EVIL Scientist Dude

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EVIL Scientist Dude
Real Name EVIL Scientist Dude
Aliases Ernest Stephen Dobour, ESD
Species Human
Birth Year 1949
Affiliation Team Monkey
Hair color Orange
Abilities Mad Science
Occupation Mad Scientist
Origin United States of America
Debut VGF Member OG
Relatives Farmer Jon: Brother
Luiigii of the Pipes: Nephew/Adopted Son
Triple-X: Son (of clone) (GT)

EVIL Scientist Dude is a mad scientist who frequently appears as a villain in OGs. He is the creator of both GORE-ILLAs as well as a former father figure to Luiigii of the Pipes. Although he can occasionally be seen aiding the OGers, he is most commonly allied with evil, either as a follower of Lupus or operating independently. He's pretty dang insane and known for his maniacal laughter.


EVIL Scientist was born to the Dudes, an agricultural family in the Mid-West. But he left his family behind in order to follow his own dreams and become an evil mastermind. However, this earned him the bane of his older brother, Farmer Jon.

EVIL Scientist Dude grew up to become a sick and demented scientist, yet at the same time he had one of the age's most brilliant scientific minds. The government decided to give him a grant and keep an eye on him at the same time. This man soon went too far in his bizzarre and disturbing experiments. Anyone who entered his lab never returned-in their normal forms at least. When the government caught wind, they shut down his experiments and banned him from any lab ever again. They thought that he would no longer be a threat. They were wrong. The EVIL Scientist Dude went more insane and worked as an underground mad scientist. Eventually he aided the Velvet Monkey, building the mechanical parts for the being known as GORE-ILLA.

Eventually EVIL Scientist Dude was captured and put into therapy which seemed to succeed in restoring his sanity in the year 1990. EVIL Scientist Dude was allowed to continue his work, but only in calm, quiet spots that wouldn't set off his insanity again. The Dude chose to stay in the Forest of the Pipes, where he met the young Lucas Hanimar, who became his apprentice-Luigi of the Pipes. Luigi lived with him for the next ten years, unaware of the EVIL Scientist Dude's slowly breaking sanity. One notable creation of EVIL Scientist Dude during this time period was a monkey-shaped airship called the Flying Monkey.

Timeline History[edit]

Good Timeline[edit]

EVIL Scientist Dude managed to maintain his sanity until the year 2005. The Gamehikers, including his former apprentice Luigi of the Pipes, came to him needing help on several occasions. In Gamehiker Member OG III: The Search for Splog, he helped the Gamehikers with a time-travelling machine, and EVIL Scientist Dude later used the Caykforce to wish for a new research laboratory. He later devised a special antidote to cure an RPing virus that had spread throughout the world in Gamehiker Member OG IV: Cheesecake of the Gods.


But he finally snapped sometime before his reappearance in Gamehiker Member OG V. Posing as a mere Scientist Dude working for Wario Jr.'s nefarious projects, EVIL Scientist Dude soon unveiled his identity and overthrew Wario Jr. as the main villain of the adventure- at least temporarily. He first backstabbed his former apprentice Luigi by sending him back in time after his love, in hopes of setting off the accident that was supposed to have killed Luigi. Then he attacked the remaining Gamehikers in his latest giant robot-the Island Beast, the Giant Mapinguari. But Luigi returned and with his powers helped GORE-ILLA to send the Mapinguari sailing.

In Gamehiker Member OG VIII: The Final Parody, EVIL Scientist Dude worked together with Donkeyman in the effort to recruit new minions for the Donkeyman and search for the key to Donkeyman's oven. However, EVIL Scientist Dude had his own agenda as he designed a Timeline Bombinator which would destroy the Good Timeline and allow it to be replaced by the Bad Timeline, which he considered to be superior. However, to power this device he needed a high amount of Party Energy, and only Golem had Party Energy in such quantities. So EVIL Scientist Dude recruited Lupus, Fred, Roy and Yami Yoshi to aid him in killing Golem and bringing on the Bad Timeline. And SteveT helped too.

Along the way EVIL Scientist Dude also clashed with Farmer Jon several times. Eventually Luiigii arrived and succeeded in killing Farmer Jon (for the moment) as Luiigii became deranged and began calling EVIL Scientist Dude his papa. EVIL Scientist Dude thend deployed Luiigii to kill Golem, which he succeeded in. With Golem's corpse recovered, but his Party Energy still intact, EVIL Scientist Dude was able to set off the Timeline Bombinator and destroy the Good Timeline. However, time was later reset to earlier on, and this time Luiigii attempted to kill EVIL Scientist Dude after killing Farmer Jon. Betrayed, he seemingly had an epiphany at this point and came to Masamune, offering to build for him the mother he always wanted - the MPOM, although she was captured by Luiigii in the opening of Gamehiker Member OG IX: TRAITOR?!?!?!?!?!?!.

As he grew older, he began cloning himself to extend his own lifespan. At some point he created EVIL Scientist Dude II, who would create EVIL Scientist Dude III that was seen in GMOG Holiday Special: Happy Father's Day, Masa! (and presumably the prequel, GMOG Holiday Special: Merry Christmas, Straw Man!). In Merry Christmas, Straw Man!, EVIL Scientist Dude had been exiled with the desert by Straw Man, becoming bitter and often mumbling to himself. However, he was later called into action to help Masamune and his group rebel against Straw Man, and pointed them towards Merlin as a way of restoring Masamune's youth. This reality was undone following Straw Man's defeat.

In Happy Father's Day, Masa!, EVIL Scientist Dude used a new Team Monkey for kidnapping the fathers of various OGers. He tested a new experimental Patrilineage Bombinator on them, which prevented the fathers from existing so he would not have to deal with their children.

EVIL Scientist Dude IV was responsible for betraying GORE-ILLA and the other Gamehikers to the Ushutarians, causing the deaths of Golem and Ronnie Yoshi in 2065. Since then, every single EVIL Scientist Dude served the Ushutarians, at least until number 29.

The last clone was EVIL Scientist Dude XXIX, who was unable to clone himself again. So he did the most despicable act he could - he fell in love and had a child, Triple-X (aka EVIL Scientist Dude XXX). His son retained his brilliance, but lacked his evil streak. Because of that, EVIL Scientist Dude experimented on his son, with the intention of making him his next body once the clone body died. The experiments involved making Triple-X a living weapon by giving him the ability to transform into GORE-ILLA. That way EVIL Scientist Dude would have great strength to match his intelligence.

Bad Timeline[edit]

EVIL Scientist Dude went mad not long after Luigi left and returned to his life of villainy, this time getting a job working for Sir Lupus the Turk of the TWIFATIT. He also seemed to know more about GORE-ILLA's mysterious past than others suspect. EVIL Scientist Dude survived the Western Hemisphere's destruction and caused GORE's dark side to emerge in VGF Member OG. In Member OG 2, EVIL Scientist Dude joined Dark GORE-ILLA's Team Monkey. With him he brought his scientific expertise and the Flying Monkey, which became the team's official mode of transportation.

EVIL Scientist Dude was forced to build a Flying Monkey II after the original was destroyed in Member OG 4, but that was the least of the startling changes to his life occurring during that OG. Dark GORE-ILLA had somehow found good in him as he sacrificed himself to save the good GORE-ILLA from certain death. EVIL Scientist Dude was forced to lie about the experience and told his underlings that GORE had murdered Dark GORE himself. And Dark GORE's replacement was MON-KILL, an angry, vengence-seeking gorilla who just wanted GORE dead.

In Christmas Member OG, EVIL Scientist Dude used Team Monkey and his robot, XB-0TT, in his plot to ruin the OGers' Christmas-which failed miserably. Although EVIL Scientist Dude looked like he had been killed by a flood of toxic waste at the climax of Member OG 10, he had actually survived with his upper body body fused to Fred's back. They temporarily called himself FrESD until GORE-ILLA hit them with enough force to split their bodies apart. Afterwards the EVIL Scientist Dude was able to clone himself new legs and a new lease on life.

EVIL Scientist Dude lived through the deaths of the OG Six and somehow wound up caring for their only surviving member-his former archnemisis, GORE-ILLA. He became the caretaker of the quickly aging gorilla until the year 2030, when the two of them and the remaining Team Monkey members went out looking for a new generation of OGers, with photos of the team provided by XB-0TT as its batteries expired. He had to lay low to avoid Team Rocket Omega, who could easily turn him in to Lupus's European empire, which wanted him for treason.

Neutral Timeline[edit]

EVIL Scientist Dude once again went mad in 2004 this time. At the time of the presidential elections, EVIL Scientist Dude formed his own party-Team Monkey-and ran for president. He planned to use his Clone Army to win the war in Iraq, a view that seemed to appeal to the people. But they didn't know that afterward the Clonetroopers would be put to take over the rest of the world. Whether he would have succeeded if elected president is unknown, because he lost the election to Masamune and hasn't shown up since.

Other Appearances[edit]


"MWA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! The hobo will die! And I... WILL RULE... THE WORLD! " -Gamehiker Member OG V: Hobo Meets Girl
"Since we can't do it the fair way... let's try the other way!" -VGF Member OG 2: The Jewel Heist
"What the funk?" -VGF Member OG 3: Subtitle Soon!
"Now to unleash my fiendishly... good (that still doesn't sound right!) plot to... help... the world!" -The OGers: The Third Generation
"My foot fell asleep. What were we doing again?" - The OGers: The Third Generation
"ESD: The Good timeline has you, Lupus. You can take the blue pill, and wake up in your house in your bed, and believe whatever you want to believe. You can take the red pill, and that helps digestion. I've also got Tylenol and Flintstones vitamins if you're into the harder stuff." - Gamehiker Member OG VIII: The Final Parody


See Also[edit]

Characters in Member OG Series
The Good (OG Six): Black Skull Dragoshi - Fusion - GORE-ILLA - Introbulus - SwordMaster - Yami Yoshi
The Ugly: AaronGuy - Cerulea - Chizu - Culex - Gamechamp - Hades - Jim - Kantii - Legion - Lila - Pharoah Yami Yoshi - Saru - Sergeant Shy Guy
The Bad: Akujin - Crap Villain - Dark GORE - Dark Jim - Eerie I - Eerie II - Evil - EVIL Scientist Dude - Fred - Lupus - MON-KILL - Nijuka - Rhyk - Sephnita - Shade - Velvet Monkey - Youma Ganon