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  • Full Name: Roy
  • Birthdate: Unknown
  • Species: Human
  • Nationality: Earth
  • Creator: Vorpal


Roy and Hamilton were friends growing up. They were apparently both boy scouts in Arizona and first met Masamune when they tried to steal a R.O.B. from him. Hamilton would go on to become Vorpal and Roy would become his pathetically weak sidekick alongside Tech Sgt. Toad and Metal Mario.

Good Timeline[edit]

Roy made his Good Timeline debut in Gamehiker Member OG 2: On the Road Again as part of Team Missile, led by Yoshiman and featuring the same members as the past. They rescue Vorpal after he loses the Vorpal sword and reverts back to Hamilton, as well as the Lady in Red and Yami. They go after the Carrotcake King but in the battle, while Hamilton is in possession of Masamune's sword, the dying Carrotcake King tries to possess 'Hamimune', but Roy throws himself in the way and becomes possessed by the first of many souls to come. Given his weak and pathetic body, the now evil Roy is easily restrained. While holding a piece of cheesecake triumphantly, he accidentally falls into a vat of carrotcake mix and everyone assumes that him, being an utter wuss, doesn't survive.

In Gamehiker Member OG III: The Search for Splog, a flashback reveals that while Roy (still possessed) was falling, he suddenly swung away on a chain and fell down a long chasm fighting a mysterious beast - a Lobsterman of Ushutar. Upon reuniting with his minions, he saw what the Gamehikers had done to the cake factory and swore revenge. He managed to raise and army of Caykzors. In the end, after many sappy parodies that aren't really all that funny in retrospect, he is betrayed by a cheesecaykzor. After his humiliating defeat, he returns in Gamehiker Member OG IV: Cheesecake of the Gods seeking help from Don Cornmuffin, the Codfather, to exact his revenge. He accompanied his new leader, and eventually Dark Ditto in their scheming. After Don Cornmuffin is arrowed by Kuria, he tries to avenge his friend, but is quickly and easily tossed aside. He is briefly seen in a flashback of Gamehiker Member OG V: Hobo Meets Girl.

Gamehiker Member OG VII: The Undiscovered Subtitle starts out showing Vorpal and Roy as boy scouts in Arizona, where they came into conflict with Masamune about a R.O.B. that they had found, though ultimately has nothing to do with the story. He ends up leading a new Sidekick Rebellion, echoing his earlier days in the original sidekick uprising. This time its so the Carrotcake King could finally get his revenge, but his army of sidekicks is quickly taken over by Straw Man, who leads them since he is definitely not SteveT's sidekick. After he becomes possessed by Kaiser Bear IV, it is revealed that he was also possessed by Uruguay when he died in GMOG2 (but apparently had been suppressed the entire time). Thanks to Kaiser Bear IV, Roy is once again in command of a new army and wants revenge on the Gamehikers, but for completely different reasons than the Carrotcake King. However it doesn't take long for Kaiser Bear V, his son, to decide to take the lead instead. Ultimately he is once again upstaged by Cap'n Sensei and only manages to survive when his son, Kaiser Bear V, sacrifices himself to save Roy.

In Gamehiker Member OG VIII: The Final Parody, Roy is now a part of the Bear army where he has become their leader. His grandson (or great grandson?), Kaiser Bear VII plans to 'release' Kaiser Bear IV by cooking Roy alive. When the Gamehikers arrive to face a similar fate, he pleads with them to rescue him. After he manages to escape alive, Roy ends up acting normal for once and follows the Gamehikers around, even becoming a member of Masamune's crew of pirates and becomes a third wheel to the awesomeness of Fred and Lupus, who only barely put up with him. After the two of them ditch Roy to join Yami and EVIL Scientist Dude in destroying the Good Timeline by killing Golem, Roy ends up traveling into the Bad Timeline, a supposedly better existence where he was never in another OG.

He ends up a companion of the Gamehikers as they find a way to restore the Good Timeline, but is treated even worse than the other newcomer to the group, Scruffy. After they (easily) dispatch Youma Ganon, Roy ends up being possessed by him too, but denies it immediately. When their new 'friend', the Bad Timeline version of Rhyk is severely damaged, he ends up fusing with Roy and they become Royk. The other personalities are suppressed, allowing Rhyk to continue his mission objective. For the first time, Roy finally becomes badass enough to actually hurt someone. His mission ultimately fails when Vorpal wishes them into the timeline he is most comfortable with, which ends up being the Neutral Timeline. Uruguay manages to take over and turns against everyone, having summoned that timeline's version of himself to come invade Earth.

Eventually they finally restore the Good Timeline thanks to Scruffy's efforts and return to ensure that Golem is never killed. He plays innocent, but tries to kill Golem when the other Gamehikers head off to defeat Lupus, who received a Cheese Star from his Bad Timeline counterpart. Roy ends up being controlled by Youma Ganon, who fuses with Siphnitty who had the power of Donkeyman's heart, transforming Roy unexpectedly into the ultimate enemy of the story. In the end he is defeated by the combined efforts of GORE-ILLA and Yami Yoshi, who had finally come to realize his folly. His defeat not only removed the Rhyk armor and Siphnitty, but also the voices in his head allowing him to return to a life of obscurity.

Roy makes yet another appearance in the beginning of Gamehiker Member OG IX: TRAITOR?!?!?!?!?!?!. After having spent so long being possessed, he starts drinking water because he can't stand living without the voices in his head. After Vorpal finds him living in the Sky Palace, he promptly kicks Roy out and admonishes him for his behavior.

Bad Timeline[edit]

Roy is one of Vorpal's lackies. His earliest recorded appearance (in other words OGs that aren't erased) in Party Goers 11: When Sidekicks Kick Back. He is depicted as a young kid with a nasally voice that works alongside Tech Sgt. Toad and Metal Mario. Naturally as a sidekick, he attempts to kick back when Vorpal leads them into a revolution. He was nearly killed when Vorpal's evil demon spirit thing that's in the sword (or something) nearly drove Vorpal to murder. Roy apparently survived.


Roy was possessed by the following characters.

It's implied that several other villains ended up possessing him, though it is never said who exactly.