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Akujin then brought the MPVP to the Main MPVP Headquarters in the [[X-Cloud]]. He also seduced [[Black Skull Dragoshi]], his former apprentice, back to the dark side so that he could use Dragoshi to make a wish on the [[Holy Plot Device (Reverb)]]. The OGers eventually reached him there and engaged him in battle. Akujin attempted to destroy the OGers by splitting off five duplicates, but the OGers were able to destroy all of the duplicates. [[Culex]] absorbed the links to S-Space from the Akujin duplicates and later destroyed them. Finally Akujin was destroyed with the soul of Hades, which the OGers somehow used to destroy Akujin with his own attack.
Akujin then brought the MPVP to the Main MPVP Headquarters in the [[X-Cloud]]. He also seduced [[Black Skull Dragoshi]], his former apprentice, back to the dark side so that he could use Dragoshi to make a wish on the [[Holy Plot Device (Reverb)]]. The OGers eventually reached him there and engaged him in battle. Akujin attempted to destroy the OGers by splitting off five duplicates, but the OGers were able to destroy all of the duplicates. [[Culex]] absorbed the links to S-Space from the Akujin duplicates and later destroyed them. Finally Akujin was destroyed with the soul of Hades, which the OGers somehow used to destroy Akujin with his own attack.
In [[Member OG 7: Neogenesis]], Akujin was revived by the [[Arcanist]]. At first he was only a weak "[[Sooty]]" Akujin, but the Arcanist was able to reunite him with his soul to restore most of his former strength. Akujin battled the OGers and turned two of his hands into [[Cerebus]]es. Eventually they were all pulled into S-Space and continued their battled until Akujin's was seemingly destroyed, and his Akujin Eye shattered. But Akujin was still alive, and he was later found by the Velvet Monkey, who exiled him back to R-Space.
In [[Member OG 7: Neogenesis]], Akujin was revived by the [[Arcanist]]. At first he was only a weak "[[Sooty]]" Akujin, but the Arcanist was able to reunite him with his soul to restore most of his former strength. Akujin battled the OGers and turned two of his hands into [[Cerebus]]es. Eventually they were all pulled into S-Space and continued their battle until Akujin was seemingly destroyed, and his Akujin Eye shattered. But Akujin was still alive, and he was later found by the Velvet Monkey, who exiled him back to R-Space.
Akujin made one last appearance in [[Member OG 10: Full Circle]], where he saved [[Saru]] and [[Cerulea]] from [[Nijuka]], and then decided to take on Nijuka himself. However, Nijuka was unbelievably more powerful and destroyed Akujin for good.
Akujin made one last appearance in [[Member OG 10: Full Circle]], where he saved [[Saru]] and [[Cerulea]] from [[Nijuka]], and then decided to take on Nijuka himself. However, Nijuka was unbelievably more powerful and destroyed Akujin for good.

Revision as of 13:49, 16 December 2007

It is I, Akujin, shape-shifting master of darkness!

Full Name:
Birthdate: Millions of Years Ago
Creator: Yami Yoshi
First Appearance: Member OG 4: GORE-ILLA's Quest (as Shadowy Figure); Member OG 5: The MPVP Strikes Back (as Akujin)

General Information

Emperor Akujin is the main villain of Member OG 5 and Member OG 6 and the leader of the MPVP.

Akujin first appears in Member OG 4 as a "Shadowy Figure" who issues orders to his top MPVP leaders, Chaos, Qwirtzok, and King Bob. In Member OG 5, he remains mysterious as a humanoid figure dressed in a black cloak and a crimson hood.

It isn't until his final confrontation between the OGers in Member OG 6 does he reveal his true form.

Akujin was revived many times afterwards but ultimately met his end in Member OG 10 at the hands of Nijuka.


I think at one point he was supposed to have a tragic childhood but that must have been one of the things about him that got scrapped. He got the Akujin Eye from his boss the Velvet Monkey, which makes it confusing as to whether the eye was named after Akujin or Akujin had a different real name and was then named after the eye. At one point Akujin, Nijuka, Tenorvista, Bob Yoshi the Mustached, Bartender and Eerie united as an early version of the OG Six to battle an ancient evil in a war across time, ultimately sealing the evil away.

Millions of years ago, Akujin, Nijuka, Tenorvista, and their master the Velvet Monkey led an army of S-Spacers and invaded R-Space. The leader of Q-Space, Eerie II summoned the four warriors, Introbulus, Saru, Mirawk, and Cerulea to defeat them. The four warriors succeeded and sealed them back into S-Space.

Akujin later discovered a gateway leading back to R-Space and felt all special. Akujin had immense power in that realm, even more then the Velvet Monkey (who was weak in R-Space, but more powerful than Akujin in S-Space). Around the year 98,000 BC, Akujin founded his own organization in R-Space known as the MPVP, in order to start his own empire. Akujin mostly stayed in the base on the planet Krad, even though Akujin grew a distinct hatred of the native Kradians. Akujin also had his own collection of freaky bodies suspended in stasis as well as souls. However, some sabotage eventually caused the downfall of the MPVP, with most of Akujin's subordinates being killed or sealed away.

It is unsure whether or not Akujin was sealed away as well. Regardless, he later returned to take control of the MPVP after Dr. Beezlebub, Qwirtzok and Lord Chaos were freed from their prisons.

Bad Timeline

The MPVP was fully reassembled by Member OG 3: Subtitle Soon! and initially moved to destroy Dark Jim. They later began to fear the potential of the OGers after they defeated Evil, so they sent more minions to destroy the OGers in Member OG 4: GORE-ILLA's Quest. An ulterior motive may have been to prevent GORE-ILLA from discovering his true past and his connections to the Velvet Monkey.

In Member OG 5: Secret of the Ooze, Akujin was fed up with the OGers so he boarded the Apocalypse and traveled to Earth in order to take care of the OGers first hand. He took on a number of the OGers, including the fused form of Introbulus and Jim, in battle. Akujin later made a cement victory by destroying Earth completely with the X-Bombinator. But the OGers persisted in attacking the MPVP in Member OG 6: VGF Moon. Akujin continued sending minions to destroy the OGers. He went as far to activate additional X-Bombs which destroyed three planets - Militia, Hephaestia and even Krad. Akujin had left all of the Kradians he despised behind to their deaths, and he killed Hades after he protested the order.

Akujin then brought the MPVP to the Main MPVP Headquarters in the X-Cloud. He also seduced Black Skull Dragoshi, his former apprentice, back to the dark side so that he could use Dragoshi to make a wish on the Holy Plot Device (Reverb). The OGers eventually reached him there and engaged him in battle. Akujin attempted to destroy the OGers by splitting off five duplicates, but the OGers were able to destroy all of the duplicates. Culex absorbed the links to S-Space from the Akujin duplicates and later destroyed them. Finally Akujin was destroyed with the soul of Hades, which the OGers somehow used to destroy Akujin with his own attack.

In Member OG 7: Neogenesis, Akujin was revived by the Arcanist. At first he was only a weak "Sooty" Akujin, but the Arcanist was able to reunite him with his soul to restore most of his former strength. Akujin battled the OGers and turned two of his hands into Cerebuses. Eventually they were all pulled into S-Space and continued their battle until Akujin was seemingly destroyed, and his Akujin Eye shattered. But Akujin was still alive, and he was later found by the Velvet Monkey, who exiled him back to R-Space.

Akujin made one last appearance in Member OG 10: Full Circle, where he saved Saru and Cerulea from Nijuka, and then decided to take on Nijuka himself. However, Nijuka was unbelievably more powerful and destroyed Akujin for good.

Good Timeline

Before he could regain control of the MPVP, Akujin was eaten alive by the Donkeyman.

Notable Attacks

Big Bang - Superheats the surrounding area for a short time, having the effect of an explosion.
This causes his demise in Member OG 6.

Akujin Beam - This beam moves around a planet. The center of the beam stays a constant distance from the center of the planet. This is done by gauging the gravity of the planet--the beam moves at a speed just fast enough to not be pulled toward the planet by gravity but to not escape the planet. As it moves around a planet, it (through an unknown method) gains power. Eventually, the beam becomes large enough to destroy the planet it orbits.


  • His name is Japanese for "evil person". Makes sense to me.
  • His original physical description showed him as wearing a suit and having black, slicked-back hair. This was to evoke the image of the Agents from the Matrix film series. However, during the final Member OG 5, Yami Yoshi instead made him black cloaked to resemble Nergal, the main villain of Fire Emblem for the Gameboy Advance. But most other authors did not notice and still used Akujin's original description.

See Also

Characters in Member OG Series
The Good (OG Six): Black Skull Dragoshi - Fusion - GORE-ILLA - Introbulus - SwordMaster - Yami Yoshi
The Ugly: AaronGuy - Cerulea - Chizu - Culex - Gamechamp - Hades - Jim - Kantii - Legion - Lila - Pharoah Yami Yoshi - Saru - Sergeant Shy Guy
The Bad: Akujin - Crap Villain - Dark GORE - Dark Jim - Eerie I - Eerie II - Evil - EVIL Scientist Dude - Fred - Lupus - MON-KILL - Nijuka - Rhyk - Sephnita - Shade - Velvet Monkey - Youma Ganon