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Real Name Stryke Hamilton
Aliases Vorpal the 64th, Vorpal the Arab Dude, President Vorpal, Vorp-Man
Species Human
Birth Year 1985
Affiliation Team Missile
The Three Compañeros
Hair color Brown
Occupation Supervillain
Origin United States of America
Creator Vorpal
Debut Rocketsville
Relatives Alexander Hamilton: Ancestor
Wavorpal: Evil Twin
Roam: Son (NT)
Kid Vid: Not Son (GT/NT)
Rocky: Pet Rock (NT)


Stryke was an ordinary American boy vacationing in Norway, when by chance stumbled across the ancient cursed Japanese katana (with a very un-Japanese name), the Vorpal Sword. The Vorpal Sword was forged by the evil, but cunning Japanese craftsman, Warupei. It was Warupei who trapped the demon, Vorpal, into the sword, cursing the possessor of the sword with demon possession. Stryke was the 64th to wield the Vorpal Sword.

The Vorpal Sword grants the wielder with increased strength, speed, and the ability to summon and manipulate fire, but also causes the weak-minded wielder to be posessed by the Vorpal demon and lose all control of their physical and mental actions. Throughout the course of Stryke's posession, he gains more and more control over the demon to the point where it is no longer a concern for him.

This was not the case when he first posessed it, however, under the influences of the demon, he killed his girlfriend, Misty, along with many other innocents in Norway. He then went into hiding, and under the influence of the demon formed Team Missile, a team dedicated to thwarting Team Rocket Omega.

Timeline History

Good Timeline

Vorpal and his sword

In Gamehiker Member OG, Vorpal appeared from nowhere to help Yami Yoshi solve the mystery of the stolen cheesecake. He became a part of the new group of adventurers, the Gamehikers, and found romance with Kuria Eiren. He was a regular Gamehiker for the remainder of the Gamehiker Member OG series and was often one of the main characters. In Gamehiker Member OG 2: On the Road Again, at one point his sword was stolen by Murasame, who became Vorpasame. Hamilton, with the aid of a reunited Team Missile, was able to challenge Vorpasame. At one point he wielded the Masamune sword and became Hamimune. After defeated Vorpasame, he was restored to being Vorpal.

Vorpal also claimed in Gamehiker Member OG III: The Search For Splog that he was the Mysterious Silhouette all along in an attempt to mislead the other villains, although he could have only been referring to the Mysterious Silhouette in that OG. He also joined up with Masamune, Marin and Slort as the Three Point Five Companeros in Gamehiker Member OG IV: Cheesecake of the Gods. Within the same story Vorpal assumes the superhero identity of Vorp-Man, and Dodo temporarily acts as his sidekick Martin. Dodo's identity is soon revealed, but Vorp-Man's remains a secret. Vorpal began dating Tiffa when he assumed that Kuria had left him for the sidekick union in Gamehiker Member OG VII: The Undiscovered Subtitle. Vorpal and Kuria were back together by Gamehiker Member OG VIII: The Final Parody.

Vorpal, as Vorp-Man, was instrumental to foiling the schemes of the wicked Donkeyman in GMOG Sidequest: ENGLAND???, although Donkeyman discovered his secret identity in the ending. He was later convinced to join Donkeyman's party cruise ship, The Flying Arabdude in Gamehiker Member OG VIII. There he was reunited with Misty, whom had been revived by the Donkeyman. They grew close again, despite Misty being a wee bit crazy. Vorpal felt restrained by his relationship with Kuria, whom he had almost married, but Vorpal was able to move onto his relationship with Misty after Kuria became infatuated with Ditto.

In the year 2064, an elderly Vorpal was retired and at peace when he was killed in the explosion of Earth. The Vorpal Sword survived and was sent into space, where it was eventually found by Delta Ray.

Bad Timeline

In the beginning, Team Missile consisted of Vorpal, Yoshiman and Mr. Predict. Soon Yoshiman and Mr. Predict became bored and rejoined the Party Goers. Vorpal, then vowed vengance upon the Party Goers and killed their villain at the time, [ ] aka Mysterious Silhouette, and in the process, cut short Party Goers 10. Vorpal came back, with the V-Team in Party Goers 11, consisting of himself, Metal Mario, Tech Sergeant Toad, Roy, and the Dead Misty Sisters (which are possible clones of his former dead girl friends). With the V-Team, Vorpal attacked the planet in S-Space the Party Goers were currently located, and then set his target for Earth in R-Space. He was foiled, and his Sky Palace crash landed on Earth.

Vorpal had lost most of his memory and was currently unaffected by the Vorpal demon. He joined the Party Goers, and fought Dark Ditto and his clones, including Blade, a future weilder of the Vorpal Sword. Vorpal took on Arab Dude's job as Vorpal the Arab Dude to trap the Party Goers. At this point in time he also enlisted the help of two Goombas who would later frequently be his lackeys, Goom and Ba. Later Vorpal was saved from death by his son, Roam, who was a soldier in an alternate dimension against the ghost of Arab Dude. After this point, Vorpal left the Party Goers for some soul searching. He was not gone long, and returned to the Party Goers, only to have Masamune steal his sword and turn into Vorpamune. Vorpal changed sides to suit his own needs, though he ended up with the Party Goers more often than not.

In 2002 or so, Lupus stole the souls of Vorpal and the other Party Goers, then he used their bodies as his slaves. The Party Goers souls were freed when Lupus was defeated in 2010. The spirits then wandered the Earth and temporarily teamed up with GORE-ILLA in Member OG 4: GORE-ILLA's Quest. Later on, the souls were taken by Rhyk and stored in the TASTS. A freak accident in Member OG 8 caused Vorpal's soul to be freed from Rhyk, and it inhabited the body of Kuria Eiren. Vorpal eventually rejoined his original body after finding it on the Cheese Star.

Neutral Timeline

Party Affiliation: Mega Mega Extreme Doki Doki Paniker

In a get-rich-quick scheme, Vorpal plans to scam unsuspecting rich people of their money by encouraging them to donate to the Mega Mega Extreme Doki Doki Panik Party and then make off with whatever he happened to collect. Ditto McCloaker convinced Vorpal that he should really run for President with Ditto as his running mate. Vorpal and Ditto also garnered support from other people including the Lady in Red and Yoshiman in their bid for the White House.

Surprisingly, Vorpal won the election, and became President. Having no wife, he selected the closest woman in his administration to serve as the "First Lady in Red." Vorpal's Administration was riddled with controversy, wars, and scandals too numerous to recount.

At one point, Vorpal and Secretary of Treasury, MagiKoopa were kidnapped by ABC's Anderson Cooper and delivered to Sodarn Insane as hostages to film a live reality show from the White House depicting what an Acting President would do in such a situation.

(add more here)

Other Versions

Party Goers the Comic

In Party Goers the Comic Vorpal is roommates with Yoshiman and his various personalities (it's because they're brothers THEY'RE BROTHERS). However, when Golem begins to get a party together Vorpal cannot go because he has a schedule conflict with work. This pains Vorpal a great deal, because he has always felt left out of the group by never getting invited to any of Golem's parties, a story he describes in grueling details to Sapphire when they are both locked in the freezer at Arab Dude's Party & Grocery Store (also the place of Vorpal's employment). Vorpal and Sapphire are later freed from thier frozen prison, and accompany a group of the Party Goers to Las Vegas in Vorpal's beat up Oldsmobile.

Other Information

Vorpal has an affinity for rainbow lollipops, Willie Nelson's "On the Road Again," and 80's songs (which he has recently begun to work into his regular vernacular).

Romantic Involvement

Vorpal has been romantically connected to or involved with several female characters:

(This list does not include the other thousands of babes that Vorpal thinks are attracted to him.)


Vorpal: There's only one way in. I'm the biggest, but somehow the only one who can fit through.

GM: Wh--?

Vorpal: It's Vorpal-sized. -GMOG 5

Different Future Vorpal: I come from a different future that was created when my previous future selves inadvertently changed the future.

Golem: So... are you gonna try to stop that future from happening, too?

Different Future Vorpal: No, it's a paradise! I just came by to say thanks! *zaps back to the future* -GMOG Sidequest: ENGLAND???

Vorpal: Now, who knows what the worst video game movie ever is?

Yami: It is a question of personal taste and is a trick question, sir.

Vorpal: Did I hear "Tron"? Somebody tell me I heard Tron. - Gamehiker High University

Vorpal: I had to shave it to get elected since the women would never vote for a bearded man, and for some reason, it's just never came back...

Ditto: I'm trying to make a point here, Vorpal. You're not paying attenti--

Vorpal: He mocks me! All the time! I thought I was rid of him when they stopped airing syndicated reruns of Home Improvement! But then he had to go and get on Family Feud!

Ditto: What are you talking about?


Ditto: well--

Vorpal: *scene of the earth from space* KAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARN!!!!!!!!!!! - Mega Mega Extreme Doki Doki Panik Turbo Revival XXL

"Dangit! Air Bud has failed me again!"
-Gamehiker High University Special: Politi-Cal!

See Also