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'''Black Skull Dragoshi''' is a supporting character of the [[Member OG]] series who is known for god modding and the ensuing flame wars among the authors it caused.

Revision as of 23:48, 17 February 2009

Black Skull Dragoshi
Real Name Dragoshi
Aliases BSD
Species Dragon-Yoshi Hybrid
Birth Year 98,000 BC
Affiliation OG Six
Hair color Red
Weaponry Rainbow Sword
Abilities Molten Egg
Drill Claw
Whatever powers he feels like having
Occupation Would-Be Hero/Villain
Base BSD's Giga-Fortress of Anti-Villainy
Origin Yoshi's Island (?)
Creator Black Skull Dragoshi
Debut Member OG

Black Skull Dragoshi is a supporting character of the Member OG series who is known for god modding and the ensuing flame wars among the authors it caused.


No one ever elaborated on Dragoshi's childhood so I'll make something up. He was born on Yoshi's Island, or the ancient version of it. He was born a mutant both dragon and yoshi. This caused him to be rejected by Yoshi society and exiled from the island. Dragoshi wandered for eight years until he met Akujin.

Akujin took Dragoshi in as his apprentice and trained him in the dark arts. Akujin soon formed the MPVP, and the fully-developed Dragoshi was appointed one of the three members of the MPVP's ruling council, alongside Qwirtzok and Lord Chaos. But eventually the MPVP was shut down by Introbulus's organization. Dragoshi was eventually captured, and the organization decided to give him a second chance. So they de-aged Dragoshi to the tender young age of 8 (the age when he had originally met Akujin) and left him in stasis for eons.

Dragoshi was eventually re-awakened in the year 2000. However, the organization dudes had forgotten to erase Dragoshi's memory, so he travelled across Earth on a feral rampage along with a new sidekick he found, known only as THE MAN.

Bad Timeline

At one point, Dragoshi entered a card battle with a shady character. While attempting to use the Polymerization card, he accidentally fused himself with the monsters Red Eyes Black Dragon and Summoned Skull. This changed him into Black Skull Dragoshi. Introbulus eventually re-abducted BSD and gave him a mindwipe. Afterwards, Black Skull Dragoshi became more simple and childlike, and even a hero. The Earth authorities who wanted Dragoshi for his wanton destruction did not recognize him in his new fused form, so he truly had a new lease on life.


Black Skull Dragoshi met with Yami Yoshi and his group of adventurers in Member OG while he was attempting to protect Japan from the forces of Lupus. Dragoshi quickly joined the group and also let the OGers stay at his Giga Fortress of Anti-Villainy. He was also known for constantly hallucinating various characters from cartoons and video games. He also became rivals with one of his comrades, SwordMaster. After SwordMaster tried killing him, he accidentally caused an evil doppleganger called Shadow Dragoshi to break free.

BSD was able to defeat Shadow Dragoshi after fusing with Yami Yoshi. In 2010 BSD united with five of the others as the legendary OG Six and successfully defeated Lupus. Then in Member OG 2: The Jewel Heist, Dragoshi killed Shadow Dragoshi for good and absorbed him. However, Shadow Dragoshi's dying words caused Black Skull Dragoshi to begin searching for his past. Later in the OG he went on a random space adventure with Samus Aran and adopted a pet monster named Zappa. Then in Member OG 3: Subtitle Soon!, he was killed for the first time when he sacrificed himself in battle with Evil. Like the other OGers, he was later revived by Sophnito.

In Member OG 4: GORE-ILLA's Quest, Black Skull Dragoshi accompanied the OGers in the quest for GORE-ILLA's past. During this adventure he gained new enemies in the turncoat Fred and the soon-to-be-forgotten GreatLuigi, and acquired several nonsensical transformations that were forgotten in the later installments.

Fusion later took Black Skull Dragoshi to Krad near the end of Member OG 5: Secret of the Ooze so that BSD he could learn his past. Fusion thought BSD would turn evil again after rediscovering his memories, so he planned to kill BSD afterwards so that he would at least die after achieving his goal. The sidequest continued into Member OG 6: VGF Moon, when they were joined by Saru. But BSD was later seperated from the others and discovered the Holy Plot Device (Echo), which he confused with the Holy Plot Device (Reverb). He sued the Echo to revive Pharoah Yami Yoshi and restore his memories.

With his memories back, Black Skull Dragoshi turned to evil again and battled his former allies for the MPVP. But he soon learned that the Holy Plot Device (Echo)'s wishes were only temporary, and he started to lose his memory. In desperation he returned to Akujin's side. Akujin later showed Dragoshi a machine that restored his full memory. Akujin then planned to use Black Skull Dragoshi to make a wish on the Holy Plot Device (Reverb) (since Akujin could not do so due to his lack of an OG Soul). The OGers arrived to stop him, but they got caught up in a battle with Akujin. Black Skull Dragoshi attempted to use the Holy Plot Device (Reverb), but using it turned him good again. He used a wish to restore Earth, which had recently been destroyed by Akujin.

Black Skull Dragoshi then fled with the Holy Plot Device (Reverb) in order to keep it safe. But he was pursued by Fusion, who did not believe that he was good again. BSD later used the Holy Plot Device (Reverb) to return to Earth in Member OG 7: Neogenesis. He met up with the other OGers in Goren's mansion, but he came at a bad time. Nijuka killed him by shooting him up with his own eggs. BSD survived by transferring his soul to into the Holy Plot Device (Reverb) and used the plot device to teleport all the OGers to America in order to protect them from the mansion's destruction. However, a combination of the wish and BSD's soul being in the device caused the Holy Plot Device (Reverb) to become broken. The other OGers quickly forgot about the broken plot device/BSD and abandoned them.

However, BSD was later revived by his trademark weapon, the Rainbow Sword, which was actually the regression stone in Member OG 10: Full Circle. He was somehow exposed to it, and it restored his body, but it also restored his evil form. He somehow wound up on the planet Mystery and battled the OGers again. He also killed Yami Yoshi by impaling him on the Rainbow Sword. However, the regression stone's effects soon wore off, and he was restored to being good again. He worked with the OGers one last time, but wound up being the first victim of GORE-ILLA after he went into a primal rage and killed BSD.

The souls of Black Skull Dragoshi, Fusion and Yami Yoshi later followed Introbulus into another universe and combined their power to give Introbulus the force necessary to destroy the universe and Eerie with it.

Good Timeline

During the card battle, a warthog ran onto Dragoshi's side of the field while he was playing the Polymerization card. This caused Dragoshi to be fused with the warthog as well as the two cards, and he became known as Bebop Skull Dragoshi. This severely limited his intelligence and powers, so he was no longer considered a threat by Introbulus's organization and was ignored. In Gamehiker Member OG VIII: The Final Parody, GORE attempted assembling a Good Timeline version of the OG Six and recruited Bebop Skull Dragoshi as well as Fusion. However, on their first mission they were all eaten by the demonic version of Yami Yoshi. Their eggs were later laid and hatched at which point they continued accompanying the OGers until Bebop Skull Dragoshi impossibly died twice while visiting the Neutral Timeline, being wiped out by the Ronald Ray-Gun and later torn apart by the Demon Yami Yoshi in a parody of Jazz's death scene in Transformers.

Neutral Timeline

During his run for president, Vorpal had Dragoshi captured and stuffed in order to gain support from the people.


He had wings capable of flight and a number of abilities such as a Molten Egg. He also had a variety of transformations.

BSD 2, 3 and 4- BSD's Super Saiyan transformations that he used during the first few Member OGs.
Black Skull Metal Dragoshi- The first transformation BSD goes through during Member OG 4, after falling into a convenient pit of metallic tar. In this form he was covered in metallic armor.
Black Skull Shadow Dragoshi- His second transformation in Member OG 4. He becomes this after he tricks Fred into throwing him into a shadowy portal. Apparently this transformation contains part of the dormant energy BSD gained from absorbing Shadow Dragoshi.
Black Skull Shadow Nuclear Dragoshi- A parody version by Fred in which BSD tricked Fred into throwing him into a nuclear pit. However, BSD's author undid this transformation in the next post and exposed Fred's character to it instead.
Black Skull Giga Dragoshi- A form that Dragoshi only reached in the first, non-canon version of Member OG 5. This one doesn't involve him being tossed into some random crap, he just... transforms into it sponteneously at one point. Apparently this form contains the full power from BSD's absorption of Shadow Dragoshi.


Sephnite:Dark blast!

Pharoah Yami Yoshi is fried by a blast of dark energy.

Pharoah Yami Yoshi:Ouch! That hurt!

Sephnite:Now will you challenge me before I kill him?

BSD:Fine,but the result will end in you being killed

Characters in Member OG Series
The Good (OG Six): Black Skull Dragoshi - Fusion - GORE-ILLA - Introbulus - SwordMaster - Yami Yoshi
The Ugly: AaronGuy - Cerulea - Chizu - Culex - Gamechamp - Hades - Jim - Kantii - Legion - Lila - Pharoah Yami Yoshi - Saru - Sergeant Shy Guy
The Bad: Akujin - Crap Villain - Dark GORE - Dark Jim - Eerie I - Eerie II - Evil - EVIL Scientist Dude - Fred - Lupus - MON-KILL - Nijuka - Rhyk - Sephnita - Shade - Velvet Monkey - Youma Ganon