Category:Normal Type Pokémon

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There are 80 Normal Type Pokémon of which:

  • 59 are single type.
  • 21 are double type with Normal as their first type.
Bug.gif Dark.gif Dragon.gif Electric.gif Fighting.gif Fire.gif Flying.gif Ghost.gif Grass.gif Ground.gif Ice.gif Normal.gif Poison.gif Psychic.gif Rock.gif Steel.gif Water.gif
Normal.gif - - - - - - 19 - - - - - - 1 - - 1
  • 0 are double type with Normal as their second type.
Bug.gif Dark.gif Dragon.gif Electric.gif Fighting.gif Fire.gif Flying.gif Ghost.gif Grass.gif Ground.gif Ice.gif Normal.gif Poison.gif Psychic.gif Rock.gif Steel.gif Water.gif
Normal.gif - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Attacks used against Normal Type Pokémon are multiplied by:

Bug.gif Dark.gif Dragon.gif Electric.gif Fighting.gif Fire.gif Flying.gif Ghost.gif Grass.gif Ground.gif Ice.gif Normal.gif Poison.gif Psychic.gif Rock.gif Steel.gif Water.gif
Normal.gif x1 x1 x1 x1 x2 x1 x1 x0 x1 x1 x1 x1 x1 x1 x1 x1 x1

Normal Type Moves:

Name Type Category PP Power Accuracy Gen. Contest
Acupressure Normal.gif Status.gif 30 IV Cool.gif
Assist Normal.gif Status.gif 20 100% III Cute.gif
Attract Normal.gif Status.gif 15 100% II Cute.gif
Barrage Normal.gif Physical.gif 20 15 85% I Tough.gif
Baton Pass Normal.gif Status.gif 40 II Cute.gif
Belly Drum Normal.gif Status.gif 10 II Cute.gif
Bide Normal.gif Physical.gif 10 Varies 100% I Tough.gif
Bind Normal.gif Physical.gif 20 15 75% I Tough.gif
Block Normal.gif Status.gif 5 100% III Cute.gif
Body Slam Normal.gif Physical.gif 15 85 100% I Tough.gif
Camouflage Normal.gif Status.gif 20 100% III Smart.gif
Captivate Normal.gif Status.gif 20 100% IV Beauty.gif
Charm Normal.gif Status.gif 20 100% II Cute.gif
Comet Punch Normal.gif Physical.gif 15 18 85% I Tough.gif
Constrict Normal.gif Physical.gif 35 10 100% I Tough.gif
Conversion Normal.gif Status.gif 30 I Beauty.gif
Conversion2 Normal.gif Status.gif 30 100% II Beauty.gif
Copycat Normal.gif Status.gif 20 IV Cool.gif
Covet Normal.gif Physical.gif 40 40 100% III Cute.gif
Crush Claw Normal.gif Physical.gif 10 75 95% III Cool.gif
Crush Grip Normal.gif Physical.gif 5 Varies 100% IV Tough.gif
Cut Normal.gif Physical.gif 30 50 95% I Cool.gif
Defense Curl Normal.gif Status.gif 40 I Cute.gif
Disable Normal.gif Status.gif 20 55% I Smart.gif
Dizzy Punch Normal.gif Physical.gif 10 70 100% I Cool.gif
Double Hit Normal.gif Physical.gif 10 35 90% IV Smart.gif
Double Team Normal.gif Status.gif 15 I Cool.gif
Double-Edge Normal.gif Physical.gif 15 120 100% I Tough.gif
Doubleslap Normal.gif Physical.gif 10 15 85% I Tough.gif
Egg Bomb Normal.gif Physical.gif 10 100 75% I Tough.gif
Encore Normal.gif Status.gif 5 100% II Cute.gif
Endeavor Normal.gif Physical.gif 5 Varies 100% III Tough.gif
Endure Normal.gif Status.gif 10 II Tough.gif
Explosion Normal.gif Physical.gif 5 250 100% I Beauty.gif
Extremespeed Normal.gif Physical.gif 5 80 100% II Cool.gif
Facade Normal.gif Physical.gif 20 70 100% III Cute.gif
Fake Out Normal.gif Physical.gif 10 40 100% III Cute.gif
False Swipe Normal.gif Physical.gif 40 40 100% II Cool.gif
Feint Normal.gif Physical.gif 10 50 100% IV Beauty.gif
Flail Normal.gif Physical.gif 15 Varies 100% II Cute.gif
Flash Normal.gif Status.gif 20 70% I Beauty.gif
Focus Energy Normal.gif Status.gif 30 I Cool.gif
Follow Me Normal.gif Status.gif 20 100% III Cute.gif
Foresight Normal.gif Status.gif 40 100% II Smart.gif
Frustration Normal.gif Physical.gif 20 Varies 100% II Cute.gif
Fury Attack Normal.gif Physical.gif 20 15 85% I Cool.gif
Fury Swipes Normal.gif Physical.gif 15 18 80% I Tough.gif
Giga Impact Normal.gif Physical.gif 5 150 90% IV Beauty.gif
Glare Normal.gif Status.gif 30 75% I Tough.gif
Growl Normal.gif Status.gif 40 100% I Cute.gif
Growth Normal.gif Status.gif 40 I Beauty.gif
Guillotine Normal.gif Physical.gif 5 OHKO 30% I Cool.gif
Harden Normal.gif Status.gif 30 I Tough.gif
Headbutt Normal.gif Physical.gif 15 70 100% I Tough.gif
Heal Bell Normal.gif Status.gif 5 II Beauty.gif
Helping Hand Normal.gif Status.gif 20 100% III Smart.gif
Hidden Power Normal.gif Special.gif 15 Varies 100% II Smart.gif
Horn Attack Normal.gif Physical.gif 25 65 100% I Cool.gif
Horn Drill Normal.gif Physical.gif 5 OHKO 30% I Cool.gif
Howl Normal.gif Status.gif 40 III Cool.gif
Hyper Beam Normal.gif Special.gif 5 150 90% I Cool.gif
Hyper Fang Normal.gif Physical.gif 15 80 90% I Cool.gif
Hyper Voice Normal.gif Special.gif 10 90 100% III Cool.gif
Judgement Normal.gif Special.gif 10 100 100% IV Smart.gif
Last Resort Normal.gif Physical.gif 5 130 100% IV Cute.gif
Leer Normal.gif Status.gif 30 100% I Cool.gif
Lock-On Normal.gif Status.gif 5 100% II Smart.gif
Lovely Kiss Normal.gif Status.gif 10 75% I Beauty.gif
Lucky Chant Normal.gif Status.gif 30 IV Cute.gif
Me First Normal.gif Status.gif 20 IV Cute.gif
Mean Look Normal.gif Status.gif 5 100% II Beauty.gif
Mega Kick Normal.gif Physical.gif 5 120 75% I Cool.gif
Mega Punch Normal.gif Physical.gif 20 80 85% I Tough.gif
Metronome Normal.gif Status.gif 10 I Cute.gif
Milk Drink Normal.gif Status.gif 10 II Cute.gif
Mimic Normal.gif Status.gif 10 100% I Cute.gif
Mind Reader Normal.gif Status.gif 5 100% II Smart.gif
Minimize Normal.gif Status.gif 20 I Cute.gif
Moonlight Normal.gif Status.gif 5 II Beauty.gif
Morning Sun Normal.gif Status.gif 5 II Beauty.gif
Natural Gift Normal.gif Physical.gif 15 Varies 100% IV Cool.gif
Nature Power Normal.gif Status.gif 20 95% III Beauty.gif
Odor Sleuth Normal.gif Status.gif 40 100% III Smart.gif
Pain Split Normal.gif Status.gif 20 100% II Smart.gif
Pay Day Normal.gif Physical.gif 20 40 100% I Smart.gif
Perish Song Normal.gif Status.gif 5 II Beauty.gif
Pound Normal.gif Physical.gif 35 40 100% I Tough.gif
Present Normal.gif Physical.gif 15 Varies 90% II Cute.gif
Protect Normal.gif Status.gif 10 II Cute.gif
Psych Up Normal.gif Status.gif 10 II Smart.gif
Quick Attack Normal.gif Physical.gif 30 40 100% I Cool.gif
Rage Normal.gif Physical.gif 20 20 100% I Cool.gif
Rapid Spin Normal.gif Physical.gif 40 20 100% II Cool.gif
Razor Wind Normal.gif Special.gif 10 80 100% I Cool.gif
Recover Normal.gif Status.gif 10 I Smart.gif
Recycle Normal.gif Status.gif 10 100% III Smart.gif
Refresh Normal.gif Status.gif 20 100% III Cute.gif
Return Normal.gif Physical.gif 20 Varies 100% II Cute.gif
Roar Normal.gif Status.gif 20 100% I Cool.gif
Rock Climb Normal.gif Physical.gif 20 90 85% IV Cool.gif
Safeguard Normal.gif Status.gif 25 II Beauty.gif
Scary Face Normal.gif Status.gif 10 90% II Tough.gif
Scratch Normal.gif Physical.gif 35 40 100% I Tough.gif
Screech Normal.gif Status.gif 40 85% I Smart.gif
Secret Power Normal.gif Physical.gif 20 70 100% III Smart.gif
Selfdestruct Normal.gif Physical.gif 5 200 100% I Beauty.gif
Sharpen Normal.gif Status.gif 30 I Cute.gif
Sing Normal.gif Status.gif 15 55% I Cute.gif
Sketch Normal.gif Status.gif 1 II Smart.gif
Skull Bash Normal.gif Physical.gif 15 100 100% I Tough.gif
Slack Off Normal.gif Status.gif 10 100% III Cute.gif
Slam Normal.gif Physical.gif 20 80 75% I Tough.gif
Slash Normal.gif Physical.gif 20 70 100% I Cool.gif
Sleep Talk Normal.gif Status.gif 10 II Cute.gif
Smellingsalt Normal.gif Physical.gif 10 60 100% III Smart.gif
Smokescreen Normal.gif Status.gif 20 100% I Smart.gif
Snore Normal.gif Special.gif 15 40 100% II Cute.gif
Softboiled Normal.gif Status.gif 10 100% I Beauty.gif
Sonicboom Normal.gif Special.gif 20 Fixed 90% I Cool.gif
Spike Cannon Normal.gif Physical.gif 15 20 100% I Cool.gif
Spit Up Normal.gif Special.gif 10 100 100% III Tough.gif
Splash Normal.gif Status.gif 40 I Cute.gif
Stockpile Normal.gif Status.gif 20 III Tough.gif
Stomp Normal.gif Physical.gif 20 65 100% I Tough.gif
Strength Normal.gif Physical.gif 15 80 100% I Tough.gif
Struggle Normal.gif Physical.gif 1 50 100% I Cool.gif
Substitute Normal.gif Status.gif 10 I Smart.gif
Super Fang Normal.gif Physical.gif 10 Varies 90% I Tough.gif
Supersonic Normal.gif Status.gif 20 55% I Smart.gif
Swagger Normal.gif Status.gif 15 90% II Cute.gif
Swallow Normal.gif Status.gif 10 III Tough.gif
Sweet Kiss Normal.gif Status.gif 10 75% II Cute.gif
Sweet Scent Normal.gif Status.gif 20 100% II Cute.gif
Swift Normal.gif Special.gif 20 60 I Cool.gif
Swords Dance Normal.gif Status.gif 30 I Beauty.gif
Tackle Normal.gif Physical.gif 35 35 95% I Tough.gif
Tail Whip Normal.gif Status.gif 30 100% I Cute.gif
Take Down Normal.gif Physical.gif 20 90 85% I Tough.gif
Teeter Dance Normal.gif Status.gif 20 100% III Cute.gif
Thrash Normal.gif Physical.gif 20 90 100% I Tough.gif
Tickle Normal.gif Status.gif 20 100% III Cute.gif
Transform Normal.gif Status.gif 10 I Smart.gif
Tri Attack Normal.gif Special.gif 10 80 100% I Beauty.gif
Trump Card Normal.gif Special.gif 5 Varies IV Cool.gif
Uproar Normal.gif Special.gif 10 50 100% III Cute.gif
Vicegrip Normal.gif Physical.gif 30 55 100% I Tough.gif
Weather Ball Normal.gif Special.gif 10 50 100% III Smart.gif
Whirlwind Normal.gif Status.gif 20 100% I Smart.gif
Wish Normal.gif Status.gif 10 100% III Cute.gif
Wrap Normal.gif Physical.gif 20 15 85% I Tough.gif
Wring Out Normal.gif Special.gif 5 Varies 100% IV Smart.gif
Yawn Normal.gif Status.gif 10 100% III Cute.gif

Normal Type Attacks used against Pokémon Types are multiplied by:

Bug.gif Dark.gif Dragon.gif Electric.gif Fighting.gif Fire.gif Flying.gif Ghost.gif Grass.gif Ground.gif Ice.gif Normal.gif Poison.gif Psychic.gif Rock.gif Steel.gif Water.gif
Normal.gif x1 x1 x1 x1 x1 x1 x1 x0 x1 x1 x1 x1 x1 x1 x0.5 x0.5 x1