like plans he recited in the original [[Member OG (OG)|Member OG]].

Revision as of 15:59, 3 February 2007

Start: July 4, 2005
End: August 1, 2005
Timeline: Good Timeline
Writers: Luiigii of the Pipes, SOAP, GM
Main Cast: Luiigii of the Pipes, Yami Yoshi, Mario Jr., GORE-ILLA, Golem, Rhyk, Masamune, Vorpal, Ashley, Rebe, Marin, GM

Yami Yoshi, Vorpal, Luiigii of the Pipes, Masamune, Golem, Uruguay, Murasame, Carrotcake King, GORE-ILLA, Lupus, Kuria Eiren, Mario Jr., Marin, Fred, Lady in Red.


The fifth installment in the Gamehiker Member OG series.

Plot Summary

The story begins with an unusual car accident that kills a random bystander. However this bystander is none other than Luiigii of the Pipes, a rather odd occurrence since Luiigii himself is still alive and well. With the help of a holistic detective, it is determined that the victim was Luiigii a year from the future coming back in time and states that fate cannot be changed.

The news leaves Luiigii depressed about his own fate and he happens on a bunch of the other OGers working on Yami's new pooldeck with some unfortunate destruction by the arrival of a butterfly. Although Luiigii uses his powers to save GORE, he's too depressed to do anything else. Meanwhile Masamune and Vorpal are still in the middle of finishing their duel from the previous OG, while Ashley looks on unamused. Even more meanwhile, Rebe writes a letter back home about her relationship with Masamune that seems to go nowhere.

Lupus and Fred secretly plant a bomb beneath Yami's swimming pool. When Yami attempts to swim in the pool, it explodes, killing him. Lupus and Fred then kidnap Ashley and hold her hostage for the rest of the OG, but they act more like friendly babysitters than ruthless kidnappers. Mario Jr. decides to return to the Mushroom Kingdom with Andromeda to help raise Little Urchin. Marin, however, chooses to remain with the OGers and is joined by her friend Tiffa.

Don Miguel coerces GM into helping him sell his newest invention of "Love Perfume". GM soon gets bored of this and tries to crash the party by Yami's house, only to get beaten up by the Gamehikers and caught in a bear trap. Kaiser Bear IV takes the loss of this bear trap as the chance he had been waiting for to attak Yami's house. Kaiser Bear IV leads his Soldier Bears in an all-out assault on the Gamehikers (with some aid from Lupus and Fred). At one point only Luigi and Rebe are left to fight off the Soldier Bears, and they form a strong bond during the battle. Kaiser Bear IV ultimately resorts to suicide, lighting a match inside an oven and setting off a huge explosion. Don Miguel finds the corpses of Yami Yoshi and Kaiser Bear IV. Don Miguel successfully reanimates Yami's corpse, turning him into Zambi Yoshi. GM first tries using Zambi Yoshi to attack the Gamehikers, but they convince GM to forget the grudge and aid them in their quest.

Vorpal complains about the lack of interesting villains in this OG, prompting GORE-ILLA to attempt turning evil again to fill that void. GORE refuses to work alone and drafts Golem, Sapphire, Kuria Eiren and Rhyk (all characters whose authors have not been posting in the OG) into his Legion of Doomhikers. The Doomhikers, secretly under the control of the Shadowy Figure, succeed in holding Rebe hostage and beating the Gamehikers twice. Elsewhere in Egypt, a Neko-Neko named Kiffus is awakened by a group of archeologists. The Shadowy Figure hires Kiffus to kill Marin Mario. He attacks her while she is at a basketball court with Tiffa, whom Kiffus believes is his long-dead sister. Don Miguel's cyborg, Cobrax, defends Tiffa and succeeds in destroying Kiffus.

The Shadowy Figure makes his next move on the Mushroom Kingdom. After Mario Jr. leaves to return to the OGing world, the Shadowy Figure attacks his home. He kills Andromeda and abducts Little Urchin. Marin and Tiffa go on a trip to Egypt, but a strange vision of Marin's past life causes Tiffa to attack Marin. Marin saves herself by teleporting Tiffa away. Marin is then captured by the Shadowy Figure, who reveals himself to actually be Wario Jr., the killer of Laura Mario. Wario Jr. also reveals that he and Marin were lovers in a distant past life, and he sends her into the Sun on a rocket ship in order to restore "her true self". Marin is saved at the last minute by Luigi Jr..

Elsewhere, the other Gamehikers are more concerned with the threat of the Doomhikers. They decide to make their own movie, in hopes that it will be so great that they will be elected Leaders of the World, and they could then assemble an army to defeat the Doomhikers. The movie is untitled, as GM believes that no title can describe its wonder. But "Untitled" flops at the box office, leaving the Gamehikers back in square 1.

Wario Jr. has the Doomhikers steal Yami Yoshi's cheesecake (later posts retcon it into the Cheesecake of the Gods instead) for him. Wario Jr. then uses it to power Little Urchin, who has been growth-accelerated to a young child and renamed Alphie. He also causes his father, Wario, to have a fatal stroke. The Cheesecake of the Gods makes him nearly invincible. Wario Jr. proceeds to betray the Doomhikers and imprison them. But Wario Jr. is in turn betrayed by one of his mininons, a Scientist Dude, who reveals himself to actually be EVIL Scientist Dude. EVIL Scientist Dude is able to take control of Alphie and plans to use him to take over the world.

Luiigii of the Pipes locks Wario Jr. away in a janitor's closet so that the OG could focus on him, as it was originally intended to. Wario Jr. soon escapes and freezes a janitor named Jorge in Carbonite. Masamune accidentally frees the Doomhikers. Now that there is a main villain, Vorpal convinces GORE to shut down the Doomhikers and return to the Gamehikers. The Gamehikers are now fully assembled with the exception of Rebe, who is still being held captive by EVIL Scientist Dude. The former Doomhikers then lead their comrades to the Doomhikers Underground Lair in Boston/Rocketsville III. Mario Jr. briefly betrays the group and is seemingly killed. As the Gamehikers navigate the base, more and more of them stumble into unescapable death-traps until only Luiigii of the Pipes remains. He enters the main lair and finds only a time machine with a note saying that EVIL Scientist Dude had sent Rebe back in time by a week, the time when Luigi had run his future self over with a car. At this time the rest of the Gamehikers returned, having been saved by Mario Jr., who had a change of heart as well as an unexplained revival. Mario Jr. soon wanders off and battles Wario Jr.

Luiigii takes the time machine back in time a week and searches for Rebe, only to witness the death of his future self. He finds Rebe and they freeze themselves in Carbonite for a week in the future site of the Doomhikers base so they revive during the final battle with EVIL Scientist Dude in his robot, dubbed the Giant Mapinguari. With Luiigii's help, EVIL Scientist Dude is soon defeated, but a new threat emerges in the form of Alphie. But Alphie is defeated when he is shoved into the time machine and sent back in time a week, and he gets hit by the car instead of the future Luiigii. This alters history so that the past Luiigii is killed by Alphie, causing the other time-travelling Luiigiis to fade away until only the future Luigi remains. The future Luiigii decides to undo Alphie's existence altogether. After some more time-travelling Luiigii manages to prevent Mario Jr. from returning to the Mushroom Kingdom.

Luiigii's interference changes the time stream; Wario Jr. no longer kills Andromeda or kidnaps and brainwashes Little Urchin. Most of the other events worked out the same, except that Wario Jr. and EVIL Scientist Dude were now openly working together, and instead of Alphie it was Wario Jr. who was now powered by the Caykforce. The Gamehikers are forced to undergo another final battle, this time against both of them at once. Rebe realizes that they still haven't managed to prevent Luiigii's death, so she leaps into EVIL Scientist Dude's time machine right before he destroys it. Luiigii is horrified by Rebe's disappearance. Soon both Wario Jr. and EVIL Scientist Dude are defeated.

The time machine takes both Rebe and Cobrax one year into the future. Rebe meets with the future Luiigii just as he is about to travel back in time one year in an attempt to prevent Rebe from jumping into the time machine. However, Rebe tells Luiigii that by travelling back in time he would get run over by his past self, and Luiigii then recalls that he had forgotten about the whole car accident after Rebe's disappearance. Cobrax disguises himself as Luiigii, travels back in time and is hit by the car instead, thus causing Luiigii to prevent his own death. Rebe returns to the present time and is reunited with Luiigii.

A post-credits sequence also shows Luigi and Fred still watching over Ashley. They soon realize that the OG is already over, so they decide to give her back "until the next OG".

References/Homages to Other OGs

  • During Vorpal and Masamune's duel, Vorpal calls out "FOR MISTY!" a reference to one of the character's earliest relationships with "Dead Misty" in another OG.
  • While the OGers are talking about having a party due to the lack of a villain, Yami comments "Even if you wrote a big novel about your adventures and offered to let me in on it, I'd laugh at your face probably." This is a reference to the Party Goers book which Yami was not a writer of.
  • At one point Lupus recites a Rube Goldberg-type plan for Kaiser Bear IV to sign a contract in blood, similar to his Rube Goldberg-like plans he recited in the original Member OG.