Festivity Attenders

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The first recorded group of people who were obsessed with going to parties but rarely ever did (unless you count History Goers), the Festivity Attenders were largely natives of Scotland in the mid 1500s (1530, to be exact). They bore STRIKING similarities to the Party Goers, though, as SteveT says:

"I hereby swear vengeance upon the Festivity Attenders and any organization that even remotely reminds me of them, regardless of whether the resemblence is actually there, because the Festivity Attenders were an original creation unlike any pre-existing groups of characters!"

The stories of the Festivity Attenders largely revolved around SteveT, as he was one of the few alive at that time and the present time, though the Donkeyman had wheedled his own backstory in as well. In the third story, Straw Man's origins are revealed and Murasame himself appears in the story.


Festivity Attenders: The Metallic Menace (written exclusively by SteveT)
The Festivity Attenders: Deluge of the Doppelgangers
The Festivity Attenders: Revenge of the T


The Festivity Attenders included:

Scene-Setting Guy: A parody of Narrator.
Elemental: A parody of Golem.
Ruby Red: A parody of Sapphire.
Wizzrobe: A parody of Magikoopa.
Dinosaur-Type Fellow: A parody of Yoshiman (or in a sense, Wrange Tirk) and Fire Goers throwback.
Sir Prophesy: A parody of Mr. Predict.
Albert the Large: A parody of Big Al.
Paddle: A parody of Flutter.
Mimic MacShifter: A parody of Ditto McCloaker.
Hrunting: A parody of Vorpal.
Excalibur: A parody of Masamune. Apparently he is actually Masamune and Murasame's father.
Louis of the Tubes: A parody of Luigi of the Pipes.
French Fellow: A smelly parody of Arab Dude
Elise Annette: A parody of Elzie Ann
Juese Belmont: A parody of Retro
Jerky Boy: A parody of Weenie Boy
Femmefatale: A parody of Fuzzball
The Playwright: A parody of Director

As well as Wrange Tirk, SteveT, Donkeyman, Straw Man and Murasame as themselves.

Also appearing is FOUL Alchemist Fellow, a parody of EVIL Scientist Dude. Louis LXIV and Wulf the Moor are mentioned as parodies of Luigi 64 and Lupus the Turk respectively in SteveT's openings, but have yet to actually appear.

Originally mentioned in The OGers: The Third Generation was Rick, presumably a parody of Rhyk, but he was switched out for Ruby in The Metallic Menace. In a way, SteveT himself is the medieval counterpart of Rhyk. Though not a clone of Elemental (Golem), he is a previously inanimate piece of metal made animate by Wizzrobe (Magikoopa) who frequently poses as an antagonist to the heroes rather than an ally.

Also see
