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Cerulea GH.png
Species Human-ish
Birth Year A long time ago
Hair color Blue
Eye color Blue
Abilities Control Water
Occupation Elemental Warrior
Origin Somewhere
Creator Golem
Debut Member OG 7

The Warrior of Water under Eerie's command. Garbed in the Marine Armor, Cerulea is able to charge herself with water and then release it in bursts. She makes her first appearance in Member OG 7: Neogenesis, where she goes against Eerie in order to free Introbulus from the Einsteinium sandwiches he had been frozen inside. The two of them then arrive on Earth just in time to aid in the fight against the Dark Cloak-possessed Mirawk.

Cerulea doesn't reappear in Member OG 8: This Title is irrelevant; instead we are introduced to Mareaeus, the originally intended Warrior of Water who was refused the position due to being an Incorporal. She reappears in Member OG 9: One-Page Wonder where she aids Introbulus and Saru in spying on Eerie. The three of them meet up with the rest of the OGers to defeat the Crap Villain, at which point Cerulea is completely overshadowed and ignored.

In Member OG 10: Full Circle, Cerulea and Saru are tasked by the Velvet Monkey to take on Nijuka before he can find the Writer's Chair. After a brief romantic interlude, the duo are severely outclassed by Nijuka and Ritz and escape to the Planet of Sharp, Dangerous Objects, where they meet Key and hitch a ride to Mystery. They arrive on the planet just after Yami Yoshi's death and aid the remaining OGers in taking out the rest of Nijuka's troops, but are then killed during GORE's feral rage, their souls later collected by Culex.


Appears in Pokemon OG, working alongside Saru for Team Meteor. She starts with a Piplup for a partner and tries to help Saru shake down EVIL Scientist Dude for information of Pazuzor, then later attempts to battle Nintendofreak's Duplighoul with her evolved Prinplup, but Saru overshadows her both times causing a LOVER'S QUARREL. tbc never

Good Timeline

In Gamehiker Member OG X: The Shrack of Neely, Cerulea is tasked to find the Limitless Drive before the Sweet Sixteen can. She squares off against Murasame, Thrakun, Farmer Jon, and Sarugerm, but becomes infected and controlled by Sarugerm. In the alternate future, her soul possesses one of the blades built into Ashley's arms along with the other Elemental Warriors.

Characters in Member OG Series
The Good (OG Six): Black Skull Dragoshi - Fusion - GORE-ILLA - Introbulus - SwordMaster - Yami Yoshi
The Ugly: AaronGuy - Cerulea - Chizu - Culex - Gamechamp - Hades - Jim - Kantii - Legion - Lila - Pharoah Yami Yoshi - Saru - Sergeant Shy Guy
The Bad: Akujin - Crap Villain - Dark GORE - Dark Jim - Eerie I - Eerie II - Evil - EVIL Scientist Dude - Fred - Lupus - MON-KILL - Nijuka - Rhyk - Sephnita - Shade - Velvet Monkey - Youma Ganon