Member OG Page 11

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Pages in the Member OG Archive
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Author: Gamechamp

LUPUS:Wait a minute!You 2 got stuck in space long ago!You would have died without air that long!!!


Dark Gore and Diskun kill themselves.

LUPUS:Wait!I didn't mean to kill yourselves!!!

KOOPAV:What should I do with them?

LUPUS:Throw them outside for the vultures,it's better than buying vulture food!

KoopaV throws them out the window,but in the process they hit the vultures,killing them



Dark GORE & Diskun: We floated safely back to atmosphere. And those were our malfunctioned clones that just killed themselves.

Lupus: Oh. As you were.

Author: Introbulus

   I have plenty of other pointless weakling henchmen to hold them off while the Holy Plot Device to charge up its Ultimate Ban Cannon. I've already tested it out on BanLand for revenge, I will now wipe out Yami Yoshi and his friends once and for all..... 

OOC: Wait, when did Lupus get the Holy Plot Device?

Author: Black Skull Dragoshi

OOC:Maybe it's a weakend copy


Sorry, I misread Introbulus's post. I'll fix it.


I fixed it.



Author: Introbulus

OOC: Looks like it's about time to end the story. I'll start off the final chapter. Just give me a little while to write it out.

Final Chapter: Quest for the Holy Plot Device (reverb) Ends


OK. But I don't know what happened to Yami and the others. They just....disappeared recently. Spooky.

Author: Introbulus

Meanwhile, Back in Banland, our intrepid heroes have reached an unusually transparent barrier. Gore-Illa and Introbulus have already passed through.

Gore: Come on, everybody!

As they cross, something unusual happens...

KirbyKnight(thrown back): Ow! I can' pass through the barrier!

Yami Yoshi: Huh? Why aren't I fused anymore?

SwordMaster: Better yet, why aren't I fused anymore?

Lemmy: And how come I can't get through the barrier?

Fusion: Wait! I've heard of this! It's the forum shield!

Kirby (Yes, unlike in the cartoon, Kirby can talk): What's that?

Fusion: It only allows those who are members of VGF to pass. Because you are Video game characters, you are not part of VGF.

MetaKnight: Then, you are on your own from here on out.

BSD: Wait a minute...then why was I and SwordMaster seperated?

Yami Yoshi: Probably because there is no such person as BSDSM. Don't try to fuse again, or you'll be thrown back behind the barrier!

Introbulus: Enough of this chat! We must hurry before Lupus and his forces come to take the Holy Plot Device! (reverb!)

(Thus, they continue on their quest, facing many obstacles and hazards, until they finally reach the shrine.)

Introbulus: There it is! The Holy Plot Device!

Suddenly, six mysterious figures appear out of nowhere. One of them speak.


???: 1 4/\/\ :D 8: 1337! 1 1/\/ \/3/\/73 :D 1337 $933K.

(translation: I am Dr. Light! I invented light speek)

???: My favorite flavor chiken is orange.


???: Fools! You aren't supposed to talk like that! And Kirby doesn't speak! Who the heck is BSD anyway?! Oh yeah...I am Correct-o, and I correct everything you say.

???: Salutationstoallofyoupatheticcreatures!IamBlurbur!EverytingIsayisinonebigblurbandcannotbecomprehendedOHandIalsodon'tspacemypostssonoonecantellwhatI'msayingbwahahahahah!

???: And I am the lord of the Spam, the duke of annoyingness, the self-proclaimed king of the message boards! I am...Lupus!!!!

Everyone: ???

Lupus: ...What? Were you expecting some sort of super villian name?

(Notice: Apology to Lupus if he is offended by his character.)

Introbulus: Ahhh!!! It's so annoying and pointless, even I could notice it! Alright, I'll take Lupus, you guys take on the others!

Lupus: Ah, but I won't be fightng! My servant will! Mega-Koopa! Come forth to do battle!

Suddenly, a giant version of Koopa lands on the ground in front of Introbulus.

Mega-Koopa: You shall pay for all the slings and arrows I have suffered!

Introbulus: Ooo! Quoting Shakespear, eh? I get to fight a villian with "class"!

To be continued...(maybe)


The OGers make quick work of CAPSLOCK, Correct-O, Blurbur, Spamma, and Dr. Light, leaving only Lupus and Mega-Koopa to fight.

Lupus: Attack, Mega-Koopa! I have created him from the remains of Koopa I. Sadly, Koopa IV died in the process.

Yami Yoshi, GORE-ILLA, Introbulus, Fusion, BSD, and Swordmaster prepare to battle.

Lupus: Hmm...Mega-Koopa is outnumbered. I'll have to call in reinforcements. Dark GORE! (Dark GORE arrives and mmediately attacks GORE-ILLA.)

Mega-Koopa: Prepare to be...uhh...beaten! (charges at the OGers.)

Yami Yoshi: Let's get him!

Fusion: Yeah!

BSD: This is for you, Lemmy!

Swordmaster: Die!

Introbulus: I'll crush you!

Mega-Koopa: Hiya! (swats the heroes against the wall.)

Dark GORE and GORE-ILLA engage in fierce combat. Dark GORE is winning.

Dark GORE: You don't stand a chance, monkey! You don't even know a portion of your great power. (GORE remained silent and continued fighting.) You'll die now! (punches GORE across,)

Lupus: 30 seconds it will all be over... Mwahahhahahhahahahaaaaaaaaa!!!!!

The OGers recover and continue fighting.

Author: Introbulus

Dark Gore: Foolish heroes. They reject the greater power in favor of saving others, but they can't even save themself. Just like YOU!

Gore and Dark Gore continue to fight, as the others are having trouble with Mega-Koopa.

Introbulus: How is it possible? You're just a glorified koopa, are you not?

Mega-Koopa: I'm not just ANY old koopa! I am powered by Lupus himself!

Fusion: (Gasp!) If your power comes from Lupus, then what could Lupus have in store for us?

Mega-Koopa: You won't get to find out, because I'm about to kill you all! (Stands on it's hind legs and prepaired a DBZ-like fireball attack.

Yami Yoshi: He better not yell "Kamehameha".

Mega-Koopa: Kaaaa...

Introbulus: Damn!

Mega-Koopa: Meeee...haaaa...meeee...HA!


Gore-illa: No!

Dark Gore: Face it! The Dark side rules all!

Suddenly, Gore-illa begins to glow with power.

Dark Gore: Huh?

Gore-illa: You hurt my friends! Now feel my wrath! Mega-Gore punch!

Gore prepaired a Donkey Kong-like punch

Dark Gore: Ha! Unguarded! (charges Gore)

Gore-illa: ...You sure are stupid. (releases punch)

It connects! Gore is knocked down and out!

BSD: Gore did it!

Yami Yoshi: Now, Mega-Koopa, prepare to feel the wrath of...

Good guys (that's us): The VGF Six!

Lupus: That's a flagrant ripoff of the SSS Seven!

I don't care! So anyway, with their combined power, the good guys dispatch of Mega-Koopa instantly.

Fusion: Yes! Now let's go get that plot device!

Lupus: You mean...THIS ONE?! (holds up a plot device)

Introbulus: (Gasp!) You already have it?

Lupus: Duh! How did you think I got all that power into Koopa? Now, I will kill you all where you stand! Then no one will stand in my way toward the ultimate goal!

SwordMaster: You mean, you're going to get a college degree at Harverd and become as rich as Bill Gates?

Lupus: No! I refuse to even PRETEND I would fall for that gag! It's overrated anyway. Now let's see, how does this thing work?

Suddenly, Lupus zaps himself with a beam.

Introbulus: Ha! You killed yourself! Moron!

Then, Lupus begins to grow.

Introbulus: Uhhh...

Into a powerful monster, blocking the way to The Holy Plot Device (reverb)

Introbulus: ...Damn!

To be concluded...

OOC: By the way, I'm pretending that it took Lupus 30 seconds to A: power up his cannon, B: Find the plot device, or C: He expected that Mega-Koopa's final attack would finish us off.


OoC: It was A.

The "VGF Six" face off with Mega-Lupus.

Mega-Lupus: Foolish pedestrians! Don't you realize TWIFITAT rules all? (pounds the ground. The shockwave trips the heroes. They quickly got back to their feet.)

GORE-ILLA: You can't keep us down!

Yami Yoshi: Yeah! We're OGers!

Introbulus: We can't be beaten!

Swordmaster: Especially by freaks like you.

BSD: So get ready!

Fusion: We'll show you our true power!

Lupus: Ha ha! What can you insignificant pests do against The Almighty Cheese God?

VGF Six: We'll show you! The last attack you'll ever see!

Lupus: Yes, because after I kill you, there will be no one left to show me attacks!

VGF Six: This attack is from everyone in VGF, to you. OG Fist! (The VGF Six assemble and punch forward sat Lupus at one with uncountable power that would make Goku keel over. It made a direct hit.)

Mega-Lupus: NOOOO!!!! You fools, I'll come back! I always do! (explodes.)

Yami Yoshi: He's Right! We need to get to The Holy Plot Device! (reverb) (Already, Mega-Lupus begins to regenerate.)

GORE, Introbulus, BSD, Fusion, & Swordmaster: Get the Holy Plot Device!)(reverb) We'll hold him off! (Yami Yoshi runs to the Holy Plot Device - reverb - and enters)

Holy Plot Devic(reverb): What is thy desire?

Yami Yoshi: Destroy the one Dark One known only as Lupus!

Holy Plot Device(reverb): I shall grant thy wish!

Mega-Lupus(in flames): What's happening to me?!!! (explodes in a violent flash of light.)

...And so, life returned to normal. The VGF Six and their friends celebrated their victory at Yami Yoshi's place and finally ate cheesecake.
Yami continued doing whatever it was he did before the story, but he grew a bit paranoid about letting anyone near his cheesecake.

BSD was reunited with his cartoon & video game friends. They continued training in the wilderness.

Fusion, also continued training, but he always kept an eye open for Team Rocket.

Introbulus continued traveling the galaxy in his Volkswagon, also doing whatever it was he did before this OG.

Swordmaster underwent great sword training and was employed by Yami Yoshi as bodyguard for his cheesecake, a job he greatly enjoyed.

As for the handsome, noble GORE-ILLA, he went on a quest to discover his past, which might just wind up as a sequal...

The Robot Team and other forgotten characters look forward to a sequal as well...

THE END. Its been great working with you guys - most of the time. This whole story (11 pages!!!) was done in under a month. With Yami's permission, I'd like to start the sequal. (looks at Yami Yoshi with watery eyes) Please?

Author: Black Skull Dragoshi

OOC:BSD:will someone please close this topic?

Author: Fusion

I will do the sequel. You can all be in it.